英语人>词典>汉英 : 王道 的英文翻译,例句
王道 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

kingly way · benevolent government · Don Wong
更多网络例句与王道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the "Sep.18",in order to strengthen its colonial rule in the northeast of China,besides the ways of Fascism rule,economic rein ,military suppression,the Japanese Military took the policy of deceiving the state,"the unity of Japan and Manchuria",and "PuYi's Imperial Edict"to benumb the mind of northeast people,and made the conscience of the nation vanished.


David Christiansen is of the opinion Generalist first, specialists last.

David Christiansen认为:使用通才而不是专家,这才是王道

Chromaticism is the only way.


The person that decorticate says: No matter play what game, put in a word 's charge finally: The person just is kingcraft more.


Can withstand test, a great storms of classics, later again great difficulty also with respect to it doesn't matter, do not experience harships why to see rainbow, adage, but very practical, with be an upright person, the affront of withstand others, invective do not put in the eye, although your genuflect is in the ground,go up later, many taller than others also, many high, everybody tries hard together, holding to ability is kingcraft!


We will not pass through field or through vineyard, nor will we drink water from any well; we will go along the King's Highway, not turning aside to the right or to the left, until we pass through your territory.


I beseech thee that I may have leave to pass through thy land: we will not go aside into the fields or the vineyards, we will not drink waters of the wells, we will go the king's highway, till we be past thy borders.


Content is kingcraft, a lot of people had said.


It is us above all the content that says normally is kingcraft.


There is kingcraft both in heaven and on earth, and the universe is also a universe of kingcraft.


更多网络解释与王道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fallen Angel:天使

绝对赞成楼主的意见,坚决保卫我们心中的堕天使Lori, C公司要拍片就继续拍Edgar和Lori的堕天使(Fallen Angel)系列,拍N部我们都掏腰包支持, 那些什么3p, Np片片丢进太平洋去吧, 不要来烦我们的Lori~~~" by--Edgar-Lori王道这次的拍摄场地布置成了校园医务室的模样,

Finally feel at ease:最终释怀

轮回 ROTATION | 最终释怀 Finally feel at ease | 运动才是王道 Sport rocks


还有种族、文明、地域、道德(公理、王道)等超民族主义的意识形态. 民族主义并不是缔造近代国家的唯一的意识形态要素. 认清这一点,有助于我们从民族主义的"想象"(fiction)和"本原"(origin)这两个维度重新审视在帝国主义时代中国的近代是怎样形成的这一问题.




他们则问我"霸权主义(Hegemony)是什么意思呀?霸权主义不是蛮好的吗?"因为在英语里,"Hegemony"并非贬义,带有"领导"(Leadership)的意思. 实际上,从辞源上看,西方"霸权"的概念较类似於我们的"王道"说法而"帝国"类似於"霸道".

First guy I killed, Mr Kersey:我干掉的第一个人 Kersey先生

- Vampaneze rule! - Juicy!|- 吸血魔才是王道! - 水嫩! | First guy I killed, Mr Kersey.|我干掉的第一个人 Kersey先生 | Blood just gets me going, you know what I mean?|鲜血让我充满力量 你懂我的意思吧?

King's Highway:王道

以东境内有两条当时的交通要道──亦即王道(King's Highway)和沿亚拉巴谷修筑的路. 由於以东是控制南北贸易的枢纽,它的国库因此十分富足,但也因而成为他国攻击的目标. 圣经描写以东人是以扫的后裔(创三十六,特别是1和9节),


kingbolt 大螺栓 | kingcraft 王道 | kingcraft 治国之术


kingbolt /中枢梢/大螺栓/ | kingcraft /治国之术/王道/ | kingcup /金凤花/

And swindlers who works like kings:(骗子行于王道)

Gets caught in a mechanism(人便身陷牢笼)- | And swindlers who works like kings(骗子行于王道)- | And broke those who break everything(掮客毁世摧心)-