英语人>词典>汉英 : 王朝的统治 的英文翻译,例句
王朝的统治 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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They were organized to interfere in the French Revolution frenziedly.


Originally a Celtic settlement it became the official residence of the house of Hapsburg in 1278 and a leading cultural center in the 18th century particularly under the reign (1740-1780) of Maria Theresa.


The History of Modern Italy begins in the year 1848 as revolution ended the old Hapsburg Empire. It would be the Kingdom Piedmont who would take advantage.


The Shah Dynasty found then lasted until now. Nepal was invaded by Britain in 1814 and forced to cede a vast expanse of territory to India which was controled by Britain at that time. Its diplomacy was supervised by Britain as well. During the period from 1846 to 1950 Nepal was controled by Rana Family . The fight aganist it intrigued by Nepali Congress brought the dormination of Rana Family to an end, and constitutional monarchy was put into practice. In February of 1959 ,Mahemdra Bir Bikram Shah Dev issued the first constitution of Nepal, the New Constitution was issued in 1962. Birendra , Bir Bikram Shah Dev ascended throne in1972, he dismissed the National Panchayat in the April 16, 1990,and he also issued the third constitution in Nov ember of the same year. Then the multi-party of constitutional monarchy was set up.


The principle of"Chinesesystem but Weatern Practice"that they insisted only meant to adopt westerncountries'practice in military,technology and legal system but without thechange of autocracy and hierarchy of Qing Dynasty.


The first documented mention of Hanover dates from the year 1150. Its charter as a city was confirmed in 1241, and in 1636 it was proclaimed the capital of the Welf dynasty.


The first doc-umented mention of Hanover dates from the year 1150. Its charter as a city was confirmed in 1241, and in 1636 it was proclaimed the capital of the Welf dynasty.


First, as a Turkic people Abbasid mercenaries, after which the rule of this dynasty.


He ruled for just two years but founded Egypts 19th dynasty, which included Ramses II, who was on the throne for several decades.


He ruled for just two years but founded Egypt's 19th dynasty, which included Ramses II, who was on the throne for several decades.


更多网络解释与王朝的统治相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为了废除封建特权,建立一幅由狄德罗(Denis Diderot)、伏尔泰(F.Voltaire)、卢梭(Jean Jacques Rousseau)所描绘的启蒙主义(Didacticism)理想图景,1789年爆发的法国大革命不仅推翻了波旁王朝的封建统治,而且以空前的速度彻底改变了法国的传统秩序,


dynast 君主 | dynastic 朝代的 | dynasticism 王朝的统治


dynastic 朝代的 | dynasticism 王朝的统治 | dynasty 朝代


两卷总帐分装在两只特制的大箱子里,一卷为对开本(folio),760页,另一卷为八开本(octavo),900页. 1154年,亨利一世的外孙亨利二世登基. 由此开始了所谓的"金雀花王朝"(Plantagenet Dynasty)的统治,一直延续到1399年.

Plantagenet dynasty:金雀花王朝

由此开始了所谓的"金雀花王朝"(Plantagenet Dynasty)的统治,一直延续到1399年. 金雀花是亨利二世的父亲(即亨利一世的女婿)的标志,中国人把它叫约翰在位17年(1199-1216)做了三件"大事":一是丢了诺曼底,二是与历史上最有权势的罗马教皇英诺森三世(Innocent III)闹翻,


从他开始的王族称为斯 图亚特(Stuart)王朝,一直统治苏格兰,直到与英格兰合并,而两国王室也通过联姻最终融合为一,传承至今. 战事始于1337年,但大规模的争斗是1340年英国水师击败他们的法国同行而取得制海权之后的事.


所有这些只是用了最简单的工具-斜坡(ramps)、滚木和杠杆,而没有任何滑轮(pulleys)和钢筋. 与美索不达米亚不同,古代埃及文明的类型属于帝制统治而非城邦. 它的稳固和持久性来源于这个国家的地理形态. 这里有被王朝长期统治的河谷地带.

Romanov dynasty:罗曼诺夫王朝

国家杜马通过合法程序选举临时政府(Russian Provisional Government). 俄罗斯资产阶级的"二月革命"获得成功. 国家杜马以准西方的民主议会形式,没有流血就完成了政权交接,结束了俄罗斯的罗曼诺夫王朝(Romanov Dynasty)长达三百多年的封建统治.

House of Habsburg:哈布斯堡王朝

15-20世纪,哈布斯堡王朝(House of Habsburg)是欧洲的重要王朝之一. 哈布斯堡王室从1526年起统治着匈牙利和波希米亚,保持对他们的控制直至1918年. 玛丽亚.特蕾西亚(Maria Theresa)是神圣罗马帝国皇帝查理六世(Charle VI)的长女. 查理六世因为无嗣,


西藏人的西夏王朝自己宣布为甘肃 (Kansu) 走廊和鄂尔多斯地区的主人,摆脱了中国人的统治,击败了宋朝军队. 1044 年中国还答应了一个向西夏进贡的和平条约. 在南面,宋朝失去了红河三角洲,这一地区的安南(Annam,