英语人>词典>汉英 : 猜想 的英文翻译,例句
猜想 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
allow  ·  allows  ·  conjecture  ·  daresay  ·  guess  ·  reckon  ·  suppose  ·  suspect  ·  suspected  ·  guessing  ·  allowing  ·  conjectured  ·  conjectures  ·  conjecturing  ·  guessed  ·  guesses  ·  reckoned  ·  reckons  ·  supposes  ·  suspecting  ·  suspects  ·  suppositions  ·  conject.

更多网络例句与猜想相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It consists of the next three aspects: firstly, we study Murthys' open problem whether the augmented matrix is a Q0-matrix for an arbitary square matrix A , provide an affirmable answer to this problem , obtain the augmented matrix of a sufficient matrix is a sufficient matrix and prove the Graves algorithm can be used to solve linear complementarity problem with bisymmetry Po-matrices; Secondly, we study Murthys' conjecture about positive semidefinite matrices and provide some sufficient conditions such that a matrix is a positive semidefinite matrix, we also study Pang's conjecture , obtain two conditions when R0-matrices and Q-matrices are equivelent and some properties about E0 ∩ Q-matrices; Lastly, we give a counterexample to prove Danao's conjecture that if A is a Po-matrix, A ∈ E' A ∈ P1* is false, point out some mistakes of Murthys in [20] , obtain when n = 2 or 3, A ∈ E' A ∈ P1*, i.e.


But they have no knowledge therein. They follow nothing but conjecture; and conjecture avails nothing against Truth.


The proposed model is applied to finding complex eigenpairs and zeros of cmplex polynomials. 5. We study Baldi and Hornik's conjecture on Oja PCA neural algorithm, and give an energy function for one-unit Oja rule.


Secondly, a conjecture about the stability for these systems is proposed based on the sufficient and necessary condition of the isolated transfer function being positive real. When the zeros and poles of the transfer functions lie in the imaginary axis, a known conclusion is derived from the conjecture; while the zeros and poles are on the real axis, a new result is obtained and is proved in this note. Finally, according to the conjecture, an example with poles existing on the complex plane is presented, which is not only interesting but also challenging.

然后, 基于所有孤立部分传递函数都正实的充分必要条件给出了上述系统为稳定的一个猜想,当传递函数的零极点都位于虚轴上时,由这一猜想得到了一个已知的结论;当传递函数的零极点都位于实轴上时,由这一猜想得到了一个新的结论,本文证明该结论是正确的;最后,根据这一猜想,给出了传递函数极点位于复平面的一个例子,它涉及到一类系数矩阵为时变正定矩阵的振动方程的稳定性问题,值得去深入研究。

It is true,……What I guess'd when I loaf'd on the grass,What I guess'd while I lay alone in my bed, And again as I walk'd the beach under the paling stars of themorning.


The major technique to get the information of structure of those free groups is to sudy the action of automorphisms on them. In this paper we show that every normal automorphism of a nontrivial free product of groups is inner as well. Traub[16] made a purely algebraic conjecture and showed that it implied Poincare"s Conjecture. He also showed that Poincare"s Conjecture implied this algebraic conjecture modulo another topological hypothesis.


Afterward Waldhausen ([7]) showed that this topological hypothesis was true. Besides, Stallings ([11]) gave another conjecture that was equivalent to Poincare"s Conjecture. Thus we know both conjectures made respec- tively by Traub and Stallings are equivalent to Poincare"s Conjecture.


Second, we think about the Conjecture(Conjecture8.7,Conjecture8.23;[2]Conjec-ture2.3) and prove that some particular ideals have the same graded Betti numbers via shifting operations,that s,.if is a simpcial complex and I is a monomial ideal generated in one degree,we have that...


Second, we think about the Conjecture(Conjecture8.7,Conjecture8.23;[2]Conjec-ture2.3) and prove that some particular ideals have the same graded Betti numbers via shifting operations,thats,.if is a simpcial complex and I is a monomial ideal generated in one degree,we have that ij = ij, for i.j.


S.O.S Jonas Brothers lyrics By Larry Cheng I told you I made dinner plans for you and and me and no one else that don't include your crazy friends well I'm done with awkward situations empty conversations oooh, this is an S.O.

先说翻译:我告诉你我有了晚餐的计划只有你和我不包括你那些疯狂的朋友好了,我已经做好了准备面对这尴尬而空洞的对话 oooh ,这是一个求救信号不要再去猜想这是底线这是真的我将一切给你可现在,我的心脏碎成了两半而我无法找到另一半我就像走在碎玻璃上我相信在流血这将是一个我永远也不会接的电话因此,这个故事将在此完结对于这次失败的交流我放弃了 oooh ,这是一个求救信号不要再去猜想这是底线这是真的我将一切给你可现在,我的心脏碎成了两半而我无法找到另一半我就像走在碎玻璃上我相信在流血这将是一个我永远也不会接的电话当我再次见到你我不能再和你紧紧相拥因为那再也不可能了这只是奢望 oooh ,这是一个求救信号不要再去猜想这是底线这是真的我将一切给你可现在,我的心脏碎成了两半是啊!

更多网络解释与猜想相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

artin conjecture:阿廷猜想

artin conductor 阿廷前导子 | artin conjecture 阿廷猜想 | artin reciprocity law 阿廷互反禄


conj | 连接词, 连词 | conjecturable | 可推测的,可猜想的 | conjectural | 推测的, 好推测的

conjectural realism:猜想实在论

confirmation确认 | conjectural realism猜想实在论 | conjecture猜想


甚至在"阿拉斯加"一侧的"尤比克语"(Yup'ik)中,还保留了为数不少的"通古斯归纳和推测了古代姓氏中"公"字的音值. 在各种科学方法中,"猜想"(conjecture)是一种重要的"假设"手段,它不一定能为"推理"(deduction)的方法所求证,但却为无数的事实


abject 卑劣,卑屈,可耻的 | conjecture 推测,猜想,推测,猜想 | deject 使沮丧

Kaplan-Yorke conjecture:卡普兰-约克猜想

Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, KS entropy KS熵 | Kaplan-Yorke conjecture 卡普兰-约克猜想 | Cantor set 康托尔集

poincare conjecture:庞加莱猜想

而>杂志近日的一篇文章则把他描绘成,试图在解决有关空间结构的"庞加莱猜想"(Poincare Conjecture)这个世纪难题的成果中沽名钓誉. 不过,>的文章指出,所有人都认为丘成桐是当代最伟大的数学家之一. 加州大学数学家格林(Robert Greene)说,


输出样例:(sum.out) 15 18 第二题:哥德巴赫猜想(guess) 1742年6月7日哥德巴赫写信给当时的大数学家欧拉,正式提出了以下的猜想:任何一个大于9的奇数都可以表示成3个质数之和.

suppose that:猜想

suppose sb. to do 猜想某人会做...... | suppose that... 猜想...... | swim to sp. 向......游


penser认为,猜想, | s'imaginer猜想,料想,推测, | juger判断,认为,