英语人>词典>汉英 : 狭窄部分 的英文翻译,例句
狭窄部分 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
narrow  ·  narrower  ·  narrowed

更多网络例句与狭窄部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A little later the waiter brought a tray with tea, toast,butter and marmalade---enough to feed a small army---and went away.


BACKGROUND : In children, the cricoid is considered the narrowest portion of the "funnel-shaped" airway.


My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long.He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.


As the deficiency is getting more severe larger leaf areas become chlorotic, leaving only a narrow area along the midrib green.


Among them, 2 were treated by CO2 laser and the laryngeal cavity was exposed by distending laryngoscope under general anesthesia; 13 were treated by bipedical muscle flap. And 2 were selected by excising the stenosis and jumping together. Results: All of the patients achieved decannulation in the end.


Fixed the provocative locus of genioglossus and its controlling nerve with local anatomy.Estimated obstructive level of pharyngeal cavity by observing muller′s maneuver under fiberolaryngoscope.

结果 :舌后咽平面狭窄或阻塞,所测呼吸紊乱指标均明显下降(P 。0 5 ),血氧饱和度显著提高(P 。0 5 ),临床症状改善;RTBP及腭咽多平面混合狭窄和阻塞仅部分指标改善;PP平面狭窄或阻塞,各指标均无改善;影响睡眠的指标无升高。

objective to investigate the effect of radiography and method of operation on the surgical indication as well as the operation treatment of lumbar disc herniation and lumbar canal stenosis.methods the data of 300 cases with lumbar disc herniation and lumbar canal stenosis were reviewed from jan 1999 to dec 2004.all cases were treated by the method of minimal invasive open operation.the nucleus was resected through an 3.5~4.5cm in length.the sacrospinalis muscle between laminae was stripped partly and the part of upper lamina and the part of medial facet was resected.

目的 探讨影像学检查和手术方法对腰椎间盘突出症和椎管狭窄症手术方式和适应证的影响。方法自1999年1月~2004年12月,为300例腰椎间盘突出症和椎管狭窄症患者实施微创开放式手术,做3.5~4.5cm长的皮肤切口,剥离椎间的部分骶棘肌,咬除部分椎板上缘及小关节内侧缘后,摘除髓核,并根据需要做半椎板或全椎板手术或扩大神经根管和切除肥厚的黄韧带及神经管内的骨性增生。

The clinical data of 133 cases of posterior urethrostenosis, 3 cases of preceding urethrostenosis were analyzed.


The MSDs assemble to form a low conductance (6-10pS) anion-selective pore with deep intracellular and shallow extracellular vestibules separated by a selectivity filter.


Results Reconstructive coronary artery images of 1 patient with severe sinus arrhythmia were not displayed clearly.

结果 在56例行MSCT冠状动脉造影的患者中1例由于患者有严重的窦性心率不齐,重建图像质量欠佳,其余患者均成功显示冠状动脉各主支(左主支、回旋支、前降支右支冠状动脉)及部分3、4级分支,且可显示所有冠状动脉支架的形态、位置,其中18例患者的31个支架术后出现再狭窄,所有行MSCT冠状动脉造影检查的患者无一例出现并发症,所有CT诊断支架术后再狭窄的患者同时行选择性血管造影检查,其中14例患者的25个支架有支架术后再狭窄,CT诊断的准确率为80.65%。

更多网络解释与狭窄部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

close quarters:狭窄(或拥挤)的地方

狭领结/string tie | 狭窄(或拥挤)的地方/close quarters | 下垂部分/loose end




NanoPrecipitation成功的最主要原因在于这些分子包含了亲水性(hydrophilic)及疏水性(hydrophobic)两部分. 不像许多药物复合物都是疏水性,很难经由血液传输而到达目标区. NanoPrecipitation是由两种液体在极狭窄的区域碰撞,

narrow gauge:窄轨的

narrow 狭窄部分 | narrow-gauge 窄轨的 | narrow-minded 气量小的

infundibular stenosis:漏斗状狭窄

infundibulectomy of right ventricle 右心室漏斗部分切除术 | infundibular stenosis 漏斗状狭窄 | infundibular stenosis of right ventricle 右心室漏斗部狭窄

palatoglossal arch:腭舌弓

所谓咽峡(faux),系 由上方的悬雍垂(uvula)和软腭游离缘、下方舌背、两侧腭舌弓(palatoglossal arch)和腭咽弓 (palatopharyngeal arch)所围成的环形狭窄部分.

palatopharyngeal arch:腭咽弓

所谓咽峡,乃上由悬雍垂(uvula)和软腭游离缘、下由舌背以及两侧由腭舌弓(palatoglossal arch)和腭咽弓(palatopharyngeal arch)围成的环形狭窄部分. 腭舌弓和腭咽弓之间为扁桃体窝,(腭)扁桃体即位于其中. 在每侧腭咽弓的后方有纵行条状淋巴组织,


salpingoscopy 咽鼓管镜检查 | salpingostenochoria 咽鼓管狭窄 | salpingostomatomy 输卵管部分切除造口术


salpingostenochoria 咽鼓管狭窄 | salpingostomatomy 输卵管部分切除造口术 | salpingostomy 输卵管复通术 输卵管造口术

narrow way:正直

narrow gauge 铁路窄轨 | narrow way 正直 | narrow 狭窄部分