英语人>词典>汉英 : 狩猎 的英文翻译,例句
狩猎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chase  ·  chevy  ·  hunt  ·  hunting  ·  venery  ·  shikar  ·  chased  ·  chases  ·  hunted  ·  hunts  ·  Hunt

更多网络例句与狩猎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the case of sporting dogs–Airedale and Standard Poodle judges–another requirement should be that the field judges hunt with their dogs as retriever field trials, in particular, have strayed so far into the "circus dog" realm that they bear no resemblance to what dogs need to do when they are actually hunting, the task for which these breeds were historically developed.


There are rich wildlife resources in AksaiKhartengInternationalHuntingGroundGansuProvince, argali and blue sheep are the most trophy.


Hunting an average elevation 3500 ── 4000 meters, the annual average temperature of 6.5 ° c, is a cold desert and hill areas, for hunting animals mammals, five heads of as many as 27 kinds of Section 12, there argali, rock sheep, oh sumatraensis throat, white-lipped deer, wild camels and so on.


And so bow hunting is kind of the modern extension of things like atlatl hunting in which you have hunters out there who are now relying more on skill than they are on marksmanship.


Hunting farms (Chasse à la ferme)–– Activities provided by "Hunting farms" include sport activities, cultural activities, and various hunting-related activities (such as hunting dog training, hunting with traps, and photographic hunting).

狩猎农场( Chasse à la ferme )––「狩猎农场」所供应的活动包括运动活动、文化活动、泛狩猎活动(猎狗的训练、使用捕兽器狩猎狩猎照相)等活动。

Our development team quickly followed up on the Break-Up revolution with new specialty patterns that also employed shadows. Shadow Grass was introduced for waterfowl hunting, and instantly became the dominant pattern in duck marshes in every flyway. Shadow Branch was enthusiastically received by treestand hunters for late-season hunting when the woods lose their autumn color during the early stages of winter.

我们的研发团队很快对Break-Up的追踪采取了变革性的措施,开发了包含阴影元素的更多针对性更强的迷彩图案,Shadow Grass主要用于水禽类狩猎,并很快成为行业中占主导地位的产品,Shadow Branch受到季末狩猎者的狂热追捧,主要用于秋末初冬时节,以树为主要隐藏点的狩猎者,那时树木在秋季呈现的颜色也逐渐褪去,一点一点枯萎。

Early in the development of the costumes, elaborate costumes is to show status and wealth, to the late 18th century, the British gentleman's dress became the model for all the men dress, because hunting is a sport that people have a vast land, the hunters have Great reputation, the 19th century sportswear limited to hunting, archery, bowling ball recovery, with a modern look at these sports apparel is not functional, but they slow the evolution of the direction is more useful, a symbol of participation in sports People have enough leisure time for entertainment, clothing suitable for strenuous exercise changes become perfectly acceptable to the facts.


Xii, which seems to imply that not all hunting is illicit, and canonists generally make a distinction declaring noisy hunting unlawful but not quiet hunting.


This paper compares international safari and ecotourism in areas like fundamental concepts,activity bases,activity styles,tourist behaviors,and tourist attitudes,etc.,discusses the relationship between international safari and ecotourism,and argues that international safari is a special ecotourist activity characteristic of ad venture and competition and is a tourist model which can develop sustainably.


Hunting unlimited 2008 - Jump Right Into the addictive hunting game with Hunting Unlimited 2008!

狩猎无限的2008年-跳转到上瘾的狩猎游戏与狩猎无限的2 008年!

更多网络解释与狩猎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

game license:狩猎许可证

game laws 狩猎规则 | game license 狩猎许可证 | game plan 策略

hunting and fishing lodge manager:狩猎和捕鱼部门经理

? 酒店运营商 hotel operator | ? 狩猎和捕鱼部门经理 hunting and fishing lodge manager | ? 狩猎营地运营商 hunting camp operator


外表形态比赛称号:冠军(CH)服从性比赛称号:伴侶犬(CD)优秀伴侶犬(CDX)应用犬(UD)服从性竞赛冠军(OTCH)优秀应用犬(UDX)打猎比赛称号:初级猎犬(JH) 高级猎犬(SH) 特级猎犬(MH)野外狩猎称号:野外狩猎冠军(FC) 全国野外狩猎冠军(NFC) 业余野外狩猎冠军

Open Season:(狩猎季)

目前索尼公司也开始进军动画电影,他们的最新CG电影>(Open Season)将于9月与观众见面. 这部电影主要讲述了一头熊和一只鹿在狩猎的季节里,互相结为伙伴,一起逃避狩猎者追杀的冒险故事. 先来看看电影中的一些图片,




shiite /希得派的教徒/ | shikar /狩猎/打猎/ | shikaree /猎人/狩猎家/狩猎泣导/


shikaree /猎人/狩猎家/狩猎泣导/ | shikari /猎人/狩猎家/狩猎泣导/ | shikarry /猎人/狩猎家/狩猎泣导/

shooting box:猎屋,狩猎小屋,狩猎小屋

fixture 刨光板夹具 | shooting box 猎屋,狩猎小屋,狩猎小屋 | shooting brake 电视车


ROPE = 狩猎季节(美) | ROPP = 狩猎季节(欧) | ROQE = 巴洛克(美)


shikar /狩猎/打猎/ | shikaree /猎人/狩猎家/狩猎泣导/ | shikari /猎人/狩猎家/狩猎泣导/