英语人>词典>汉英 : 狂妄地 的英文翻译,例句
狂妄地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与狂妄地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have unfortunately seen many so-called matial arts "masters" whose character has not been so high, or have become overly rough and corse.


In view of the fact that he consciously and deliberately aimed at innovation or reforming, it would certainly be difficult to exculpate him entirely or declare that his attitude was in no wise presumptuous and rash; but impartial history may and should take into account the peculiar atmosphere created about him by the still smouldering controversies on Baianism and the widespread prejudices against the Roman Curia.


This being bawls scoffs ridicules fights, has rags like a baby tatters like a philosopher, fishes in the sewer, hunts in the cesspool, extracts mirth from foulness, whips up the squares with his wit, grins bites, whistles sings, shouts, shrieks, tempers Alleluia with Matantur-lurette, chants every rhythm from the De Profundis to the Jack-pudding, finds without seeking, knows what he is ignorant of, is a Spartan to the point of thieving, is mad to wisdom, is lyrical to filth, would crouch down on Olympus, wallows in the dunghill emerges from it covered with stars.


He had a mania for being in the right.


There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false and perfidious.


To stop acting or speaking foolishly or pretentiously.


Some have unwisely chosen to test America's


A young man is so strong,so mad,os certain,and so lost.he has every thing and he is able to use nothing.he hurls the great shoulder of his strength forever against phantantasmal barriers,he is a wave egose power explodes in lost mind-oceans under timeless skies,he reaches out to grip a fume of painted smoke , he wants nothing.in the end,he is destroyed by this own wealth.devoughtless of money or the accumulation of material possessions,he is none the less defeated in the end by his own gerrd a grees that makes the avarice.


Under the Pyramid of Egypt, she was dancing the belly dance which made visitors burst into belly laugh thenhurried away, only one person left behind who was watching her with loud handclaps


As tomboys, we admired from afar, but jeered boldly close-up since we didn't think Dan would give us the time of day.


更多网络解释与狂妄地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bumptiously:冒失地, 自以为是地, 狂妄地 (副)

bumptious 瞎自夸的, 傲慢的, 瞎自大的 (形) | bumptiously 冒失地, 自以为是地, 狂妄地 (副) | bumpy 颠簸的; 崎岖不平的 (形)

conceitedly:自满地 (副)

conceit 自负, 狂妄, 空想 (名) | conceitedly 自满地 (副) | conceitedness 自负, 骄傲自大 (名)


crankily 任性地 | crankiness 狂妄 | crankish 古怪的

crankiness:狂妄, 古怪, 偏执

crankily | 任性地, 暴躁地, 摇晃不定地, 古怪地 | crankiness | 狂妄, 古怪, 偏执 | cranking lever | 起动曲柄

crankiness:任性; 弯曲; 容易倾斜; 古怪 (名)

crankily 胡思乱想地, 狂妄地; 摇晃不定地 (副) | crankiness 任性; 弯曲; 容易倾斜; 古怪 (名) | crankshaft 机轴 (名)


unscrupulously 不客气地 | unscrupulousness 狂妄 | unseal 开启


crankcase /曲轴箱/ | crankily /胡思乱想地/狂妄地/摇晃不定地/ | crankle /弯来扭去/七弯八曲/弯扭/弯曲/弯拐/

crankily:任性地, 暴躁地, 摇晃不定地, 古怪地

crankery | 怪诞念头, 脾气古怪者的行为和想法 | crankily | 任性地, 暴躁地, 摇晃不定地, 古怪地 | crankiness | 狂妄, 古怪, 偏执

crankily:胡思乱想地, 狂妄地; 摇晃不定地 (副)

crankcase 曲柄轴箱 (名) | crankily 胡思乱想地, 狂妄地; 摇晃不定地 (副) | crankiness 任性; 弯曲; 容易倾斜; 古怪 (名)

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore:那伙曾狂妄地诅咒战乱的洗劫

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. 飘扬在自由的... | And where is that band who so vauntingly swore 那伙曾狂妄地诅咒战乱的洗劫 | That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion, 将使我...