英语人>词典>汉英 : 犹太教会堂 的英文翻译,例句
犹太教会堂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
synagogue  ·  synagog  ·  schul

更多网络例句与犹太教会堂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His ministry as deacon appears to have been mostly among the Hellenist converts with whom the Apostles were at first less familiar; and the fact that the opposition he met with sprang up in the synagogues of the "Libertines"(probably the children of Jews taken captive to Rome by Pompey in 63 BC and freed hence the name Libertini), and "of the Cyrenians, and of the Alexandrians, and of them that were of Cilicia and Asia" shows that he usually preached among the Hellenist Jews.

他的部作为执事似乎已大多之间hellenist转换成与之使徒保罗起初不太熟悉;事实,那就是反对他会见摆出来,在犹太教会堂的" libertines "(可能是孩子们的犹太人采取圈养罗马由pompey在63公元前获释因此得名利伯蒂尼),和"的cyrenians ,该alexandrians ,以及他们分别的基利家和亚洲",表明他通常会鼓吹之间hellenist犹太人。

The Israelis intend to remove important structures, such as synagogues, but will leave the settlers' homes untouched.


There is a large Jewish community, too, many of them Lubavitcher, with kosher butcxmfish and delicatessens, a large religious school and synagogue, close to the Medina Hammam Center and African grill restaurants like Le Marcory.

那儿也有一个很大的犹太团体,该团体大部分的成员都是犹太教士派成员,那里有很多的犹太牛肉店和熟食店,一个大的宗教学校和犹太教会堂,靠近麦地那桑拿中心和像Le Marcory这样的非洲烤肉馆。

There is a large Jewish community, too, many of them Lubavitcher, with kosher butchers and delicatessens, a large religious school and synagogue, close to the Medina Hammam Center and African grill restaurants like Le Marcory.

那儿也有一个很大的犹太团体,该团体大部分的成员都是犹太教士派成员,那里有很多的犹太牛肉店和熟食店,一个大的宗教学校和犹太教会堂,靠近麦地那桑拿中心和像Le Marcory这样的非洲烤肉馆。

The exhibition overflows with surprising hybrids, such as a Mamluk carpet woven with a menorah from a synagogue in Padua and the first printed Koran, made in Venice for the Turkish market in the 15th century.

展览充溢了另人惊奇的混血品,例如帕多瓦犹太教会堂中织有犹太烛台( menorah ,注2)的马穆鲁克地毯和最早被印刷的《古兰经》,这是15世纪威尼斯为土耳其市场制造的。

Berlin was the centre of Kristallnacht ('Crystal Night', so-called because of the broken glass left on the pavement) from smashed windows in 1938, a vicious pogrom against the city's Jewish population, and many plagues and small museums commemorate the Jewish synagogues and businesses destroyed then – and the tens of thousands deported from Berlin to a horrific death in the concentration camps later.


In subsequent times the congregation was represented by the Sanhedrim; and the name synagogue, applied in the Septuagint version exclusively to the congregation, came to be used to denote the places of worship established by the Jews.


In the USA, 59% of people say they go to church or synagogue at least oncea month.


There is a large Jewish community, too, many of them Lubavitcher, with kosher butcxmfish and delicatessens, a large religious school and synagogue, close to the Medina Hammam Center and African grill restaurants like Le Marcory.

这里,有个大的犹太社区,还有很多犹太教派成员、犹太小贩和犹太熟食店,同时,还有一个大的宗教学校和犹太教会堂,类似于阿拉伯Medina Hammam中心,而Le Marcory则象非洲的烧烤餐馆。

Here, an Orthodox Hasidic Jew walks between two Arab men at the entrance to Hebron's Tomb of the Patriarchs, a sacred shrine that functions as both synagogue and mosque, sometimes in the course of a single day.


更多网络解释与犹太教会堂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有一次我说了'便秘'(constipation)一词,结果挨了一巴掌. 我受不了这种假正经. " 第38节:第三个月:11月 另一个人是壮汉,看起来像码头装卸工人或冰球教练. "我是无神论者的第二代,"他对我说,"我老爸走过教堂或犹太教会堂时就会对它们呸一口.

The Himalayas:喜玛拉雅山脉

]卡梅涅茨目前担任路易斯安那州立大学巴吞鲁日分校(Louisiana State University Baton Rouge)犹太学专业主任. 他在1990年长途跋涉到喜玛拉雅山脉(the Himalayas)去深入研究佛教. 卡梅涅茨目前仍然过犹太教节日,但他不属于任何一所犹太教会堂,并且声称自己不信仰任何一种教派.

Maimonides's principles:迈蒙尼德教义

Torah and Talmud >> | Maimonides's principles 迈蒙尼德教义 | the Synagogue 犹太教会堂

to nourish:(滋养)

synagogue n. 犹太教的会堂;犹太教会堂之聚首(syn=togeter) | 4、al,ol,ul=to nourish(滋养) | aliment v. 营养的;食物;抚养


"会堂"(Synagogue)是犹太人被掳到巴比伦后才开始有的,因那时在异国已无圣殿,犹太人为着聚集敬拜神并聆听神的话,会堂乃在各地应运而生. 主耶稣常在会堂里教训人,乃因会堂里人多. "会堂,"象征犹太教所代表的一切宗教.


布拉格的犹太人博物馆分散在几个犹太教会堂(synagogue)中,连同老墓地和文化中心,构成一条游览路线. 布拉格的犹太区就在伏尔塔瓦河边,紧靠着原共产党时期的捷克斯洛伐克议会大楼,这片区域都是高大的巴洛克式建筑,但是拐进一条小街,

The synagogue:犹太教会堂

Maimonides's principles 迈蒙尼德教义 | the Synagogue 犹太教会堂 | the holocaust 大屠杀

Jewish Synagogue:犹太教会堂

Jewish Monastery -- 犹太修道院 | Jewish Synagogue -- 犹太教会堂 | The Temple of Solomon -- 所罗门圣殿


synaetosis /联并畸形/ | synagogical /犹太人会众的/犹太人会堂的/ | synagogue /犹太人集会/犹太教会堂/

synagog:犹太教堂; 犹太教; 犹太教徒集会 (名)

synaeresis 缩约; 元音省略; 脱水收缩作用 (名) | synagog 犹太教堂; 犹太教; 犹太教徒集会 (名) | synagogue 犹太人集会, 犹太教会堂 (名)