英语人>词典>汉英 : 特别的 的英文翻译,例句
特别的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
especial  ·  exceptional  ·  extraordinaire  ·  extraordinary  ·  particular  ·  peculiar  ·  special  ·  specialised  ·  specialized  ·  unordinary  ·  very  ·  larruping  ·  esp.  ·  spec.

of choice
更多网络例句与特别的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You are one of a kind.


For anelliptic curve E over a number field K,the set of K-rational points of it forma group Evia a special kind of"addition".This group is a finitely gener-ated abelian group,and is named Mordell-Weil group of E/K.


Defined a new combination rule for the vectors of a vector space, obtain a new special group, called Bai-Liang group,which is exchange group, i.e. Aber group.

定义了新的向量结合法的多维向量空间的所有向量,组成了一个特别的BAI-LIANG 群,是交换群,即阿贝尔群。

In essence Eckhardt was saying, You are not special.


"I've done summat pretty special", said the Scouser, I married a Manchester United fan inside the Old Trafford registry office.


Scott Littleton and Linda Malcor suggesting that Arthur himself was a Sarmatian. These "Sarmatian connection" theories were the basis of the film King Arthur. Some see certain connections between Sarmatian legends and customs (such as placing swords in tombstones) and details in the Arthurian legend. However, the obscurity surrounding Castus makes this identification unlikely, as there seems to be little reason for him to have become a major legendary figure. More importantly, Castus and his forces lived hundreds of years before the traditional dates of Arthur's battles, and would have been at best an influence on the growing myth rather than a source. Also, the elements of the Arthurian legends do not all date to the same era.


Elizabeth Ann Buttle had two kids, Belinda and Joseph, which is nothing special in itself.


" The word "biscotti" in Italian is the plural form of biscotto , which applies to any type of biscuit, and originates from the medieval latin word biscoctus , meaning "twice-baked": it defined biscuits baked twice in the oven, so they could be stored for long periods of time, which was particularly useful during journeys and wars."

Biscotto ,我记得以前在屈臣士里买过盒装的,味道当然是美味的,价钱当然也是昂贵的。这种饼干因为加了杏仁等坚果,经过两次烘焙出来后,就特别的香,特别的脆。想想看,在一个暖暖的午后,用刚烤出来的 Biscotto,配上咖啡或者茶,晒着阳光,看着我的地理杂志,呵呵,就是两个字,舒坦。

I had a meal (musk ox burger, nothing special), and decided to skip the Dempster for now and go into Dawson City a few days early.


Well, if you want to try some other cuisine, you can choose either 'Deep Fried Pork with Bean Curd Sauce', 'Cheese Prawn' or 'Special Duck with Ginger'.


更多网络解释与特别的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ad hoc:特别的

在缺乏统一的国际破产规则情形下,国际银行破产法律冲突一般是通过有关当局在实践基础上进行双边合作或法律礼让来解决,然而在存在两个或多个适用明显不同的法律制度的破产程序同时开始的情况下,上述特别的(Ad hoc) 解决方法可能是不够的,

exceptional: commonplace:特别的:普通的

219.excavate: entangle 救出:卷入 | 220.exceptional: commonplace 特别的:普通的 | 221.exhilarate: sadden 使高兴:使悲哀


该文认为,这种分析可以达到三个"特别的"(distinctive)目标. 其一,就同一原文而言,可以创造不同译文之间的相互关系;其二,可以揭示出译者对于原作品、原作者和翻译艺术的见解. 然而,在笔者看来,这两个目标为文学翻译研究所共有,


specialize,特殊化 | especial,特别的,特殊的 | species,种,属,说是也来自'看'


非常可爱的adorable | 特别的extraordinaire | 俊俏的chouette

Nothing in particular:没什么特别的

●Not too much.不怎么好. | ●Nothing in particular.没什么特别的. | ●What's new?有什么新鲜事吗?

It's nothing special:没什么特别的

It's really a great place. 真是个好地方. | It's nothing special. 没什么特别的. | How did you like the performance? 你觉得演出怎么样?

Just as usual:如往常一样,没什么特别的

not one's day "不顺利,不如意,倒霉" | 7 Just as usual.如往常一样,没什么特别的. | Nothing to mention. 没什么值得一提的.

Feta Cheese & Lima Bean Salpicon:蛮特别的菜,味道很好

Feta Cheese & Lima Bean Salpicon - 蛮特别的菜,味道很好! | Salmon Tostadas with Mango-Black bean Salsa - 三文鱼很新... | Watercress, Arugula, Tomato & Radish Salad with Lime Dressing - 非常新鲜美味的沙拉...

You got me a little something something love-in like you never had nothing:你使我获得某种特别的爱,这份爱你绝不会白白付出

An nothing can compare when the feelings is t... | You got me a little something something love-in like you never had nothing 你使我获得某种特别的爱,这份爱你绝不会白白付出 | Frontin just to get up and ...