英语人>词典>汉英 : 特别优良的 的英文翻译,例句
特别优良的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与特别优良的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Enzymic hydrolyzates of gluten showed good water-solubility and emulsibility in the wide range of pH, including near its PI.


Applications A fast curing accelerator for natural, synthetic rubber and latex, it can be used as accelerators of butyl rubber, acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber and EPDM rubber, non-toxic, inodorous, stainless and changeless in colors on products, suitable for coated fabric,.

用途 天然胶、合成胶用超促进剂以及乳胶用一般促进剂。特别适用于对压缩变形有要求的丁基胶和耐老化性能优良的丁腈胶,也适用于三元乙丙胶。

This very high density process is especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance and provide superior switching performance.


The system is comprised of a 10 inch long-throw, heavy-duty woofer with a special suspension to provide excellent excursion capability.

系统被包含一 10 寸长-丢,有一个特别的中止的重-责任低音用喇叭筒提供优良的远足能力。

An object of the present invention is to provide a high-quality biaxially oriented film exhibiting an excellent electromagnetic conversion property, traveling durability, magnetic head traveling performance, etc.


Particularly,the CP content of H.compressa from Caoba is 3.0% higher than that of H.compressa cv.Chonggao.Therefore,there is a promising for H.compressa from Caoba to offer an alternative to be a new variety.By the clustering analysis,all native accessions are classified into four different types,which is helpful to choose and utilize further.


Ti-MWW is more attractive by a comparison with those conventional titanosilicates (TS-1,Ti-MCM-41,et al ) in the epoxidation of linear functionalized alkenes, on which the epoxidation of allyl alcohol to glycidol is one of the most industrial promising processes for benign reaction conditions, high yields of the product and environment friendly.

Ti-MWW 对线性官能烯烃的环氧化具有优良的催化性能,特别是对烯丙醇环氧化制缩水甘油的过程,其反应条件温和,产率高,且对环境友好而最具有工业应用前景。

Even after you return to your activities, it is important that you pay special attention to keeping your quadriceps and hamstrings in good shape, as this is considered an essential part of protecting the ACL.

甚至在你回到你的活动之后,特别注意保持优良的股四头肌和腿筋形状很重要,因为这被视为保护 ACL 的必要部份

By analyzing standard deviations of parameters' differences, it is found that the interdigitated method is indeed superior than the original. Besides, Vth and Muo are inversely proportional to the interdigit's finger numbers, especially the threshold voltage. Therefore, a model is proposed to predict the performance of the interdigitated method, which has high accuracy with the real data.


As a new kind of tool materials, the Ti -based cermets have been widely used in recent years due to many of their good properties.


更多网络解释与特别优良的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


6) 丙烯酸酯橡胶(ACM)是饱和型主链结构的特种橡胶,具有优良的耐热、耐油、耐臭氧、抗紫外线等性能,特别适用于制作耐高温(00℃)热油、含硫及极压添加剂的润滑油类的橡胶制品(如油封、O型圈、垫片、胶管)和暴露于室外的变压器密封制品等.


也含有相当高的饱和脂肪,故不可食用过多;唯有椰子油(请选择质量优良的品牌)则可天天食用,一天仍以不超过三大匙为限. 我特别提起椰子油,是因为它不但不会阻塞血管,还会将脂肪(Adipose)转变为能量,减少油细胞数量,使体重下降.

fish meal:鱼粉

[摘要] 鱼粉(FISH MEAL)用一种或多种鱼类为原料,既是平衡蛋白质和氨基酸的优良动物性蛋白饲料,也是平衡矿物质特别是微量元素的好饲料. 经去油、...[摘要] 鱼粉(FISH MEAL)用一种或多种鱼类为原料,既是平衡蛋白质和氨基酸的优良动物性蛋白饲料,

Ronnie Peterson:彼得森

他被车队抛弃,彼得森(Ronnie Peterson)签约下一年,但这名瑞典人在蒙扎的起跑事故后悲惨丧生. M28参加了赛季的前半部分比赛,威森在阿根廷赢得令人记忆深刻的第三名,特别因为固特异(Goodyear)轮胎的优良表现,遮掩了技术问题的不足. 摩纳哥站,

sophisticated market:精致市场

都因其品质优良稳定,具有一定的特色并能显示消费者的社会地位,故售价远远高出其它同类产品.这种现象特别是在消费水平较高,对品质要求严格的所谓"精致市场"(Sophisticated Market)表现得尤其突出,而一些名牌产品的制造者为了维护商标的声誉,

treat with:处理

沙发面料可分为国产的和进口的,欧美专业厂家生产的沙发专用(special)面料品质优良,色差(chromatism,colour difference)极小,色牢度高,织品无纬斜(skew),特别是一些高档面料为提高防污(prevent)能力,表面还进行了特种(special type)处理(treat with).


榛子,属桦木科(corylaceae)榛属(Corylus)植物,又称山板栗、尖栗、棰子等. 榛子是果材兼用的优良树种. 它果形似栗子,外壳坚硬,果仁肥白而圆,有香气,含油脂量很大,吃起来特别香美,余味绵绵,因此成最为受人们欢迎的坚果类食品之一,


他俩的出生地在马尔 凯(Marche)大区不仅很近,而且乌尔巴尼在意大利的最后工作地点,正是先贤利玛窦的出生地马切拉塔(Macerata)!这里如此人杰地灵英才辈出,是不是有什么特别的优良传统值得追寻?这不禁使我抚今追昔感慨万千.