英语人>词典>汉英 : 牧场的 的英文翻译,例句
牧场的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与牧场的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do you have the things you need to take care of bans barns and pasgtlands pasture lands ?


A genetic test screened DNA mixes of tank milk from 72 DHI herds. Results showed 65 herds had at least one cow carrying BLAD(bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency) defect gene but none of 72 herds had any DUMPS (deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase syndrome) carriers found.

遗传检测72个参加DHI牧场的总乳混合DNA,发现有65 场中仍至少有一头母牛带有淋巴球黏力缺失症(bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency, BLAD基因,但没有发现任何牧场有杂合型的单谱症(Deficiency of Uridine Monophosphate Synthase, DUMPS)泌乳牛。

A rancher by the name of Leslie Stewart, from the 96 Ranch in Nevada, says that the essential skill needed by a buckaroo is "judgment." Good judgment leads to another important trait, the ability to be at "the right place at the right time" when riding and working.


For the first time to the ranch, I was surprised at the green pasture.


In order to reach the systematic fishing production and management needed by marine ranching, the feeding system with remote monitoring was developed.


Rumex nepalensis Spreng is a kind of weed in Alpine rangeland in northwest Yunnan province. It is usually considered as an important representation of grassland degradation.

土大黄Rumex nepalensis Spreng是中国云南滇西北高山牧场的一种蓼科多年生杂草,通常被看作是牧场退化的重要表现之一。

Now outfits like the Z Bar/Spring Hill Ranch set fires each spring to maintain the prairie grasses.


Our findings suggest that the rangelands on the Tibetan Plateau, and the pastoralists who depend on them, may be vulnerable to future climate changes. Grazing can mitigate thenegative warming effects on rangeland quality.


Sheep are good for the land when they feed on grasses. It helps renew pastures and it can keep land from returning to forest.


Sheep may need hay and grains, but pastures with enough grasses and weeds can offen supply much of their diet, sheep are good for the land when they feed on grass, it helps renew pastures and it can keep lands from returning to forest.


更多网络解释与牧场的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cowboy牛仔, 牧童, 美国西部牧人 | cowhand(牧场的)牧牛工 | craven n.懦夫, 胆小鬼, 怯懦者adj.怯懦的, 畏缩的, 胆小的

Mr. Noisy at the Dude Ranch:(度假牧场的聒噪先生)

15. The little green man visits Pine Cone Cove (绿色小人访问松球海湾) | 16. Mr. Noisy at the Dude Ranch (度假牧场的聒噪先生) | 17. Sad Sam and Blue Sue (伤心的塞姆和忧郁的苏)

farmhouse dairy:牧场(里的)乳品加工厂

farmhouse cream牧场(分离的)稀奶油 | farmhouse dairy牧场(里的)乳品加工厂 | functional use功能应用;功能用途

farmhouse cream:牧场(分离的)稀奶油

farmhouse cheese牧场(制作的)干酪 | farmhouse cream牧场(分离的)稀奶油 | farmhouse dairy牧场(里的)乳品加工厂

farmhouse butter:牧场(制作的)奶油;农家奶油

diffuse扩散,渗出 | farmhouse butter牧场(制作的)奶油;农家奶油 | farmhouse cheese牧场(制作的)干酪

Harvest Moon Magical Melody:牧场物语:幸福之诗

牧场物语:幸福之诗(Harvest Moon Magical Melody) 游戏名称:牧场物语 英文名称:Harvest Moon Magical Melody 游戏类型:经营模拟 发售日期:2005年03月03日 游戏人数:1人 游戏平台:Wii NGC 原来在NGC上的幸福之诗是一款自由度很高的牧场物语系列的作品,

Hygeia at the Solito:索利托牧场的卫生学

The Higher Pragmatism 实用主义 | Hygeia at the Solito 索利托牧场的卫生学 | The Hypotheses of Failure 失败的假设


pastrycook /作西点面包的人/ | pasturable /适于作牧场的/ | pasturage /畜牧/牧场/牧草/

till the bank foreclosed:是我家牧场的记号

It's just the brand of the ranch|my family owned|在被银行收去前 | till the bank foreclosed.|是我家牧场的记号 | Beagle, get here.|比格,过来

037. HOME ON THE RANGE:037 牧场的家

300 彼得小兔 300. PETER COTTONTALL | 037 牧场的家 037. HOME ON THE RANGE | 045 空中特技飞人 045. THE MAN ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE