英语人>词典>汉英 : 片脚类动物 的英文翻译,例句
片脚类动物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与片脚类动物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As for what kind of creature grew to that size, the monster does somewhat resemble animals in the amphipod order.


Look into my eyes... look deep into my big black eyes... A striking deep sea-fish called an amphipod crustacean reveals the diversity of sea creatures under the belly of Australia's deep sea world.


Species of a more northern zoogeography,notably the dominant amphipod Bathyporeia sarsi,showed a population collapse during warmer years and a subsequent reversal towards the cooler condition as temperatures decline.

较北部的动物种类,以优势种类片脚类动物Bathyporeia sarsi为代表,当温度升高时该种群面临崩溃;相反,当温度降低时种群恢复到以往水平。

更多网络解释与片脚类动物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amphibology:模棱两可的言辞, 暧昧的词句

amphibious两栖的 | amphibology模棱两可的言辞, 暧昧的词句 | amphipod片脚类动物


amphiplatyan vertebra | 两平椎 | amphiploid | 具有双倍体的 | amphipod | 片脚类动物


这是片脚类动物(Amphipod)的一种扁跳虾,它们的特点是身体呈虾一样弯曲状态,桡脚类动物(Copepods)身体是直的,更像非常小的虫子. 片脚类动物很常见. 它们是礁岩水族的安全生物.


amphipod 片脚类动物 | amphiprostyle 建筑 | amphisbaena 两头蛇

amphiprostyle tetrastyle:双面四柱式

amphipod | 片脚类动物 | amphiprostyle tetrastyle | 双面四柱式 | amphiprostyle | 前后两排柱而两边无柱的建筑

with a nucleolytic subdermal membrane:长有溶核活性皮下薄膜

They are unicellular amphipods|他们单细胞片脚类动物 | with a nucleolytic subdermal membrane|长有溶核活性皮下薄膜 | and capable of complete chromodynamic distortion.|能够使染色体变形

They are unicellular amphipods:他们单细胞片脚类动物

No.|没有 | They are unicellular amphipods|他们单细胞片脚类动物 | with a nucleolytic subdermal membrane|长有溶核活性皮下薄膜


青蛙(Mandarins)和隆头鱼(Wrasses)尤为喜欢这种小型的甲壳纲动物. 在成熟的藻缸中,会有很多这样的小虫子. 这是片脚类动物(Amphipod)的一种扁跳虾,它们的特点是身体呈虾一样弯曲状态,桡脚类动物(Copepods)身体是直的,更像非常小的虫子.