英语人>词典>汉英 : 爱宠 的英文翻译,例句
爱宠 的英文翻译、例句


make a pet of sb.
更多网络例句与爱宠相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He hardly ever left the house now and became as much one of its inmates as the little dog Bijou.


Berman as per you love dandle tone versus different kinds of sickness and pestilential resistance body nutritional requirements custom-made product,maintain extra alimentation required intensify immune system functional component,match with proportion protein cum fat ingredient give support to immune system combine intensify cell function up.


Berman as per you love dandle increase and ameliorate gitract drink in custom-made product,especially apply to piddle or digestive system jolly sensitive pet,stoke digestive enzyme dispose product not goad gastrointestinal availability florae,nourish normal digest function,let food still easy assimilate on to to up out.


Berman warrant you love dandle ideal body nutritional requirements custom-made product to supply extra alimentation equired tonicity skeleton cum muscle ingredient with.


Gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道 for example Berman as per you love dandle increase and ameliorate gitract drink in custom-made product,especially apply to piddle or digestive system jolly sensitive pet,stoke digestive enzyme dispose product not goad gastrointestinal availability florae,nourish normal digest function,let food still easy assimilate on to to up out.


Fecundity of the mind.Berman for bump you love dandle fecundity ' nutritional requirements custom-made product up, contain extra nutrient substance multiplicable male and female pet fecundity , increase sack superfoetation.


Our resident, licensed groomer is available to further pamper your pets with whatever their beauty regimen requires.


It is also a fun way to interactively play and bond with your new puppy.


Resolve a pet gnawing a wall , eat a mud , swallow dead person , bite furniture arbitrarily completely; Hair quality loosens problem such as monotonous anger , chondropathy and maldevelopment easy to come off , be slow in reacting easy to be fidgety; All-round lifting love bestows favor on immunity.


Blue Merle: predominantly clear, silvery blue, splashed and marbled with black. Rich tan markings preferred, but absence should not be penalised. Large black markings, slate colour, or rusty tinge either of top or undercoat are highly undesirable.


更多网络解释与爱宠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

natural balance:美国雪山

吾爱吾宠商贸公司目前为韩国P.S.系列洗护用品、美国哈利贝贝营养保健品、美食传说宠物罐头、美国雪山 (Natural Balance)香波、道格(荣信)宠物用品、Peppets宠物零食的北京总代理商,并经销美国克莉丝汀森香波、美国医仕高、法国维克、荷兰威霸系列营养保健品,

She would also like to be as self-willed child:她也希望可以象孩子一样任性

多么以你为中心. How to you as the... | 她也希望可以象孩子一样任性, She would also like to be as self-willed child, | 希望有个人像宠孩子一样宠她爱她, Hope that individuals have the same pet as the pet ...


O爱宠屋 *正品行货卡比年长/低热量(CANIDAE)试用装(90克)POLO (500包邮 送宠物车贴)行货40磅卡比(CANIDAE)[羊肉红米]POLO爱宠屋(490包邮 还送宠物车贴哦)行货40磅卡比狗粮(CANIDAE)POLO爱宠屋 卡比(CANIDAE)特惠组合(原味配方

your dad adores you:你爸爸那么宠你

i guess i was ashamed.|我觉得那样很丢脸吧 | your dad adores you,|你爸爸那么宠你 | all your dads do.|你所有的爸爸都爱你

Edward II:爱德华二世 / 男宠

Eden's Curve / 通往伊甸园的曲折道路 | Edward II / 爱德华二世 / 男宠 | Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds / 外出就餐2:调情前奏 / 高潮计划 / 憨直处男 2