英语人>词典>汉英 : 爬行的 的英文翻译,例句
爬行的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
creeping  ·  creepy  ·  reptile  ·  acrawl  ·  reptant  ·  creepier

更多网络例句与爬行的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And combined with field test of the chain belt vibration, the generation condition of the chain belt vibration and crawling was explored.


Well now you can make creepy hands to scare people!


Let him who crawls enamour'd of decay


Feel cosmos as translucent ever-living presence.


He is just a baby on all fours.


And all the teeming life with wings are unclean to you; they shall not be eaten.


Divers recently observed a kind of 'crawling fish' under the sea near Indonesia's Ambon island.


Factual Baidu also is being done so, you analyse Baidu to be done so is well-founded, one can go up the website of independent server, the machine that is rubbish station leads decrescent, the resource of independent server is OK to the top of one's bent let Baidu spider to the top of one's bent it is above the website creeping, baidu spider crawls here for certain all the more comfortable, comfortable place lets Baidu spider not only not be willing to part with or use goes, and often still want to come.


The robot is mainly applied in welding of large components,for example,ships,vehicles;large containers such as ball or column oilcans,and large steel structure such as strobes of water and electricity project,ocean flat roof and large diameter pipes.


In learning to crawl first, first asked the baby's arms and shoulder support to have a certain edge, do not support force will not be able to crawl.


更多网络解释与爬行的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To be alive or swarming with or as if with creeping things:爬满;挤满爬行的东西

2. To move or progress slowly or laboriously. 缓慢或费力地移动... | To be alive or swarming with or as if with creeping things. 爬满;挤满爬行的东西. | e.g. His hair crawls with lice. 他的头发长满了虱子...

Creepy ,crawly insects:爬行的,悚然的虫子

They all come out at night,它们在晚上都出来了. | Creepy ,crawly insects爬行的,悚然的虫子 | And multi-colored moths,和彩色的蛾子


creeping 爬行 | creepy 爬行的 | creese 短剑

Let him who crawls enamour'd of decay:让那些爬行的人去跟"衰老"长久缠绵

When lost - what recks it but disease or strife? 如果倒下--谁在乎... | Let him who crawls enamour'd of decay, 让那些爬行的人去跟"衰老"长久缠绵; | Cling to his couch, and sicken years away: 让他们粘在自己...

Let him who crawls enamour'd of decay:(让那种爬行的人不断跟"衰老"缠绵

When lost - what recks it but disease or strife? (如果死了--谁管... | Let him who crawls enamour'd of decay, (让那种爬行的人不断跟"衰老"缠绵,) | Cling to his couch, and sicken years away: (粘在自己的卧榻...

Shimizu Wolf dog:洞穴,第一次爬行的地點

Shikama 電子地板 | Shimizu Wolf dog洞穴,第一次爬行的地點 | Shinkawa Sniper Wolf的走廊第二條柱後的深處

acrawl:爬行的, 拥挤的

complement of set algebra 集代数的余 | acrawl 爬行的, 拥挤的 | coprostanol 粪(甾)醇

creepmouse:爬行的老鼠 老鼠爬行般的刺痒

creepless | 无蠕变的 | creepmouse | 爬行的老鼠 老鼠爬行般的刺痒 | creepocity | 易蠕变性

爬虫类的;卑下的 (reptant adj. 爬行的):reptilian adj

reptile n. 爬行动物;卑鄙的人 | reptilian adj. 爬虫类的;卑下的 (reptant adj. 爬行的) | aquiline adj. 鹰的,似鹰的

The Crawling Shape Intrudes:这爬行的侵入者

To Ease My Scenic Solitude. 消散我舞台上的孤独 | The Crawling Shape Intrudes 这爬行的侵入者 | And While I Open My Arms 当我张开臂膀