英语人>词典>汉英 : 熔渣 的英文翻译,例句
熔渣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
regulus  ·  sinter  ·  slag  ·  sprue  ·  slagged  ·  slags  ·  Regulus  ·  moltenslag

更多网络例句与熔渣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effects of linear velocity at cup's edge and temperature of slag on particle diameter and mass fraction were investigated.

研究结果表明,随着转杯边缘线速度的提高,渣粒平均直径逐渐减小,渣粒向远离转杯的方向分布;当线速度超过6 m/s时,渣粒平均直径的变化随线速度的提高趋于平缓;当熔渣温度在1400 ℃~1500 ℃范围内时,熔渣温度对渣粒平均直径和质量分布没有影响。

Recycled aggregate instead of natural macadam and sand is used to make recycled aggregate concrete and one of indexes-the capacity of resisting the freezing and thawing repellence of recycled aggregate concrete's durability with city, garbage melting slag is discussed.


In the condition of keeping F、 K、Na content fixed, To improve slag structure and raise slag melting point and viscosity, MgO content is raised and TiO〓 is added. the main content is as follows:(1) Keeping CaO/SiO〓 fixed, MgO content rises from 10% to 16%, the free running temperature goes up 106℃, the viscosity goe down at bigger than 1425℃, but difference is little; keeping /SiO〓 fixed, MgO content rises from 10% to 16%, the free running temperature rises 87℃, the viscosity rises too; adding TiO〓 to 5%, the free running temperature goes up 98℃, the viscosity rise a little.(2) Powder crystal x ray diffraction and microscopic analysis shows: increasing MgO content, the cuspidine will decreace or even disappear, the monticellite goes up with MgO content rising, keeping /SiO〓 fixed, Akermanite content goes up, for high melting point minerals appear or go up, the free running temperature of the slag bearing F is raised; Adding TiO〓, high melting point mineral—Perovskite forms, it can making other minerals'crystalling fast, it is the reason that TiO〓 raises the free running temperature of the slag bearing F.


The experiment uses 100% city garbage melting slag instead of nature macadam and sand to make concrete specimens, under homoiothermal (20±2)℃ and constant humidity relative humidity (60±5)%, which dry and shrink freely 180d. The results show, comparing with common concrete specimens, whose drying shrinkage length valuable rate and mass loss rate change a little.

试验以100 %城市垃圾熔渣骨料替代天然碎石和砂子制备城市垃圾熔渣混凝土试件,在恒温(20±2)℃,恒湿相对湿度(60±5)%的试验室内使混凝土试件自由干燥收缩180 d,试验结果,城市垃圾熔渣混凝土试件与对比用的普通混凝土试件相比,干燥收缩长度变化率以及质量损失率相差不大。

An investigation to the microstructure of worn sample of dry vibratable materials for tundish working lining after using 40 hours shows that the materials changes the properties of slag by the chemical filter, increases the viscosity of slag, forms a dense layer at slag/refactories interface, then blocks the more slag penetrate in it. The complex phase formed at the interface, such as magnesiowusite and complex spinel et al, would absorb in more low-melting point minerals, then degrade its melting point and dissolve into slag, which forms low-melting point silicate phase, penetrates into dry vibratable materials along with Monticellite and Merwinite bonding phase by diffusion.


In 1973 the Institute of Chemical Metallurgy was engaged to carry out research on fluidizcd roasting of titaniferous iron ore containing vanadium, with the special objective of utilizing the local resources of natural gas and hydraulic electric power, by reduction of the ore with a hydrogen-rich gas followed by melting of the reduced cinder in an electric furnace in order to separate the iron from a slag rich in vanadium and titanium.


The major phase of both slags produced from air and CO/CO2 conditions were SiO2 and Fe2O3, which have much benefit to the encapsulation of heavy metals. The leaching concentration of zinc in CO/CO2 reducing condition is an order less than that in air oxidizing condition due to the higher vapored heavy metals in CO/CO2 reducing condition compared to that in air oxidizing condition. Furthermore, the leaching rate of heavy metals in both CO/CO2 and air conditions are almost the same.


MgO-C brick has a good erosion resistance but Al〓O〓-C brick is better. Corrosion mechanism for refractory without carbon is that FeO and oxides of molten slag take place chemical reaction with constituents of refractory and forming low fusing point compounds to be dissolved in molten slag. For those refractory containing graphite carbon is to be decarburized in advance and to form decarburizing layer and metamorphosis layer. The subsequent corrosion is decarburizing and taking chemical reaction to form low fusing point compounds and dissolved in molten slag at the same time.

铁浴中硅和钛的扩散是影响铁浴及熔渣与耐火材料作用的重要因素,耐火材料中添加的TiO〓和SiC受熔渣氧化和侵蚀,将被部分还原形成Si,Ti向铁浴中扩散,Si、Ti在铁浴中的扩散研究结果是: D〓=1.84×10〓exp(-5988.7/T) cm〓/S E〓=49766 J/mol D〓=7.76×10〓exp(-53225.5/T) cm〓/S E〓=442304 J/mol 铁浴式熔融还原熔体对粘土砖,高铝砖,镁砖的侵蚀速度很高,镁碳砖抗侵蚀能力比前几种耐火材料强,但不如铝碳砖;对不含碳耐火材料在熔体中的侵蚀是熔渣中FeO及其它氧化物与耐火材料组分的化学反应形成低熔点物熔蚀进入渣相,产生损毁。

No matter slog containing silicon was manured into soil after size degradation or used as material of multivariate compound fertilizer, the fixation of slog to P must be taken into account.


According to the change of the kinds of elements content in slag, F in slag volatilizes in the form of KF and NaF, KF volatilizes much more easily than NaF, KF plays a leading role in the F volatilization, theoretical analysis shows that the saturation vapour pressure of KF in the test slag is 31. 4 times of NaF; when F content is far more than K, KF volatilization is first order grade reaction, it is dominated by K content, the apparent activate energy is 275. 30KJ/mol.


更多网络解释与熔渣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


经过旋风(cyclone)除尘及水洗处理后,再输气於静电集尘器(precipitator),俟完全除尘后,再经由排风机,通过烟囱,排出於大气. 焚化炉下方输送带上的熔渣(clinker)及废气处理塔排出的污水,经过熔渣淬火槽(quench trough)及污水处理后,才可排出厂外.

slag inclusion:(焊缝)熔渣夹杂

slag 熔渣 | Slag inclusion (焊缝)熔渣夹杂 | Sniffing probe 嗅吸探头

molten slag:溶渣,液态熔渣

molten silver extraction process 熔银萃取法 | molten slag 溶渣,液态熔渣 | molten slag electrolysis refining 熔融电解精炼


slaghandlingsystem 熔渣处理体系 | slagheap 熔渣堆 | slagheap 渣堆

solidified slag:熔渣

熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity | 熔渣solidified slag | 多孔焊渣 porous slag

vitreous slag:玻璃状熔渣

多孔熔渣 porous slag | 玻璃状熔渣 vitreous slag | 渣壳 solidified slag

Thimas phosphate ,basic clag:汤马斯磷肥,碱性熔渣

稠厚器 Thickener | 汤马斯磷肥,碱性熔渣 Thimas phosphate ,basic clag | 汤溶斯马渣,碱性熔渣 Thimas slag ,Basic slag

slag hammer:熔渣槌

高炉水泥,熔渣水泥 slag cement | 熔渣槌 slag hammer | 出渣孔 slag hole

slag sand:熔渣砂,粒状渣

slag runner ==> 出渣槽,渣槽,渣沟 | slag sand ==> 熔渣砂,粒状渣 | slag screen ==> 捕渣管筛

slag cement:熔渣水泥

熔渣 slag | 熔渣水泥 slag cement | 放渣口 slag notch