英语人>词典>汉英 : 焦虑状态 的英文翻译,例句
焦虑状态 的英文翻译、例句


anxiety state
更多网络例句与焦虑状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was in a state of great agitation yesterday.


Infection control nurse had very high percentage of anxiety and the level of anxiety significantly influenced by religion devoutness, working experience, working nature, infection control license, SARS handling experience, and taking care of SARS patient and participate establishing the SARS Fast Response Center.


Anxious and depress status may be one of the factors causing high dystocia rate and postpartum hemorrhage.


The most obvious precursor of our present hypochondriac culture was Andy Warhol, who lived most of his life in a state of anxiety regarding the ailments and imperfections of his 'bad body.


SD rat emotional stress was simulated with the communication box model. The microstructural and ultrastructural pathological change in the TMJ and external pterygoid muscle was observed to show the emotional stress influence to TMJ structure and metabolism. 90 SD rats were randomly divided into control group, emotional stress group and foot-shocked group in average.


Objective To understand anxiety state of aged people in the elderly rooming house in Chongqing, to investigate the epidemiology characters and related factors of anxiety state.

目的 了解重庆市区某老年公寓老年人的焦虑情况,探讨老年公寓老人出现焦虑状态的流行病学特点及相关因素。

Methods A survey was conducted in 328 interns by using self-rating depression scale and self-rating anxiety scale.


Methods: A total of 78 breast cancer patients were investigated on their anxiety state by filling out self-rating anxiety scale.


Acceptance of the inevitability of death, which, when faced, can give dignity to life, and acceptance of our inescapable role in the modern world, might transmute our anxiety about making the right choices, taking the right precautions, and the right risks into the sterner stuff of responsibility, which ennobles the whole face rather than furrowing the forehead with the little anxious wrinkles of worry.


Evaluate the anxiety state of 60 young patients who have asthma with HAMA.


更多网络解释与焦虑状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anxiety hysteria:焦虑性癔病

antiepilepsirin 抗癫灵 | anxiety hysteria 焦虑性癔病 | anxiety tension state 焦虑紧张状态

systematic desensitization:系统脱敏

让来访者通过一些训练重新树立自信,建立自信心可以缓解焦虑情绪. 3.系统脱敏(systematic desensitization)诱导来访者缓慢地暴露出导致焦虑的情景,并通过心理的放松状态来对抗这种焦虑情绪,从而达到消除焦虑的目的.

in a state of nature:处于原始状态 一丝不挂 [宗]未得神恩的有罪状态

in a great state 处于激动、兴奋、紧张或焦虑的状态; 威风凛凛 | in a state of nature 处于原始状态 一丝不挂 [宗]未得神恩的有罪状态 | in mint state 崭新的, 完好的(指钱币, 邮票, 图片等)

modernistic anxiety:现代性焦虑

状态焦虑:current anxiety | 现代性焦虑:modernistic anxiety | 听力焦虑:anxiety in listening

People use massage to relieve stress and anxiety:人们用按摩来减轻紧张和焦虑

2. noun (精神或肉体的)紧张(状态) | People use massage to relieve stress and anxiety. : 人们用按摩来减轻紧张和焦虑. | Sally suffered from great mental stress. : 莎莉精神很紧张.


GDS 状态-特质焦虑问卷 | STAI 贝克焦虑量表 | BAI 焦虑自评量表

transit time:通过时间

Demopulos等[2]对100例有抑郁障碍的患者随访研究也发现,其中伴有高度焦虑和心理痛苦的患者倾向于疑病和躯体化(关注躯体健康和出现躯体症状). 精神科门诊患者胃肠动力的研究发现:通过时间(transit time)与情绪状态有关,焦虑者加快,抑郁者减慢.


anxiety state 焦虑状态 | anxiolytic 抗焦虑药 | aorta 织脉


anxiety state 焦虑状态 | anxiolytic 抗不安药,抗不安的 | anxiolytic agent 抗不安药,抗焦虑药

butterflies in your stomach:形容由于恐惧,焦虑或者紧张而产生的忐忑不安的心理状态

128. eyes bigger than your stomach 想要多吃点,但是胃口却容纳不下 | 129. butterflies in your stomach 形容由于恐惧,焦虑或者紧张而产生的忐忑不安的心理状态 | 130. bellyache 对什么都不满意,有满腹的牢骚