英语人>词典>汉英 : 焦虑地 的英文翻译,例句
焦虑地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pensively  ·  worryingly

更多网络例句与焦虑地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The home side looked on in horror as the ball went agonizingly wide.


As de Bohun's great war-horse thundered towards him, he stood his ground, watched with mounting anxiety by his own army.

他身上也并没有穿任何铠甲。当de Bohun高大的战马向他奔腾而来时,他立在原地没有移动,周围自己的部队焦虑地看着他。

Purse returns the medium and small businesses that rises without true beat, or stays helplessly in the dichromatic and drab world of dictate of black and white laser printer, or often is defended await it to output chromatic manuscript slowly anxiously before printer of common ink jet... as the whole world HP of tycoon of the industry that print rolls out industry first real business uses a sense, product line of complete ink jet printer, the business gush new era that broad medium and small businesses will draw a new " economy, efficient, professional ".

钱包还没有真正鼓起来的中小企业,要么无奈地停留在黑白激光打印机主宰的两色单调世界中,要么经常守在普通喷墨打印机前焦虑地等待它慢吞吞地输出彩色文稿……随着全球打印行业巨头 HP 推出业界首条真正商用意义的、完整的喷墨打印机产品线,广大中小企业将引来一个新的"经济、高效、专业"的商喷新时代。

Humans were boring when they were children,anticipated grow,they want to go back to child ren when they are old;they wasted health to win personal wealth,then waste their wealth to rebuild their health;their anxious to longing,forget the life before their eyes,lives for the purpose of not only now but also future,their lived as if latter lammas to die.their died as if never lives.


As Dantès (his eyes turned in the direction of the Chateau d'If) uttered this prayer, he saw off the farther point of the Island of Pomègue a small vessel with lateen sail skimming the sea like a gull in search of prey; and with his sailor's eye he knew it to be a Genoese tartan.


A minute or two later, after spying my little black digital voice recorder, he begins to look pensively around the room.


A verb or form in the pluperfect tense .


She gave Tom a teaspoonful and watched with the deepest anxiety for the result.


She asked him worriedly.'Is it good!…or… or bad?


Nothing is more destructive, either in regard to the health, or the vigilance and industry of the poor than the infamous liquor, the name of which, derived from Juniper in Dutch, is now by frequent use and the laconick spirit of the nation, from a word of middling length shrunk into a monosyllable, intoxicating gin, that charms the unactive, the desperate and crazy of either sex, and makes the starving sot behold his rags and nakedness with stupid indolence, or banter with in senseless laughter, and more insipid jests; it is a fiery lake that sets the brain in flame, burns up the entrails, and scorches every part within; and at the same time a Lethe of oblivion, in which the wretch immersed drowns his most pinching cares, and, with his reason all anxious reflections on brats that cry for food, hard winter's frosts, and horrid empty home.


更多网络解释与焦虑地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

seriously:严肃地, 认真地

Anxious to please 焦虑地讨好, 渴望地取悦 | Seriously 严肃地, 认真地 | Up-to-date 最近的, 跟上时代的

solicitously:热心地; 热切地 (副)

solicitous 热心的, 热切期望的, 渴望的 (形) | solicitously 热心地; 热切地 (副) | solicitude 焦虑; 挂念; 担心; 关心 (名)

overcome test anxiety:克服考试焦虑症

43. 有同等的价值 of equal value | 44. 克服考试焦虑症 overcome test anxiety | 45. 全神贯注地考试concentrate on the exam


woe 悲哀 | worriedly 烦恼地;焦虑地 | worsen 使更坏;损坏


worry 烦恼 | worrying 焦虑的 | worryingly 焦虑地


worrying 焦虑的 | worryingly 焦虑地 | worrywart 自寻烦恼者

Diazepam:安定, 地西泮

24.安定(地西泮)(Diazepam):药典 2000 年二部 P214.抗焦虑药,抗惊厥药.兽 药典 2000 年版一部 P61.镇静药,抗惊厥药. 25.苯巴比妥(Phenobarbital):药典 2000 年二部 P362.镇静催眠药,抗惊厥药. 兽药典 2000 年版一部 P103.巴比妥类药.缓解脑炎,

in rilievo:(意)突出地,加以强调地

inquietudine(意)不安,焦虑. | in rilievo(意)突出地,加以强调地. | insensibile(意)(原意:觉察不到的)极微的.

The cosmologists wait in suspense:宇宙学家们焦虑地等待着

The results of the UK Boulby salt mine experiment should start coming throug... | The cosmologists wait in suspense.|宇宙学家们焦虑地等待着 | Will the elusive dark matter be found down the bottom of a ...

She's been active in raising money for the new church buildings:他积极地为兴建新教堂筹钱款

He's very active in local politics.他积极地参加当地的政治活... | She's been active in raising money for the new church buildings.他积极地为兴建新教堂筹钱款. | 32. be anxious about...."焦虑的;不安的;担心...