英语人>词典>汉英 : 焦虑不安 的英文翻译,例句
焦虑不安 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

anxious seat · freak out · on tenterhooks · be in a flutter of excitement · be on tenterhooks · be on thorns
更多网络例句与焦虑不安相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They gathered round him in affright, so alarming was his agitation; and with a fine candour he told them what he had hitherto concealed.


He became quite agitate d when he was asked about his criminal past.


He was agitated by the result of the competition.


Nized,-nizing 烦恼;苦闷;痛苦(亦作: agonise) He agonized over the decision made last Friday top meeting of the company.


He agonized over the decision made at the top meeting of the company last Friday .


He agonized over the decision made last Friday at the top meeting of the company.


We all ask ourselves these questions and go through this angst at some point in our lives.


Finding his sallies unsuccessful, the kite betook himself to craft:"Why," said he,"do you prefer this life of continual anxiety when, if you would only make me your king, I would secure you from every attack that could be made upon you?"


Waiting for the news must be a long disquieting moment for her.


Our very anxiety is born of our knowledge of what is now possible for each other and all.


更多网络解释与焦虑不安相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anxious about:对...焦虑不安

angry at为...而生气 | anxious about对...焦虑不安 | anxious for对...担心,渴望

hot and bothered:[口]焦虑不安

squat hot [美俚]被电刑处死 | hot and bothered [口]焦虑不安 | hot and cold (旅馆等的)冷热水

increasingly agitated:越来越焦虑不安

with abandon 1)放任地,放纵地 2)纵情地 | increasingly agitated 越来越焦虑不安 | He sounded very agitated on the phone. 他在电话中听起来十分焦虑.

Be on tenterhooks:提心吊胆 焦虑不安 如坐针毡

be on strike | 举行罢工 | be on tenterhooks | 提心吊胆 焦虑不安 如坐针毡 | be on the advance | (物价)在上涨中

on tenterhooks = on pins and needles:焦虑不安

★ tenterhook n. 张布钩 | ● on tenterhooks = on pins and needles"焦虑不安" | 我愁得睡不着觉. Worrying kept me awake.

sit on thorns:如坐针毡; 焦虑不安

sit on the lid 压制 | sit on thorns 如坐针毡; 焦虑不安 | sit out 袖手旁观, 比...坐得久, 坐到结束, 坐在户外


stewbum 酒鬼 | stewed 焦虑不安 | stewpan 炖锅

His illness was not such as to cause anxiety:他的病还不至于使人焦虑不安. (表语)

I don't like such weather. 我不喜欢这样的天气.... | His illness was not such as to cause anxiety. 他的病还不至于使人焦虑不安. (表语) | To sell such a suit as that to a millionaire! 把那样一套衣服卖给百...


willfulness 任性 | willies 焦虑不安 | willing to wound 怀恨的

willies:神经紧张; 焦虑不安

2 give sb the willies使某人害怕和不安 | willies神经紧张; 焦虑不安 | 3 a no-win situation无法取胜的状况;败局;对任何人都不利的局面win-win双羸