英语人>词典>汉英 : 热脆的 的英文翻译,例句
热脆的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nesh  ·  redsear  ·  redshort

hot brittle · hot short
更多网络例句与热脆的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High elongation of finishing agents is one of these challenges.


Temper embrittlement is the third high-temperature damage type merely inferior to creep and fatigue of turbine materials.


What arrived, however, were small pads of meat wrapped incrisp bacon, and little potatoes with their skins on, which had been rolled in hot butter and crisped in thepan.


Si C particle reinforced molybdenum disilicide( Mo Si2 ) matrix composite has been fabricat- ed by wetmixing and hotpresssintering successfully.

Mo Si2 因其熔点高( 2 0 30℃)、密度适中( 6.2 4 g/cm3)、热膨胀系数低( 8.1× 1 0 -6K-1)、复合功能强、韧脆转变温度高( 95 0~ 1 2 5 0℃)、高温抗氧化性能优良而成为理想的高温结构候选材料。

With increasing number of hot-wall hydroprocessing reactors and extension of service time, the occurrence of polythionic acid corrosion, hydrogen induced spalling of weld overlay, temper embrittlement of base metal, hydrogen embrittlement and surface cracking etc.


After the effects of peak temperature 800℃and then that of the second peak temperature of 1300℃, the impact toughness is low far from that of the base metals. The coarse crystal zone is embrittled seriously and the fracture is cleavage.


Iuzzini pairs cool with hot, crispy with creamy, sweet with spicy, and the expected—chocolate, strawberries, and cinnamon—with the unexpected—chiles, beets, and chocolatey puffs.


The test results show that the crispest HAZ occurs in the process of welding of the 14MnNbq steel on the first heat circulation submerged welding overheat zone and the second heat circulation submerged welding overheat zone plus the not entirely re crystallized zone. The 14MnNbq steel has a tendency of being crisper due to overheat than the SM490C steel is. In order to ensure the toughness of the welding HAZ′s, the welding wire capacity should be properly controlled during welding.


Choose a large sauté pan, heat 2 tbsp oil and cook the lardons, gently at first, increasing the heat as the fat runs, until crisp.


They have hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, pizza and loads of candy. What do you want?


更多网络解释与热脆的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

british thermal unit per pound:每磅英热单位

british thermal unit per minute;每分钟英热单位 | british thermal unit per pound;每磅英热单位 | brittle;脆的,易碎的


nescience /无学/无知/不可知论/ | nescient /无学的/无知的/ | nesh /热脆/

hot shortness:红脆性,热脆性

hot short 热脆,热脆的,热脆性的,红脆的 | hot shortness 红脆性,热脆性 | hot shot 过热


nescientunenlightenedunknowingunscholarly 无知的 | nesh 热脆 | nesistor 双极场效应晶体管


negatron负电子、阴电子 | nesh热脆的 | net网、网络、净的、纯粹的

red-tape operati:控制操作

red-short 热脆的 | red-tape operati 控制操作 | red-tapism 文牍主义


red tag alert system 红色标签警告系统 | red-short 热脆的 | redout 红视


red-pencil 检查 | red-short 因热而脆的 | red-tape 官样文章的


red-shear热剪 | red short热脆(红脆) | reduced经压缩的、轧制的、经还原的


赤热的 red-hot | 热脆 red-short | 热脆性;热脆 red-shortness