英语人>词典>汉英 : 烧结性 的英文翻译,例句
烧结性 的英文翻译、例句


agglutinating value
更多网络例句与烧结性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The influences of forming solid solution, generating new compound and addition of flux on sinterability, phase-structure and microwave dielectric properties of zinc titanate were analyzed.


The challenges of these material are screen printing and sintering process. Many long fine patterned lines should be printed on a large piece of glass and sustain a smooth, continuous and uniform line pattern; on the other hand, the sintering process is rapidly increasing sintering temperature to a peak in a short time, then cooling the glass substrate to low temperature under a short time shock.


The effect of mixture of rare earth oxides on the sintering properties,microstructure and mechanical properties of magnesia refractory were studied.


Experimental study of high temperature phase transformation for pyrophyllite


Preparation of the cathode includes:shaping under the press of 40Mpa, sintering at 550℃for 1 hour and at 900℃for 8 hours and threading with molybdenum bar; Considering the literatures we choose CaCl2 as salt for preparation titanium. Pretreatment of salt is for 1 hour at 100℃and for 2 hours at 300℃. Partial pressure of oxygen which need lower than 5.11×10-7Pa to reduct titanium oxides and hygroscopic property of salt need a sealed equipment to electrolyse. And finally successfully designed a satisfied one and the results show that the equipment can be satisfied the requirment of the experiment. Flow of the inert gas is 1.5L/min, the voltage is 2.8 V, temperature is 850℃and time is 2 hours during pre-electrolysis. Flow of the inert gas is 0.2L/min, the voltage is 3.1 V, temperature is 900℃and time changes with the mass of TiO2 during electrolysis, namely the greater need the longer time; To eliminate influence of salt and other impurities, the products need to wash with distilled water and dilute chlorhydric acid , then wash with dilute hydrochloric acid under supersonic wave assistant. Finally, electrometical properties of the electrolysis of TiO2 is researched by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, and results show that there are two main reodox steps, namely from TiO2 to TiO and from TiO to Ti.

阴极制备主要包括40MPa压力下模压成型、两段式烧结(1小时内升至550℃保温1小时,再1小时升温至900℃保温8小时)及烧结后TiO2块打孔用钼棒串接三个主要环节;实验中选用CaCl2作为电解熔盐,并对其进行预处理(100℃,保温1小时; 300℃,保温2小时);经热力学计算,还原钛氧化物的氧分压至少要低于5.11×10-7Pa,结合电解过程中所用熔盐CaCl2有极强的吸水性的特点,电解装置应有较高的密封性,自行设计了一套密封性可靠的电解装置,便于实验过程中熔盐预处理和氧分压的控制;通过干燥处理预电解过程中Ar流量大约为1.5L/min、电压为2.8 V、温度为850℃、时间为2小时,电解过程中Ar流量大约为0.2L/min、电压为3.1V、温度为900℃,实验结果表明电解时间与TiO2质量密切相关,质量越大需要电解的时间越长;通过自来水冲洗—稀盐酸浸泡、洗涤—在超声波辅助作用下稀盐酸洗涤,可减少熔盐及其它杂质对电解产物检测结果的影响;最后,通过循环伏安法、计时电流法对电解机理的研究,确定电解还原TiO2制备金属钛主要经历了TiO2-TiO-Ti的过程。

In this article, three kinds of prealloy powder were developed by water atomization method. The base attribute, pattern, phase composition, differential thermal analysis of powder were researched. Sintered density, hardness, bend strength, Young's modulus were researched as hot pressed sintering temperature changing. By using abrasive wearing equipment upbuilt by the authors, the wear resistance were determined. Green-pressing density, simulated green-pressing strength and bonding momental of high frequency brazing were assayed. SEM corrosion structure and SEM appearance of fracture were observed.


The 〓 composite powder obtained by calcining at 600℃ is well dispersed and has the best sinterability.


The experimental results show that microwave sintering promotes the densification of green compacts with higher heating rate and reduced sintering cycle. The sintered relative density of 99.8% can be achieved during microwave processing under appropriate conditions. In addition, microwave sintering improves the uniformity and homogenization of W grain size, and yet leads to growth of W grain. Fe sintering aid degrades the microstructure uniformity and further coarsens W grains. The present investigation demonstrates the feasibility of applying microwave sintering technique to consolidate W-Cu composites and its promising outlook in reducing production cycle and cost.


The results show that high energy ball milling refines and homogenizes the mixed powders, accelerates the sintering process, and with the increase of milling time, the grain is finer and the alloy is denser. HIP and forging is beneficial to decrease or remove the pole formed during the sinter course, and as the last process, forging breaks the junctions between TiC particles, the microstructure and mechanical properties of alloy are improved.


The self-binding and self-sintering propertirs of the ultrafine powders of the green coke are analysed theoretically, it is pointed uot that long time grinding is the vital way to improve these properties.


更多网络解释与烧结性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

isotropic flux:各向同性通量

cobalt effect 钴效应(在钨钴类硬质合金中, 提高钴含量, 则降低烧结温度的效应) | isotropic flux 各向同性通量 | calcareous clay 石灰性粘土


三种粉末按比例均匀混合之后,于精密控制的焚炉中于高温中在模子中烧结 (Sinter) 而成.其成份约有 94% 是碳化钨, 6% 左右是钴 耐磨性和硬度是钻针评估的重点其合金 粒子愈细能提高硬度以及适合钻小孔.通常其合金粒子小于 1 micron.


金属支架在陶瓷的烧结过程中不能熔化,而且必须能抵抗产生蠕变或"下陷"(sag)的热应力. 热处理是改变高温下抗蠕变性的另一个方法. 至于抗晦暗(tarnish)性和耐腐蚀(corrosion)性以及其它类似性能,则与口腔中应用的其它合金相同.

coking property:烧结性

coke 焦炭 | coking property 烧结性 | coking 炼焦


依透穿和程度还有半透明性(translucency)及不透明性(opacity). transparency把它溶出或将塑料粉未烧结,来成为多孔性(porous)的也包含在内依塑料的种类可分为热可塑性泡沫塑料与

agglutinating power:烧结本领

agglutinating matter || 絮凝剂, 凝集物, 絮凝物质, 烧结物质 | agglutinating power || 烧结本领 | agglutinating property || 烧结性

ball clay:球粘土

球粘土(Ball Clay)也译称球土,是一种可塑性最好的软质粘土或软质耐火粘土或瓷土. 它的粒度极细,浸散性与粘结性也很好,烧结范围宽,含高岭石往往在70%以上,并以无序高岭石为主,也可有少量的伊利石或蒙脱石或I/M间层矿物和有机质,

sintering coal:粘结性煤

sintering 烧结 | sintering coal 粘结性煤 | sintering temperature 烧结温度

web site development:网站开发

坝址洪水:dam-site flood | 网站开发:web site development | 烧结性:B-site ion ordering

self-fluxing sinter:自熔性烧结矿

转鼓指数drum index | 自熔性烧结矿self-fluxing sinter | 作业率operability