英语人>词典>汉英 : 点阵式打印机 的英文翻译,例句
点阵式打印机 的英文翻译、例句


dot matrix printer
更多网络例句与点阵式打印机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the early days of Windows, a significant number of users didn't care for using the mouse, and indeed, Windows itself did not require a mouse. Although mouseless PCs have now generally gone the way of monochrome displays and dot-matrix printers, it is still recommended that you write programs that duplicate mouse operations with the keyboard. This is particularly true for something as fundamental as scroll bars, because our keyboards have a whole array of cursor movement keys that should offer alternatives to the mouse.

在早期的 Windows 中,大量的重要用户不愿意使用鼠标,而且的确,Windows 自己(以及许多 Windows)不需要鼠标尽管没有鼠标的 PC 现在通常已走上了单色显示器以及点阵式打印机的道路,但是我仍然提议你编写用键盘复制鼠标操作的步伐这对于一些以及滚动条同样基础的东西是特别正确的,因为咱们的键盘有所有光标移动键的排列,它应该提供相对于鼠标的可选择的东西

1IMPACT PRINTERS A common impact printer for microcomputers is, dot-matrix printer, the which works by striking pins in a print element against the ribbon and paper.


Human interface equipment includes 4*4 keyboard, 24064A matrix LCD, micro printer, ISD25120 Speech Chip.


He used the Word Perfect product along with his Brother laser printer, which he discovered had an Epson printer emulator mode that would make his laser printer act like a dot matrix printer.

他用Word Perfect连接上自己兄弟的激光打印机。他发现这种打印机在Epson priteing emulator模式下,简直就变成了一个点阵式打印机了。

They form characters or images using a series of small pins on a print head.


更多网络解释与点阵式打印机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dot address:点地址

dosimetry 剂量学 | dot address 点地址 | dot matrix printer 点阵式打印机

dot matrix printer:点阵式打印机

(1)CRT显示器(Monitors)打印机是一种最传统的标准计算机输出设备. 目前,市场上的打印机主要分为击打式和非击打式两类. 其中,击打式打印机以点阵式打印机(Dot Matrix Printer)为主,非击打式打印机以激光打印机(Laser Jets Printer)和喷墨打印机(Ink Jets Printer)为主.

printer, dot matrix:点阵式打印机

printer, daisy wheel 菊轮式打印机 | printer, dot matrix 点阵式打印机 | printer, impact 撞击式打印机

dot printer:点阵印刷机;点阵打印机

dot matrix printer,点阵式打印机 | dot printer,点阵印刷机;点阵打印机 | dotted line recorder,断续线记录仪

dotted line recorder:断续线记录

dot matrix printer,点阵式打印机 | dot printer,点阵印刷机;点阵打印机 | dotted line recorder,断续线记录

NLQ, near letter quality:点阵式打印机的高品质打印

nl new line 新线路 | NLQ near letter quality 点阵式打印机的高品质打印 | 2.not ours非本社出版物

not ours:非本社出版物

NLQ near letter quality 点阵式打印机的高品质打印 | 2.not ours非本社出版物 | non-fic non-fiction 非小说类图书