英语人>词典>汉英 : 炮击 的英文翻译,例句
炮击 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bombard  ·  bombardment  ·  cannonade  ·  gunfire  ·  gunnery  ·  gunshot  ·  bombarded  ·  bombarding  ·  bombards  ·  cannonaded  ·  cannonades  ·  cannonading  ·  bombardments

更多网络例句与炮击相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After hours of this, Gerrie wrote a report for his battalion commander: The situation is critical a couple more barrages and another counterattack and we are sunk.


The morning after a night spent in a wood, under regular shelling, the battalion commander, a colonel, came to the front and ordered A and K Companies to advance another half mile.


A rapid and violent military attack with intensive aerial bombardment.


Amiens was heavily bombed in1918, and shelling in1940 destroyed much of the city's ancient heart, but the grand cathedral has survived centuries of war and revolution.


Japanese artillery bombardment of China's first on the ground that still remember what it?


Over the next few days, the bombardment continued, with ferocity increasing every day.


Fixed a bug where British Mortars would not leave overwatch or counterbattery mode when killed and taken over by enemy troops.


Men who were there were men who had been through many barrages; their testimony is that this was the biggest one they ever saw.


The last enemy artillery attack lased for 80 minutes. How is it possible that someone can survive such detonations?


Of the 8 British destroyers lost at Jutland, 6 were hit by battleship or battlecruiser 5.9inch secondary guns. Of these, two were first disabled by light cruiser or destroyer gun fire. Of the remaining two, one was lost to a collision and the other was sunk by a destroyer torpedo after being disabled by light cruiser 105mm and destroyer 88mm guns.


更多网络解释与炮击相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bluff diplomacy 恫吓外交 | bombard 轰炸,炮击 | boom (经济)繁荣,兴旺


武装挑衅 military provocation | 炮击 bombard | 防区 defense area; garrison area


:电光屏障(Fence) 过关后神只好感度变动:无 困难度:★★★★★ 4.地神詹姆斯(James) 主要任务:从法师Seerix手中救出Mithras 限制条件:无 奖赏条件:无 新增部队:嘈杂石兽(Jabberocky) 获得法术:乱石炮击(Bombardment) 过关后神只好感度

bombardment:炮击, 轰击

celebrity 名声, 名人 | bombardment 炮击, 轰击 | peculiarly 特有地, 特别地


炮铜 cannon bronze | 炮弹,炮击 cannon shot | 炮弹架 cannon shot rack


cannon-shot 炮弹 | cannonade 炮击 | cannonball 炮弹

cannonade:连续开炮, 炮击

cannon-shot | 炮弹, 射程 | cannonade | 连续开炮, 炮击 | cannonball | 炮弹

cannonade:炮击; 炮轰; 炮击; 轰击 (动)

cannon fodder 士兵; 炮灰 | cannonade 炮击; 炮轰; 炮击; 轰击 (动) | cannonball 炮弹 (名)


cannonproof 防弹的 | cannonry 连续炮击 | cannula 套管


cannonproof /防弹的/ | cannonry /连续炮击/大炮/ | cannot /不能/不得/不可/不克/不足/未可/