英语人>词典>汉英 : 灼伤 的英文翻译,例句
灼伤 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
burn  ·  scaldy  ·  ambustion

更多网络例句与灼伤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aloe is not only excellent for acne, it is also very helpful to sunburns.


In addition, because does not have chromatophore's protection, in the summer day bilabial similarly also easily to burn by the ultraviolet ray causes sheds skin.


If the bright lights blinds your eyes , My love will get you home .


And we said, well let's take that further, monsters could burn to death when you hit them with a firey sword, and then we added the idea of crits and monsters could explode across the screen, and it just kind of went from there.


You can get a burn if you are not careful.


Two workingwoman of this factory die in explosion, have one person additionally by burnable, two people get flesh wound, one......


I said, I want to see whether you get burnt now or in your next life.


All the flashin', tryin' to cash-in, hurts my eyes


Reduced Cauterize's cooldown from 20 to 15 seconds.


Eight different kinds of firefighter's clothing put on an instrumented manikin under flame engulfment measured the burning degree, burning area ratio and the highest temperature and the average heat flux per body segment through the bum risk calculation of the temperature sensors on the manikin surface.


更多网络解释与灼伤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antipyrotic:消炎剂, 治灼伤药 消炎的

antipyrine | 安替比林(退热及止痛剂的一种) | antipyrotic | 消炎剂, 治灼伤药 消炎的 | antiquarian book exchange | 古旧书交换


burn 焚 | burnable 灼伤的 | burnableenkindleignition 点燃

burnable:燃烧的, 可燃的, 灼伤的

burn-up | 烧掉 | burnable | 燃烧的, 可燃的, 灼伤的 | burned clay | 煅烧粘土, 熟粘土

burn, first-degree skin:第一度皮肤灼伤

电子烧穿 burn, electron | 第一度皮肤灼伤 burn, first-degree skin | 闪光灼伤 burn, flash

flash burn:[原]闪光灼伤

GIT General Information Test 综合性情报试验 | flash burn [原]闪光灼伤 | rasse [动] 麝香猫, 小灵猫

flash burn:闪光灼伤

flash bulb 闪光灯泡 | flash burn 闪光灼伤 | flash gun 闪光枪

flash burn:电弧灼伤

flash arrester 火焰消除装置 | flash burn 电弧灼伤 | flash burning 闪燃

burn, flash:闪光灼伤

第一度皮肤灼伤 burn, first-degree skin | 闪光灼伤 burn, flash | 离子烧焦 burn, ion

Caught up in the grind,get blinded by the bright lights:干着苦力,被强光灼伤双眼

So, I stay on the grind,rain,sleet,hail,snow 所以,我站在狂... | Caught up in the grind,get blinded by the bright lights 干着苦力,被强光灼伤双眼 | Man, every day, it's like rollin' the dice 伙计,每天就像...

Erythematous combustion:红斑性灼伤; 第一期灼伤; 灼伤红斑

Erysipelous cowpox; Erysipelatous vaccina 丹毒样牛痘 | Erythematous combustion 红斑性灼伤; 第一期灼伤; 灼伤红斑 | Erythematous erysipelas 红斑丹毒