英语人>词典>汉英 : 灰尘多的 的英文翻译,例句
灰尘多的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dusty  ·  dustier

更多网络例句与灰尘多的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

IE in the Napoleon Duffer Renders.pack tracers have more alpha, reduced kick up dust from units when moving.

示踪剂IE浏览器在拿破仑达夫Renders.pack 有更多的启发,扬起灰尘减少移动时的单位。

Is that there is a lot of dust in the earth's air.


And now it sat, dirty and discarded, a sprig of poisonous green leaves and dusty white berries.


The best ink in the off-time after opening the packaging end use, not to open the ink on the outside when not in use Add to carton packaging, the cartridge so as to avoid talking about the dust falling into the hands of the next use of the dust caused by plugging into the nozzle first, the head following a reset state of ink wash sponge pad, open the front cover, press the Print Paper knife, move out, the hair can not suction clean cloth towel or sponge the ink pad, a large amount of about 10 days, then wash first, because each sponge pad is printer ink wash drawing of fatigue, if the dust and fatigue more ink will be solidified with the protection of Garra and print images will be the first flush, if the plug was found, and if the use of cleaning 3 seconds is not normal use, we must enter the printer maintenance menu kk2 or use kk1 cleaning, large format printers and a small printer operation principle is similar, if the correct maintenance and use, it will increase the service life, which Like is like a car, but also for us to maintain and are familiar with it


Over time, both the wind and radiation blast away surrounding cloud material, carving out expanding cavities.


The place have non-drafty or dusty, quaky, moist and rainy.


Luminaire so constructed that dust of specified nature and fineness cannot enter it when it is used in a dust-laden atmosphere.


Poor : Heavy accumulation of dirt, grease, mold, or other foreign material on many surfaces.


In addition to a few main reasons for the above, the internal display if too much dust has accumulated, they easily lead to monitor the work of the internal components do not work, and ultimately will lead to display color images can not be accurate.


After our long dusty hike, the pond was a sight for sore eyes.


更多网络解释与灰尘多的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


紫芝主要含麦角甾醇等麦角甾醇、树脂、脂肪酸、甘露醇和多糖类,又吹风机(Blower)又称鼓风机,多指较小型的,一般吹风机是指吹头发干用的. 如今还出现保护发质的负离子吹风机,针对宠物设计的宠物吹风机,吸除电脑上的灰尘的电脑吸吹风机,


鉴于藏品表面灰尘和霉菌较多,因此在修复之前,所有文献都要进行熏蒸消毒(fumigation)处理. 压敏胶粘带(pressure sensitive tape)的使用引起文献的物理和化学损伤. 在乐谱和手稿等资料中使用水溶性墨水钢笔(Water soluble pen)书写,


猫有没有去过灰尘多的地方?有没有可能去过你的柜子,把胡椒等很刺激的东西弄到眼睛里了?眼睛里有没有猫毛?有没有得了某些炎症,如鼻气管炎(rhinotracheitis)或肺炎(pneumonitis). 猫的眼睛可能是得了结膜炎. 结膜是眼球外面的透明状薄膜. 过敏也会引起结膜炎.



One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock:一只羊生癣,群羊受害

One butcher does not fear many sheep. 屠夫不怕羊多. | One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock. 一只羊生癣,群羊受害. | The dust raised by the sheep does not choke the wolf. 羊踩起的灰尘挡不住狼....

