英语人>词典>汉英 : 火上浇油 的英文翻译,例句
火上浇油 的英文翻译、例句


add fuel to the flames · pour oil on the fire · pour oil on the flames
更多网络例句与火上浇油相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To make a problem worse; to say or do something that makes a bad situation worse; to make an angry person get even angrier.


His criticism was widely reported in the Chinese media and fuelled an acrimonious debate on Chinese websites.


Although Shenzhen is a very commercial city, but with idealism color ad creative as to commercialization, the marketing is undoubtedly add fuel to the flames.


Qian HUANG Xuan-think,"real estate speculators, the most key is the formation of a seller's market, as at present Urumqi City, so many housing choices for consumers, real estate corporation did not add fuel to the flames conditions."


Unconditional value-added repurchase price will not add fuel to the flames?


Industry analysis, implementation of "Real Estate New Deal" since, Hangzhou second-hand house prices do not fall up, on the one hand, because the seller 20% of the months pass by tax; on the other hand, because the houses in which Housing add fuel to the flames.

行业分析,实施"房地产新政"以来,杭州二手房价格不属于行动,一方面是因为卖方的20 %,月经过税;另一方面,因为房屋房屋火上浇油

Do not think that reading pornographic novels, look at the yellow video or walked up and down the street to wait and see the beauty, you can "fancies" and relieve the pressure, in fact, can only add fuel to the flames, in fact are "drinking poison to quench thirst."


More let them depend on anxiously, content DV uploads related Olympic Games of limitation of national copyright bureau, this to a lot of be about to hit the Olympic Games edge ball, video website that earns eyeball and profit, undoubted add fuel to the flames.


35, favour kind and enmity is complained 50 carry--, Mao Zedong and Zhang Gan (2)Be ashamed into anger of proper Zhang Gan when, somebody add fuel to the flames --, a warden informs against to him say, sent in this campus upheaval " big use " that " character of drive Zhang Xuan ", mao Zedong of 2 grade student is drafted.


Rub it in 火上浇油 You don't have to rub it in.


更多网络解释与火上浇油相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

above board:光明正大

Above board 光明正大 | Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩 | Add fuel to flame 火上浇油

Add fuel to the flames:火上浇油

add fonts 添加字体 | add fuel to the flames 火上浇油 | add in 添加

to add fuel to the flames:火上浇油

to turn a blind eye to 熟视无睹 | to add fuel to the flames 火上浇油 | to kill two birds with one stone 一石两鸟

add fuel to the fire / flames:火上浇油

add fuel to the fire / flames 火上浇油 | afire with 热情的,充满激情的 | an open fire(壁炉里烧煤或烧木头的)明火

Add insult to injury:痛上加辱

Add fuel to flame 火上浇油 | Add insult to injury 痛上加辱 | Adversity leads to prosperity 穷则思变

and the smoke will burst into flame:这无疑于火上浇油

you add oxygen|你这时加进氧气 | and the smoke will burst into flame.|这无疑于火上浇油 | I know how fire behaves, Mr. Grissom|葛瑞森先生 我明白火的特性

rub it in:火上浇油

24. rub elbows 交际,接触 | 25. rub it in 火上浇油 | 26. run something by again重复某事务

pour oil on troubled waters:火上浇油

现身说法 warn people by taking oneself as an example | 火上浇油 pour oil on troubled waters | 喜忧参半 mingled hope and fear

pour oiI on the flame:火上浇油

pop into one'S head突然产生念头 | pour oiI on the flame火上浇油 | put a crimp in/into阻止,妨碍

pour oil on fire:火上浇油

如:crocodile tears(鳄鱼的眼泪),sour grapes(酸葡萄),ostrich policy(鸵鸟政策),火上浇油(pour oil on fire),lose face(丢脸). 众多诸如此类的词语已经为英汉人种所接收并通用,由于很多事物令人发生的遐想和喻义是一致的. 3.2形象转换,