英语人>词典>汉英 : 漏入 的英文翻译,例句
漏入 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与漏入相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Air leakage into the pump after a great influence on pump performance.


Air leaking into the pump from any source is likely to cause erratic running.


Cold shrimp: pulp and cooked rice with a colander from leaking into the cold water basin.


Unless you purposely pour sand around the gaiter tops where they seal around the ankles, little or no sand will work its way in as long as they're cinched around the socks and ankles.


American Atlanta conference edited in September 1992 pancreatitis of serious illness acute definition is: AP companion has local complication (cyst of pancreatic and necrotic, false sex, pancreatic abscess) or the organ fails (function of shock, lung not complete, kidney declines, gastrorrhagia, sow medicinal powder the cruor inside sexual blood-vessel and serious metabolization obstacle), or both holds concurrently.

概要: 急性胰腺炎为临床常见急腹症,是由于胰液和溶蛋白酶漏入到胰腺实质和胰腺四周组织而引起。1963年,法国马赛会议以病理形态学为基础,将AP分为水肿性胰腺炎和出血、坏死性胰腺炎。1992年9月美国亚特兰大会议修订重症急性胰腺炎定义为:AP伴有局部并发症(胰腺坏死、假性囊肿、胰腺脓肿)或器官衰竭(休克、肺功能不全、肾衰、胃出血、播散性血管内凝血和严重的代谢障碍),或二者兼有。

The example seen here is a "tension" pneumothorax shifting the mediastinum, because a "ball-valve" air leak is increasing the air in the right chest cavity.


Generally, the air leakage in condenser can be attributed to tube and valve imprecision of vacuum system or deficiency or even intermittence of steam seal pressure. Besides, it is probably engendered by low-efficient air ejector, which cannot totally extract the air leakage in condenser.


The function of air ejector: The air in the shell must be extracted by air ejector since the commencement of condenser due to the vacuum condition for condenser. During the operation of condenser, the air carried by exhaust steam of steam turbine and the air leaked from imperfect vacuum system must be continuously extracted so as to maintain the condenser vacuum.


Role is to prevent the pump shell along the axis of leakage of liquid or air leakage into the pump outside shell.


Role is to prevent the pump shell leakage of liquid along the axis or outside air leakage into the pump shell.


更多网络解释与漏入相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bleeder valve:溢流阀

bleed 放出(液体,气体等);漏出,漏入,泄漏,色料扩散 | bleeder valve 溢流阀 | block and tackle 滑轮组

Globe valve:球阀进水管、排水管、排水阀及安全阀进水管必须装设适当管阀,如球阀(Globe valve)或球塞阀(Ball valve),以防止杀菌过程冷水漏入釜内. 应由顶部进水,且使釜内罐头均匀降温为原则;排水管管径应不小於进水管;必须使用无阻碍不漏水之排水阀,


inlead 引入线 | inleakage 漏泄;渗入;吸入 | inlet angle 入口角

air inleakage:空气漏入

air injector 空气喷射器 | air inleakage 空气漏入 | air inlet valve 进气阀

air inleakage:空气内漏

"air heating system","空气热系统" | "air inleakage","空气内漏" | "air inlet","进气口,入气口"

inleakage of air:空气漏入,空气渗入

1131. inleakage 漏入,渗入,吸入 | 1132. inleakage of air 空气漏入,空气渗入 | 1133. inleakage of cooling water 漏入冷却水

inleakage of radioactivity:放射性内漏

空氣內漏 inleakage of air | 放射性內漏 inleakage of radioactivity | 入口;放入 inlet

inleakage of cooling water:漏入冷却水

1132. inleakage of air 空气漏入,空气渗入 | 1133. inleakage of cooling water 漏入冷却水 | 1134. inlet 入口

intrarenal reflux:肾内反流

5%~15%VUR患者可出现肾内反流(Intrarenal reflux)即尿液从肾盂经由肾乳头的肾直小管,沿集合管口上行散布,引起肾内炎症及肾损伤,亦称为"反流性肾病". (3)尿液漏入肾组织:膀胱尿逆流到肾盏,经小管或穹隆角的破裂处漏溢入肾间质,

can spinning frame:条筒喂入的细纱机

can soldering machine 空罐焊锡机 | can spinning frame 条筒喂入的细纱机 | can testing machine 空罐检漏机