英语人>词典>汉英 : 漂浮着 的英文翻译,例句
漂浮着 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Her eyes, the vivid green that she had passed on to her daughter, met Yue's own deep violet, and she saw the bleakness behind them.


He would float freely in the chamber, and anything he pulled from his pocket and dropped would float freely next to him.just as if he were in a closed chamber sitting still in a gravity-free region of deep outer space.


After the storm, the sea was covered with flotsam and jetsam.


The nightside sky is an infinite lattice of shining hairlines that interlock planetoids and track er ratic spirals of glowing gnats.


Drifting, drifting... Simon thought of Morgenes with his wispy beard curling in flame, thought of the shining comet glaring redly down on the Hayholt... thought of himself, descending—mounting?


Green good fortune star: In fact floated in a star of the top of the head straight and came, because this star had strength that came with grew have all been that the height of exceeding the top of the head float all the time, tigdj's mama give to hem at guiding birthday treasure present, It's pitch pigtail can let long pigtail so is it stand up and needn't have been hung down green lucky star behind their back straight to tow in top of the head to used for, most suitable for the tigdj liking moving vivaciously and guide the preciousness of the wish to hold and transport small treasures.


A dust plume rose and hazed the air with fine grit and he squinted against it.


He came to a halt, dust swirling around him mockingly. The cozy little room held the usual crammed shelves, worn carpet, and comfortable chair ... and Elminster's pipe was floating, ready, above the side table.


The ice in it begins to move,to break into floes and shards.


The nightside sky is an infinite lattice of shining hairlines that interlock planetoids and track er ratic spirals of glowing gnats.


更多网络解释与漂浮着相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adret 阳面 | Adriatic 亚得里亚海的 | adrift 漂浮着

adrift:漂浮着, 随波逐流地 <单词词性>漂泊的

induced electromotive force 感应电动势 | adrift 漂浮着, 随波逐流地 漂泊的 | daystar 晨星


未经处理的污水直接流入恒河,附近还有人用河水洗衣洗澡,岸边到处漂浮着白色和蓝色的塑料袋等垃圾. 在水质污染指标"生化需氧量"(BOD)数据方面,2007年日本水质最差的大和川为每升4.7毫克,而恒河在2003年就达到15毫克.

water borne:水运的漂流着的漂浮的

water borne only 只限水运 | water borne 水运的;漂流着的;漂浮的 | water borne 水运的漂流着的漂浮的


打到这个阶段,美国媒体又送他"漂浮者"(Floater)的外号,意味他只能在外面漂着,这对于一名大前锋来说,依然是贬低意味极强的词儿. 他在ESPN新人榜排第九那次,评语就是:"仍旧在下滑,特别是作为内线的篮板手来说. 易现在的表现就像荡秋千,

Floating in a stream:正漂浮在小溪

Like a paper card 就像一张纸片 | Floating in a stream 正漂浮在小溪 | I'm trying to keep up 我试着不让自己下沉

The jetsam sunk, I'm left behind:漂浮物沉了,我离开了

Maybe flotsam junk will do just fine 可能海上漂浮着的残骸和垃圾就足够 | the jetsam sunk, I'm left behind 漂浮物沉了,我离开了 | I'm treading for my life believe me 相信我正践踏着生命

And I'm floating, and it's like this amazing, amazing realness:我漂浮着 感觉太棒了 就像真的一样

And then I'm running so fast that my feet aren't even touching the ground.|我... | And I'm floating, and it's like this amazing, amazing realness.|我漂浮着 感觉太棒了 就像真的一样 | Then I realize,|后来...

And the flung spray and the blown spume:照应着海中的朵朵溅起的浪花

with the white clouds flying, 在有风的海面上漂浮, | And the flung spray and the blown spume, 照应着海中的朵朵溅起的浪花, | and the sea-gulls crying. 伴随着海鸥的声声入耳的啼叫.

be all adrift:漂流,漂浮;茫然,不知所措;莫名其妙

105.adrift adv.adj.漂浮着(的),漂流着(的) | be all adrift 漂流,漂浮;茫然,不知所措;莫名其妙 | eg.Deep colors advance.深的颜色显得醒目.