英语人>词典>汉英 : 滤波器 的英文翻译,例句
滤波器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
filter  ·  filtered  ·  filters

wave trap
更多网络例句与滤波器相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to avoid the cumbersome design,the bandpass filter is indierect designed by relationship between it and lowpass filter.

摘 要:为了避开直接设计带通滤波器的繁琐设计步骤要求,利用低通滤波器与带通滤波器的关系,间接设计带通滤波器是创新之处,即通过设计简单的低通滤波器从而达到设计带通滤波器的要求。

The design of digital notch filters can be achieved through three steps:firstly,the design of analog lowpass filter; secondly,it is analog lowpass to analog band stop filter conversion;at last,using the bilinear transformation make the analog notch filters change into digital notch filters.


Abstraction :This paper analyzes the principle of Butterworth digital filter,discuss bilinear transformation method of filter design;record a piece of voice by Microsoft voice recorders, carry on its a time-domain analysis, spectral analysis;then design a specified Butterworth band-stop filter based on the theory of bilinear transform,analyze the filter by the tool named Fvtool;and filter the voice signal acquired by voice recorder.finally compare its characteristics of frequency domain and time domain,study the applications of Butterworth filter in digital signal processing ,in particular in signal denoising.


along with the development of digital technology,digital filters are widely used in many fields,this paper introduces how to design a iir digital notch filters in matlab environment.the design of digital notch filters can be achieved through three steps:firstly,the design of analog lowpass filter; secondly,it is analog lowpass to analog band stop filter conversion;at last,using the bilinear transformation make the analog notch filters change into digital notch filters.the paper also introduces how to design the transfer function of the digital notch filters using all the zeros and farthest points at the same time,it also introduces the program of the digital notch filters under butterworth analog lowpass prototype.

摘 要:随着数字技术的发展,数字滤波器在许多领域得到广泛的应用。研究一种在matlab语言环境下设计iir数字陷波滤波器的方法,在数字陷波滤波器设计过程中,先进行模拟低通滤波器的设计,然后进行模拟低通/模拟带阻滤波器转换,最后采用双线性变化法将模拟陷波滤波器转化成数字陷波滤波器。提出一种用所有零点和极点来表达数字陷波器传递函数的方法,同时给出以巴特沃斯模拟低通为原型设计数字陷波滤波器的程序。关键词:无限冲激响应;巴特沃斯滤波器;数字陷波滤波器;matlab;双线性变换

The excellent agreements between simulated and measured results prove the accuracy of the established circuit model. Moreover, the varactor was added to the resonator to adjust its resonant frequency. As expected, the reactance introduced by the varactor indeed affects the net inductance and capacitance obviously. It is noted that, not only the shift with the center frequency, the inductive or capacitive of the reactance can also provide a parameter to switch its frequency toward the two directions away from the one without varactor. As a consequence, a wideband tunable band-pass filter is achieved. Although the bad quality factor with the diode strongly increases the insertion loss, this concept was proved to be available for effectively tuning the center frequency of such a class of band-pass filter.


Advances an efficient method of 2D FIR filtering based on impulse response rounding. Discusses the impulse response characteristics of 2D FIR filter. Then describes designing process of efficient 2D FIR filter based on impulse response rounding. Discusses application of efficient 2D filter with circular symmetric with eightfold symmetric frequency response. At last discusses the selection of rounding parameters.


In this paper,a design method of two dimensional Linear Phase Nearly Perfect Reconstruction filter banks based on a new class of cosine modulation systems is presented,which can be described as follow: firstly,the Parks-McClellan algorithm is adopted for designing the prototype filter,then by employing cosine modulation,a series of analysis and synthesis filters can be obtained,accordingly a one-dimensional LP-NPR filter banks can be constructed;Secondly,cascading two one-dimensional LP-NPR filter banks in the form of tree structure and using the unimodular transformation,a two dimensional nonseparable LP-NPR filter banks can be obtained.


The Full-Wave Rectifier and Averaging Filter 全波整流器和平均值滤波器: The circuit shown in Figure 25 is the heart of an average reading, rms calibrated AC voltmeter.


An optimal filter is designed specially for dq transform used in the voltage mea-surement of transfer switch,which is composed of lower-order notch filter and lower-order low pass filter with higher cut-off frequency in series.Its transfer function is presented by theoretical derivation.If the order is same,it is better in measuring the positive sequence of fundamental amplitude than the average filter and the low-pass filter.


For this objection, we propose a kind of optimal interpolator in the senes of the minimizing mean square error, which using the image nonseparable autocorrelation function model and characteristic of circular quincunx interpolator's coefficient distribution. The experiments testified that the interpolating characteristic of APIDCSF is similar to the optimal interpolator. A quasi-vanishing moment curve is proposed here.


更多网络解释与滤波器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

filter, anti-aliasing:反频迭滤波器

模拟氏滤波器 filter, analog | 反频迭滤波器 filter, anti-aliasing | 带通滤波器 filter, band

band-pass filter:带通滤波器

+ 带通滤波器(Band Pass Filter)是一个[[无线电波滤波器]],其有一个特定的频率范围,在其中的被设计通过,同时拒绝在通频带外的频率. 电阻器-感应器-电容器电路就是带通滤波器的一个例子.

bandpass filter:带通滤波器即此滤波器只能通过某一段频率

BALANCE : 平衡 | BANDPASS FILTER : 带通滤波器即此滤波器只能通过某一段频率 | BASKET : 喇叭的铁框部份

Butterworth filter:巴特沃思滤波器

具有频率选择性的滤波器是以模拟滤波器为中心而发展起来的[1~3],本节将对巴特沃思滤波器(Butterworth filter)和切比雪夫滤波器(Chebyshev filter)等典型滤波器及模拟滤波器的概要进行叙述.

Butterworth filter:波特沃斯滤波器

带阻滤波器 band-stop filter | 波特沃斯滤波器 Butterworth filter | 切比雪夫滤波器 Chebyshev filter

filter, Butterworth:巴氏滤波器

分路滤波器 filter, branching | 巴氏滤波器 filter, Butterworth | 电容藕合式带通滤波器 filter, capacitively coupled bandpass

high-pass filter:高通滤波器

(滤波器与参量均衡器超级相似,如果你不清楚什么频率,什么Q值的话建议你看看>--musiXboy注)高通滤波器(high pass filter)完全就是低通滤波器的翻版,不必多说了,只是在实际应用中高通滤波器不很常用.



filter, interdigital:交叉指形滤波器

积体光滤波器 filter, integrated optical | 交叉指形滤波器 filter, interdigital | 干涉滤波器 filter, interference

high-pass filter:高通滤波器

(滤波器与参量均衡器超级相似,如果你不清楚什么频率,什么Q值的话建议你看看<<我的听话EQ>>--musiXboy注)高通滤波器(high pass filter)完全就是低通滤波器的翻版,不必多说了,只是在实际应用中高通滤波器不很常用.