英语人>词典>汉英 : 滤去 的英文翻译,例句
滤去 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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For this reason, the low-pass filtration is used to elide the wave less than eight days. Finally, a more reasonable day threshold is obtained to define temperature extremes.


Design of integrated circuit positive sequence component and negative sequence component filter;2. A new method for detecting the fundamental negative and positive sequence component s as well as the harmonic components is developed in this paper.


Moisture from the compressed air, and install the manometer at the outlet of pump, so to

备注:在使用QBY 气动隔膜泵时,要安装空气过滤器,以滤去压缩空气中的水分,并在泵的出

Independently tested, LXT PVC provides superior resistance to regular PVC for leaching of anion, cation, and numerous trace metals when subjected to 18.2 megohm deionized water while maintaining ease of installation.

经过第三方独立测试,对于19.2兆欧姆去离子水,LXT PVC对于阴离子、阳离子和许多痕量金属的滤去具有极高的耐抗性,同时还保持安装的简便性。

Her skin is cold, and clammy; her eyes are the colour of sky, on the grey, wet days that leach the world of colour and meaning; her voice is little more than a whisper, and while she has no odour, her shadow smells musky, and pungent, like the skin of a snake.


Interestingly, Jiang Heng's concept is imbued with his personal perceptional experience, and is mixed with many growth hazards, which, once deprived of the pervading desires, is left with a flamboyant imagery.


We focus on the fire signal processingin this dissertation.


After this procession has been done, the background is easily filtered, the edge of moving objects are reserved. There are some things with invariableness color, and only similar color objects in the background. We set a filter template. Others color pixeles are filtered and the image is smoothed for eliminating noise, then the remarkable color region of the image is considered as moving object.


Perhaps the child's heart is like a wonderful funnel, which leaches numerous and complicated, keeps and fetches simplicity, filters heaviness and retains illusion.


Pull the tea through the tea strainer to catch all of the tea leaves.


更多网络解释与滤去相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3) 它可滤去文章中提到最有害的污染物.........氯胺(Chloramine)吗?3) 它可滤去文章中提到最有害的污染物.........氯胺(Chloramine)吗?3) 它可滤去文章中提到最有害的污染物.........氯胺(Chloramine)吗?

Cole slaw:高丽菜丝沙拉

紫高丽菜丝沙拉(cole slaw) 紫色高丽菜切细丝,加cole slaw酱拌均,放进冰箱一小时后即可食用. 4. 蟹籽玉米沙拉 罐头玉米滤去水份,加洋葱丁,青/红甜椒,美奶芝酱(mayonaisse)拌均,上铺一大匙蟹籽即可. [page] 详细地址:订座电话:菜式风味:餐厅席位:餐厅环境:服务态度:优惠特价:营业时间:人均消费:交通路线:车位情况:


此外,恰当而有效的芯片电源去耦(decouple)电路也非常重要. 许多整合了线性线路的RF芯片对电源的噪音非常敏感,通常每个芯片都需要采用高达四个电容和一个隔离电感来滤除全部的电源噪音. (图一)在移动电话里,大多数电路的直流电流都相当小,

Lyot depolarizer:立奥去偏振器

Lyot coronograph 立奥日冕仪 | Lyot depolarizer 立奥去偏振器 | Lyot filter 立奥滤光器


换句话说,光的偏振性便是指行进中的光具有规律的磁振动方向,有线性(linear)、椭圆(elliptical)与圆(circular)偏振光等. 摄影时常用的偏光镜,便是应用了这些原理,将某些反射或散射所造成的光线滤去,以消除反光并增强色彩饱和度.

filter capacitor:滤波电容器

滤波电容器(filter capacitor) 指在直流供电电源中用来滤去交流50Hz纹波的那些滤波电容器. 火线(firewire) 也称IEEE 1394数字接口. 系一种高速的数字视频和数据接口技术. 已被美国IEEE 采纳为新型的标准. 用于将数字电视和计算机与其它器材和周边设备连接.

flesh finish:肉面涂饰

increaser plant species 增量植物种 | flesh finish 肉面涂饰 | leachable 可滤取的, 可滤去


这一脚本先使用了去斑点滤镜(Despeckle),然后又使用了锐化滤镜(Sharpen). 虽然前一个滤镜能够去除大量的颗粒,但却会同时将图像变模糊. 因此,还需要再使用锐化滤镜. 这样,图像清晰如初,但颗粒现象却减轻了.


36.过滤(Sieve).把摇壶内或调酒杯内的鸡尾酒摇匀后,用滤冰器滤去冰块,并将酒倒人鸡尾酒杯或其他杯内,称为过滤. 鸡尾酒经过200多年的发展,现代鸡尾酒已不再是若干种酒及乙醇饮料的简单混合物. 虽然种类繁多,配方各异,


lixiviatelixiviation 浸滤 | lixiviating 去碱 | lixiviation 溶滤