英语人>词典>汉英 : 满江红 的英文翻译,例句
满江红 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Azoila imbricata
更多网络例句与满江红相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Company Location - Shu Zhiwang County - Dayi County is the state-level eco-food, beautiful Xiling Snow Mountain Spring gathered wine Aura Azolla, Azolla patriotic devotion is eternal life!


The purpose was to discuss the mechanism of physiological and and biochemical responses of Azolla imbricate Roxb.

[目的]探讨了满江红对Ce(上标 3+)胁迫的生理生化应答反应机制。

A single Azolla mat can accumulate 20 to 30 kg N/ha, and successive croppings can yield 100 kg N/ha ( Roget et al, 1993), a portion of which becomes available to rice through incorporating the fern as a green-manure.

一个满江红层每年能固氮20~30kg/公顷,连续种植能达到100kg/公顷( Rogat et al, 1993),把蕨类当做绿肥翻压入土,部分养分便可供水稻利用。

This is kinds of spores are of various sizes known as the spores profiled, such as Selaginella, Azolla and so on.


Azolla Sichuan Liquor Liquor Group is specializing in research, development, production of the Group of companies.


Promising strains have been identified, although genetic improvement of the Azolla system has not received much attention.


A "Azolla" the tragic, but also the "country - and my mother," the shock, but that has become our memories here.


Azolla fourth, to show to a climax, fire and the roar of the red gangshows the pride and enthusiasm


And so, one set of videos centers on azolla, which can cover the top of a water tank in about a week and lead to much higher milk production from cows.


Autoinducer_Ph-1 exploits a traditional rice cultivation technique from SE Asia where Azolla is grown in large quantities and used as an organic, nitrogen rich fertilizer in the rice paddies. A naturally occuring symbiosis between the water fern Azolla and the cyanobacteria Anabaena is reworked to force a real and a synthetic culture of bacterial cells to exhibit symbiotic behaviours.

自体诱导物 Ph-1 入侵了东南亚传统稻田施肥技术;大量有机生长的满江红原生植物,供给稻田所需的有机氮化物,水生蕨类的满江红、鱼腥蓝藻产生了共生的自然现象,其力量诱导人工细菌的细胞展现共生的行为。

更多网络解释与满江红相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Groping For Fish:模鱼儿

满江红 The River All Red | 模鱼儿 Groping For Fish | 最高楼 The Highest Tower

Groping For Fish:摸鱼儿

满江红 The River All Red | 摸鱼儿 Groping For Fish | 最高楼 The Highest Tower


"吡咯环(一氮二烯五环)","azole" | "石蕊红质","azolitmin" | "满江红(纲目);萍(台湾)","Azolla imbricata Nakai;A. pinnata R.Br."



Azolla imvricata:满江红

(三)满江红科Azollaceae | 3.满江红Azolla imvricata | (四)蓼科Polygonaceae

azolla pinnata:羽叶满江红

azolla filliculoidas 蛋白草 | azolla pinnata 羽叶满江红 | azonal soil 泛域土

Azolla Lam:满江红属

15.满江红科 Azollaceae | 1)满江红属 Azolla Lam. | 裸子植物门Gymospermae

Azolla imbricata:满江红

满江红(Azolla imbricata)天然资源丰富,产量高,渔业利用价值比较大.论文综述了近年来满江红的部分研究工作,介绍了满江红的生物学特征及其渔业利用,在前人的基础上,提出利用"鱼类-满江红"走生态养殖的模式.


苹目仅苹科(Marsileaceae) 1科,有3属. 我国只有苹属(Marsilea)的苹,广泛分布于我国南北各地. 槐叶苹目有2属,即槐叶苹属(Salvinia)和满江红属(Azolla),在我国均广泛分布. 满江红属(图5-52),又称绿苹或红苹,属满江红科(Azollaceae).

The River All Red:满江红

点绦唇 Rouged Lips | 满江红 The River All Red | 模鱼儿 Groping For Fish