英语人>词典>汉英 : 滑顺的 的英文翻译,例句
滑顺的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与滑顺的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many layers weave the carbon fiber brake the mat a CARBONITE strong dint, slippery agreeable again steady performance.


Finding out the maximum point of the equivalent plastic strain on each of the vertical lines, a group of discrete points on the critical slip surface will be obtained. Last, the discrete points are smoothed by means of the thin-plate smoothing spline; and the position of the critical 3D slip surface is determined.

最后,采用被称为薄板光顺样条(thin-plate smoothing spline)函数的插值方法对滑面上的离散点进行了插值光顺处理,在不指定边坡滑动模式和滑面形状的前提下就可以得到三维边坡的临界滑面。

Angel is filled with collect a lipstick to have 8 kinds, color of bright and lustrous is rich, want on thin scumble one only, can illume a glare colour, take whole face good color; Still c on tain among them protect wet elite, when helping an inunction , slip had arranged extend, can last at the same time moist double lip, prevent weather-shack the generati on with microgroove.


It's a very smooth feeling in the pocket for using rayon fabric!


David Berkowitz struck out at women, most with long, flowing hair.


Flowing Hair Flow Meters Flow Pattern Floyd North Flstn Fluer Di ...

滑顺的头发流量计流型弗洛伊德北flstn fluer迪。。。

This agate-color oil is full of fresh aroma and smooth taste. It is no less than the peanut or sesame seeds oils. It is revivable and retrospective.


His normal, easy-gliding gate is specked tonight with a detectable hitch – the result of a deep thigh bruise sustained two days prior, further aggravated by a physical contest earlier in the evening in Cleveland and the stiffness brought on by the immediate flight afterwards to Philly.


But if you need a touch of extra conditioning to smooth your hair, shampoos can help.


By using monitoring, the potential sliding zone in effected range of cutting area is determined and through test, analogy, back calculation and expert experience the value of cohesion internal friction angle C,φ of sliding zone are also precisely determined.


更多网络解释与滑顺的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



boron nitride:氮化硼

美思(Missha) 晶矿亮颜修容粉天然矿物中萃取的铋化物 (Bismuth Oxychloride) 、氮化硼 (Boron Nitride) ,如丝缎般滑顺,搭配取自黑、黄、红云母的氧化铁 (Black Yellow and Red Lron Oxide) 天然色素,云母灿光因子让脸颊更立体,绽放好气色.

phosphor bronze:磷青铜

强化纤维尼龙(FRN)的内层钢质衬片凿穿数个圆孔,除了让整体重量降低,也能让外层与内层更紧密结合. 而为了提高展刀的滑顺性,刀刃轴心装有磷青铜(Phosphor Bronze)的垫圈;磷青铜的表面很光滑,刀刃在旋转时的摩擦力便大幅减轻

rub it in:將乳液塗進去

I need some lotion.我需要一些乳液 | Rub it in.将乳液涂进去 | Now my hands feel smoother!现在我的手滑顺多了﹗


Round:圆润、调和、滑顺的 | Seedy:种子味 | Smoked:烟熏味的

The Wild One:狂野的人

他在>(A Street Car Named Desire)>(On The Waterfront 1954),>(The Wild One)中的表演堪称其所塑造的沉默寡言的男子汉的杰出代表,在>中顺墙滑下的镜头更成为日后的经典回放镜头之一.


gliding /流畅的/滑顺的/滑行的/ | glidingly /流畅地/滑顺地/滑行地/ | glim /灯火/蜡烛/灯笼/些许/


gliding 滑行的 | glidingly 滑顺地 | glidingly 滑行地


glidingly 滑顺地 | glidingly 滑行地 | glidingmellifluentmellifluous 流畅的

Chateau Les Grandes Mottes:格兰魔德堡 丰富的水果香气,口感有张力,酸度适中

Chateau Saint Sauveur 仙莎威尔堡 强烈的香草和橡木的味道,口感饱和度很好,顺滑流畅. | Chateau Les Grandes Mottes格兰魔德堡 丰富的水果香气,口感有张力,酸度适中. | Chateau Maison Noble Rose贵族宫玫瑰红