英语人>词典>汉英 : 滑雪运动 的英文翻译,例句
滑雪运动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与滑雪运动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They will test their skills in seven winter sports: biathlon, bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, luge, skating and skiing. More than six hundred judges and other officials will supervise the games.


It can be used for cycling, running, inline skating, Nordic skiing, Nordic walking orback country skiing.


If you are looking for a winter adventure and want to try some of the finest and most challenging skiing in the world, then you should try a visit to Kitzbuhel.


Photograph by George F. MobleySkiers dot the slopes in this night view of the Happo-One Ski Resort in the Japan Alps' Hida Range near Tokyo, Japan.Skiing was brought to Japan in 1911 when the imperial general staff asked the Austrian Army for help training ski troops.

这是一幅夜景滑雪者像圆点状在一处斜坡面滑行在Happo-One Ski Resort位于日本阿尔卑斯山的Hida Range靠近东京日本。1911年滑雪运动使得日本皇帝的将军向奥地利军队协助训练化学的军队。

Mobley Skiers dot the slopes in this night view of the Happo-One Ski Resort in the Japan Alps' Hida Range near Tokyo, Japan. Skiing was brought to Japan in 1911 when the imperial general staff asked the Austrian Army for help training ski troops.

这是一幅夜景滑雪者像圆点状在一处斜坡面滑行在Happo-One Ski Resort位于日本阿尔卑斯山的Hida Range靠近东京日本。1911年滑雪运动使得日本皇帝的将军向奥地利军队协助训练化学的军队。

While she's in Mexico, she says,"he goes skiing in Chile, heli-skiing in Telluride — any kind of extreme ski or mountain bike trip."


The barrier to mechanized backcountry skiing is much more a monetary issue than an issue of skiing prowess, age, fitness and backcountry experience, especially in the case of heliskiing.


Also equipped with a corresponding number of ski ropeways, snow machine, snow motorcycle, snow machine Yang, snow resort of modern tanks and other transport equipment and passenger car up the mountain, skiers can guarantee that each of the ski in its adaptation Road Safety skiing felt carefree charm.


From the Nordic World Ski Championships in the Czech Republic to the Freestyle World Championships in Japan to a small family rope tow in Maine, skiing takes many forms.


The sport is called speed riding and it is a hybrid of paragliding and skiing.


更多网络解释与滑雪运动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alpine skiing:滑雪运动

Alpine Ski Racing 滑雪比赛 | Alpine Skiing 滑雪运动 | Camping 野外露营

cross-country skiing:越野滑雪

背面分为两部分,左边月牙形中采用全息技术,把温哥华冬奥会标志和飘落的雪花表现的异常完美;右边刻画的是冬奥会各个运动项目:速度滑冰(Speed Skating)、越野滑雪(Cross Country Skiing)、跳台滑雪(Ski Jumping)、俯式冰撬(Skeleton)以及奥林匹克精神.

cross-country skiing:(滑雪)

雪地运动包括下山滑雪(downhill),郊野滑雪( Cross Country Skiing)、雪鞋健行(Snowshoeing)以及滑雪轮(snowtubing)等. 尤其是公园内的19 公里长的郊野滑雪道是北岸其他滑雪场所没有具备的. 塞浦路斯山的滑雪季票值得推荐. 该计划包括每周一个晚上,

skiing:滑雪 ","滑雪

在那里生活的人们,为了生存,就必须学会滑雪,"滑雪"(skiing)这个词就来源于古挪威语"skinh"即"雪鞋"之意. 据考试,滑雪运动在北欧等国开展已有五千多年的历史,到13世界被当作一项运动,并逐渐盛行起来. 15~17世纪,


skiffle 噪音爵士乐 | skiing 滑雪运动 | skijoring 滑雪游戏


该项运动在欧洲非常流行,并与滑雪游戏(skijoring)和自行车游戏(bikejoring)有关,不同的是滑雪和自行车游戏一般是拴住1-3只狗. 第一届Canicross世界锦标赛于2002年在意大利的拉维纳举行. 越野赛(Canicross)不像牵着狗散步那样的简单,


单板滑雪(Snowboard)(又称滑板滑雪)源于0世纪0年代中期的美国,其产生与冲浪运动有关. 舍曼-波潘195年把两个滑雪板绑在一起,偶然中就创造了两脚踩踏在一整块板上的新滑雪板,单板滑雪又称冬季的冲浪运动,单板滑雪选手用一个滑雪板而不是一双滑雪板,

s Biathlon:滑雪射击

11. r Wintersport 冬季运动 | s Biathlon 滑雪射击 | r Bobsport 连橇运动


skiff /小艇/轻舟/小型帆船/ | skiffle /即兴摇滚乐/演奏即兴摇滚乐/ | skiing /滑雪/滑雪运动/滑雪术/

downhill skiing:滑降滑雪

体育作为一个阿尔卑斯山国家,列支敦士登较具有竞争力的主要运动项目是冬季运动,例如女性滑降滑雪(downhill skiing)好手汉妮.梵佐(Hanni Wenzel)就曾在1980年于美国宁静湖(Lake Placid)举行的冬季奥运中摘得两金一银,成绩斐然.