英语人>词典>汉英 : 滑稽讽刺的 的英文翻译,例句
滑稽讽刺的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
heroicomic  ·  heroicomical

更多网络例句与滑稽讽刺的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His irony sometimes is humorous but sharp, when expressing various disgusting manners of the life in the small town, this performance is obvious; sometimes his irony is truly emotional: Babbitt is funny as a typical model image, but when his pursuit of freedom is destroyed by the cruel actuality, the depiction of those details are sadly; In " Arrowsmith ", when revealing the corrupt phenomenon consisting in American medical science field , his irony becomes gloomy and serious.


A forward thrust of the pelvis,as in a burlesque striptease.


A light orchestral composition marked by freedom and diversity of form, often with burlesque elements.


In Everybody's magazine,long defunct,I recall"Ferrier's World Searchlight"with its weekly caricatures of a clubfooted dwarf called Goebbels and the other comic Nazi heroes.

例如《人人》杂志(Everybody's magazine),虽然它如今久已停刊,但我仍可忆起它所刊登的一个每周连载的讽刺漫画《费里尔的世界探照灯》(Ferrier's World Searchlight),里面有一个叫做戈培尔的瘸子侏儒,还有其他滑稽化的纳粹英雄们。

Hauer finds it ironic that Giuliani is still talking about the incident, since they both thought it was "comically" mishandled then.


The construction pattern of die satire comedy has its basis on die construction technique of die low comedy.


Yet die advantage of the satire comedy against die low comedy originates from the fact diat it elevates the overall quality of comedy, indicated by its exposure of darkness and criticism of reality by means of portraying negative comic figures.


Often, little seems to have changed in Italy in the more than 50 years since Luchino Visconti made Bellissima, a funny and distressing satire on a Roman mother's starry ambitions for her tiny daughter.


It is also called ironic painting. The word caricature is from the Italian Caricare. The meaning is exaggeration. It means ironic and funny painting later. It is the meaning of Caricature.

高速画一词来源于意大利文 Caricare ,义为夸张,后来演变为专指具有讽刺和滑稽意味的图画,即 Caricature 一词。

His complete lack of self-consciousness permits the ironies that make him perhaps the most comic figure in the book.


更多网络解释与滑稽讽刺的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从19世纪90年代盛行于伦敦的喜歌剧和滑稽剧(Burlesque)发展而成. 由歌曲、说白、合唱和舞剧结合在一起. 音乐通俗、内容轻松. 有的虽带有讽刺政治或涉及社会问题,但大多为谈情说爱的日常生活题材. 20世纪起流行于美国和说英语的国家.


14. monologue 独白 | 15. burlesque 诙谐或游戏诗文的,讽刺或滑稽的 | 16. Nativity 基督的诞生


- ironic 讽刺的 | - facetious 滑稽的,幽默的 | - fitting 适当的,恰当的


反语(irony),讽刺(satire),机智(wit),滑稽剧(farce),奇趣(whimsicality),这几个字都和幽默有相当的关系. 我们先说那个最难让的--奇趣. 这个字在应用上是很松泛的,无论什么样子的打趣与奇想都可以用这个字来表示,>的奇事,

Federico Fellini:费德里科.费里尼

安德斯实际上是从他与月球表面垂直的环绕轨道上拍下这张照片的滑稽讽刺的摄影隐约让人联想到同时期>(Federico Fellini)对于天主教的严厉批评,

Oh, and the next time you want to do that|hilariously ironic "I love Con Air" skid:下次你要来|"我爱《空中监狱》"这么滑稽的讽刺时

And I wouldn't call that doing his job... | Oh, and the next time you want to do that|hilariously ironic "I love Con Air" skid...|下次你要来|"我爱>"这么滑稽的讽刺时 | - I wasn't being ironic...


- disparaging 轻视的 | - ironic 讽刺的 | - facetious 滑稽的,幽默的


这就像在说:"比独一无二还要独一无二"(very one-of-a kind)一样,语意上根本说不通. 此外,好像没有人知道"讽刺"(irony)这个词到底是什么意思. 它并不是指滑稽、刻毒、巧合、挖苦,或任何和上述词语相关的意思;如果你不相信,




hint 暗示, 提示, 线索 | heroicomical (诗文)英雄喜剧的,滑稽讽刺的,戏谑性的 | carbon film potentiometer 炭膜电位计