英语人>词典>汉英 : 滑稽文章 的英文翻译,例句
滑稽文章 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I get letters from Vanity Fair,Cosmopolitan etc.asking me for stories,articles,and serials,butam publishing nothing for six months or a year(afew stories sold to Scribner's the end of last year and one funny article out) because I know thatnow is a very crucial time and that it is much moreimportant for me to write in tranquility,trying towrite as well as I can,with no eye on any market,nor any thought of what the stuff willl bring,oreven if it can ever be published——than to fall intothe money making trap which handles American writers like the cornhusking machine handled mynoted relative's thumb .


And they expect all problems to be solved happily in ten, fifteen or thirty minutes.


Playing on sexual themes, she reveals uncomfortable aspects of British humour, in addition to asking the viewer to re-assess their judgement of gender roles. Her work always has a certain raw energy, it is confrontational as she often impersonates masculine poses with travesty, and its wry sense of humour leaves the viewer both provoked and amused.


In fact I was reading and doing a little research, that book that's in the play, was a book that he was actually writing and I know now as I've read a little bit about him and I've met him a little bit, I think he's a serious fellow and a fellow not uninterested in wisdom literature, wisdom thinking, big questions in life, uh, religion in some ways, and the big question of who are we and it's not what this piece of material deals with, and even though certain passages of it, as they are quoted, can be made to sound a little funny, ah, no it's up for grabs as to what the nature of that book is.


更多网络解释与滑稽文章相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


amphigenous 叶子旁 | amphigory 滑稽文章 | amphigouri 滑稽文章


无意义的话jabberwocky | 无意义而滑稽的文章amphigory | 无意中unawaresundesignedlyunintentionally


amphigory 滑稽文章 | amphigouri 滑稽文章 | amphimacer 扬抑扬格


amphigory | 无意义而滑稽的文章 | amphigouri | 无意义而滑稽的文章 | amphigynous | 两面生的


amphigouri 滑稽文章 | amphimacer 扬抑扬格 | amphimixis 交配


faceted 有小面的 | facetiae 滑稽文章 | facetiosity 可笑


facetiae 滑稽文章 | facetiae 黄色小说 | facetious 爱开玩笑的


amphidromia 命名仪式 | amphigenous 叶子旁 | amphigory 滑稽文章

amphigony:两性生殖, 有性生殖

amphigonous female | 有性雌(蚜虫) | amphigony | 两性生殖, 有性生殖 | amphigory | 无意义而滑稽的文章


facete 滑稽的 | faceted 有小面的 | facetiae 滑稽文章