英语人>词典>汉英 : 渐增加 的英文翻译,例句
渐增加 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与渐增加相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is found that with the increasing of N , leaf reflectance increases and reaches an asymptote while leaf transmittance decreases and reaches an asymptote also.


Algorithm application of neural networks.Ⅲ Implementation of neuro-computers. The main contribution of the dissertation can be summarized as follows: 1 Hopf bifurcation of three kind of neural networks are discussed in detail, including type of discrete time delay, type of time delay with weak kernel and strong kernel as well as the proof of existence of bifurcation. Other problems such as asymptotic stability of bifurcation periodic solution, algorithm of determining the bifurcation direction, asymptotic stability and style of periodic solution are also studied. The average time delay is chosen as the bifurcation parameter, phenomena pertinent to system states of the continuous time delay network with strong kernel evolving from stable to oscillating, then back to stable again are observed.

论文的主要创新之处可以归纳如下: 1)针对目前国内外对神经网络的分岔研究较少的情况,论文中详细讨论了带离散时延神经网络、带弱核的连续时延神经网络、带连续分布时延且具有强核的神经网络的Hopf分岔现象,从理论上证明了Hopf分岔的存在性,并研究了分岔周期解的渐近稳定性,得到了确定周期解的渐近稳定性、分岔方向、周期解的渐近形式的算法;用平均时延作为分岔参数,发现带强核的连续时延神经网络中存在着系统的状态由稳定变化到振荡现象,当继续增加平均时延参数时,又从振荡变为稳定这一特殊的动力学现象。

As the society situation of 「few birth」and「old aging」 coming, every country has to face the ageing situation all over the world. The prime of life must load more and more greybeard per one. Taiwan is the second ageing country in the world, just gets behind Japan. Therefore, in economy, society and political aspects, the government brings up a lot of ideas to handle the increasing of greybeard.


Last we obtain globally asymptotically stability of boundary equilibrium by applying locally asymptotically stability and attractiveness and persistence by using uniform repeller theorem.


Suppose there exist a strictly increasing function Φ: 0,∞→

若存在严格增加函数Φ:[0,∞]→0,∞,Φ(0)=0,jx(下标 n+1-x∈Jx(下标 n+1-x使得〈T(上标 n-1)x(下标 n+1)-T(上标 n-1)x, jx(下标 n+1-x〉≤k‖x(下标 n+1)-x‖^2-Φ‖x(下标 n+1-x‖,n≥1,x是T的不动点,在对参数的一些限制条件下,本文证明了迭代序列{x}强收敛于非自映象T的不动点x,其目的是把对渐近伪压缩映象的迭代结果推广到渐近伪压缩非自映象上,从而推广了以前的结果。

Then, it studies the supply chain management system as a complex system to confirm the state existing during operating of the system. After that, it conducts a probability analysis on the state which the system located by applying supplement variable method, and establishes the model of distributed parameter system in a form of partial differential equations. Combining C0 ? semigroup theory in the functional analysis, it conducts a dynamic analysis on the established mathematical model. Using this method, it obtains the mathematical expression of the dynamic solution and the steady state solution, and proves the uniqueness, non-negativity and the asymptotic stability of the system solution. This dissertation applies the Matlab tool and uses two-step, three-step Simpson integral equation to imitate the condition of system solution. Then, it adds possible mode of failure and the optimization adjustment state to the system, based on which it has established the distributed parameter system model which is described by partial differential system of equations. Combining the functional analysis C0 ? semigroup theory, it studies the established mathematical model, and obtains the mathematical expression of the dynamic solution system and the steady state solution. It has proven the existing of uniqueness of the system solution, the asymptotic stability of system solution and the system solution. In addition, it has lying the theory rationale for further analysis and the research on the optimization of system.

本文首先简要综述了供应链理论、可靠性研究、鲁棒性研究以及供应链鲁棒性研究的现状;然后,将供应链系统作为一个复杂系统来分析,确定了系统运行过程中所经历的状态,通过引入补充变量的方法,建立了用偏微分方程组描述的分布参数系统模型,用泛函分析中的C_0 -半群理论得到了系统动态解和稳态解的数学表达式,证明了系统解存在的唯一性、非负性和指数阶渐近稳定性;并借助Matlab工具,利用二阶、三阶辛普森积分方程模拟系统解的性态,并给出系统动态解的仿真图;本文又对上述系统增加了系统可能失效状态和优化调整状态,并在此基础上建立了用偏微分方程组描述的分布参数系统模型,同样用泛函分析中的C_0 -半群理论对所建立的数学模型进行了研究,得到系统动态解和稳态解的数学表达式,证明了系统动态解存在的唯一性、非负性及渐近稳定性,为进一步分析和研究供应链优化奠定了理论基础。

Firstly, a simple closed-form MIMO channel capacity formula is derived by using the eigenvalue distribution of Wishart matrix.


At dehiscence, elongata flower ratio was increased graduate then decreased; carpelloid was increased at that time; more elongata flowers were increased again then following by pistilloid increasing steadily at one year cycle.


The author calculated and simulated three kinds of diffuser augmented wind turbines of eleven models under different velocities,and obtained curve pictures of enhanced ratio of flow rates and ratio of flux rate at the minimal section of DAWT.


According to the results of this study, the ultimate strength of pin-bone interface increased as the moment arm decreased and torque increased. When the pin-bone angle approached 90°, the ultimate strength was the largest and as the angle decreased, the ultimate strength decreased. There was no significant difference between rigidity and torque, but rigidity decreased as the skull-bone angle decreased.


更多网络解释与渐增加相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


海水淡化(Desalination)主要是将海水脱盐并制造淡水,是不在时空与气候限制下,可增加水资源利用的技术. 只要海水淡化技术良好、价格渐趋合理,将可保障全球沿海居民饮用水,并提供工业用水,台湾主要跨入水资源领域业者为千附实业.


则自最初几次蜕皮後於体表形成的翅芽长出. 头数个龄期的若虫,其身体各部位的形态、比例与成虫迥异. 随虫龄的增加外形与成虫渐近似,蜻蜓、石蝇及蜉蝣的幼体水生,有时称为稚虫(naiad). 有鳃,在水面滑行. 其变态较为复杂. 成虫能飞.

secondary parkinsonism:续发性巴金森氏症

巴金森氏症候群包括原发性巴金森氏症(Parkinson'sdisease)及续发性巴金森氏症(secondary parkinsonism)等. 由於呼吸中枢的敏感性改变而呈现通气量(ventilation)逐渐减少至停止、随后通气量逐渐增加至过度后又回到通气量渐减状态,如此周而复始.

anterior pituitary gland:脑下垂体前叶

泌乳激素是由脑下垂体前叶 (anterior pituitary gland) 分泌,每天约分泌 13~14 波,在熟睡后血液浓度增加,清醒后渐减,进食后会增加,遇到压力时也会增加.


肉类含有大量名为"嘌呤"(Purine)的有机物质,在人体内分解后会产生尿酸,需由肾脏处理排出体外. 吃肉太多,肾脏的工作量会大大增加. 肉食者肾脏的工作量,相等于素食者的三倍. 若是年轻人尚可支撑;但随着年龄渐长,肾脏便会由于耗损过度,


1664 年英国派军舰( warship )开抵曼哈顿,实力衰竭的荷兰军队无力抵抗,被迫将新阿姆斯特丹拱手让给英国. 后来随着这一地段人口增加,经济渐趋繁荣,木栏墙反而成了一道障碍. 因此, 1699 年英国人拆除了此墙,将原址改建为街道,

Asymptotically Efficient:渐近有效

渐近有效(Asymptotically Efficient):对于服从渐近正态分布的一致性估计量,有最小渐近方差的估计量. 渐近不相关(Asymptotically Uncorrelated):时间序列过程中,随着两个时点上的随机变量的时间间隔增加,它们之间的相关趋于零.