英语人>词典>汉英 : 渐减地 的英文翻译,例句
渐减地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与渐减地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sepals 3(or 5); lateral sepals free or connate, margins entire or serrate; lower sepal large, petaloid, usually navicular, funnelform, saccate, or cornute, tapering or abruptly constricted into a nectariferous spur broadly or narrowly filiform, straight, curved, incurved, or ± coiled, swollen at tip, or pointed, rarely 2-lobed, rarely without spur. Petals 5, free, upper petal flat or cucullate, small or large, often crested abaxially, lateral petals free or united in pairs. Stamens 5, alternating with petals, connate or nearly so into a ring surrounding ovary and stigma, falling off in one piece before stigma ripens; filaments short, flat with a scalelike appendage inside; anthers 2-celled, connivent, opening by a slit or pore.


Stylopodium either conic and long-tapering into elongate erect styles (styles usually twice as long as the stylopodium) or low-conic abruptly tapering into short, deflexed styles (shorter than or equal to the stylopodium).


更多网络解释与渐减地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


decrepitate /发出响声地烧烤/烧得发出轻脆声响/ | decrepitude /衰老/老耄/老朽/ | decrescence /渐减/


decreasing 递减 | decreasingly 渐减地 | decree 法令


decreasingly 渐减地 | decreasingly 渐渐减少地 | decreasingreductive 减少的


decreasing /减少的/ | decreasingly /渐渐减少地/渐减地/ | decrement /渐减/减少/减少量/

decreasingly:渐减地 (副)

decreasing 减少的; 渐减的 (形) | decreasingly 渐减地 (副) | decubital 卧姿的; 褥疮的 (形)

decubital:卧姿的; 褥疮的 (形)

decreasingly 渐减地 (副) | decubital 卧姿的; 褥疮的 (形) | decubitus 卧姿; 褥疮 (名)


degression 渐减 | degressive 下降的 | degressively 递减地