英语人>词典>汉英 : 清楚地认识到 的英文翻译,例句
清楚地认识到 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与清楚地认识到相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, she holds the great strategic points of northern Europe,--- Alsace-Lorraine, the door to France; the Kiel Canal, giving her access to the Baltic without exposing herself to the necessity of utilizing the Sund; her allies hold the Swiss passes and the vital points affording passage into Russia and the Balkans.


Artillerymen need to understand that databases used to drive force-on-force models are not always accurate. Many of the models have not been updated, and their databases do not reflect all aspects of lethality.


It is important to be aware of your own assets and points of improvement.


Clearly we have to become more aware of it.


It was a clear message to the Bhutanese that economic growth alone did not bring contentment.


Trevor Nunn and John Caird, the co-directors, clearly feel that great stories cannot be hurried along.


The main aim is to clarify the function mechanism of the human capital, to make the people clear that how the human capital effects the economy within a region, with the intention of posing some ideas on macro human capital disposition among regions in China for reference.


Translation: As Minister mentioned yesterday, our approach to teaching CL must take cognisance of the diverse language abilities of our students and the increasingly varied language backgrounds.


I still remember when I was young, that attitude and behaviour caused many negative influences on "unenlightened" me. At the same time, I felicitate myself for the enlightenment and never being affected by these influences again. Moreover, I clearly understand that they have no fault and it's just a sort of style.


It is also conducive to China's development of market economy in finding its footstone and to a rapid,healthy and consistent development


更多网络解释与清楚地认识到相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia)是首批提供职业辅导的商学院之一,如今从纽约校区毕业、获得EMBA学位的经理人可以得到一个学期的职业辅导. 该校副主任伊桑.哈纳伯利(EthanHanabury)表示,企业更加清楚地认识到,如果失去了自己最好的经理人,

Conjoint Analysis:联合分析

市场调查人员很早就认识到了这一点,为了清楚地认识这些取舍内容,采用了诸如"联合分析"(conjoint analysis)的方法. 和那些提供有限选项(例如"不重要"、"重要"和"非常重要")的调查问卷不同,提出的问题更加现实、敏锐,要求人们在有限的资源中做出取舍.

Nathan Glazer:格莱泽

比如,医疗、法律和商业,这些内森.格莱泽(Nathan Glazer)所谓的"主要专业"(Clazer,1974),就是这一观点所认为的专业实践范例. 但是,在过去大约20年里,我们越来越清楚地认识到,在真实世界里,实践问题并非以良好的结构展示在实践者面前.


3G 和 2.5G 组合方案支持的问题不光是双模式这么简单,主要涉及到手持终端如何从一种模式切换到另一种模式,即通常所说的"切换"(handover) 问题. 数据服务宣传越来越多,人们对数据服务的认识也不断加深,但我们仍应清楚地记得,

