英语人>词典>汉英 : 混合 的英文翻译,例句
混合 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
admix  ·  admixture  ·  battering  ·  blend  ·  blending  ·  brewing  ·  commingle  ·  commix  ·  commixture  ·  compound  ·  compounding  ·  concoction  ·  confect  ·  hybridize  ·  immixture  ·  incorporate  ·  interflow  ·  interfuse  ·  interfusion  ·  intermingle  ·  intermixture  ·  medley  ·  meld  ·  mingle  ·  mingling  ·  mixed  ·  mixing  ·  mixture  ·  muddle  ·  sophistication  ·  unite  ·  creolization  ·  immix  ·  interblend  ·  mercurify  ·  wuzzle  ·  admixt  ·  admixed  ·  admixes  ·  admixing  ·  blends  ·  commingled  ·  commingles  ·  commingling  ·  commixed  ·  commixes  ·  commixing  ·  compounds  ·  hybridized  ·  hybridizes  ·  hybridizing  ·  immixed  ·  immixes  ·  immixing  ·  immixt  ·  incorporates  ·  incorporating  ·  interfused  ·  interfusing  ·  intermingled  ·  intermingles  ·  intermingling  ·  intermixing  ·  medleys  ·  melded  ·  melding  ·  melds  ·  mingled  ·  mingles  ·  muddles  ·  muddling  ·  unites  ·  interfuses  ·  mixtures  ·  misce

更多网络例句与混合相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the last chapter, on the basis of theories in paper [4, 5], the notions of strong mixing, weak mixing, generator and expansion of the variable-parametric dynamical system are introduced, it turns out that in variable-parametric dynamical system strong mixing implies weak mixing and then implies transitivity; it is proved that if and both are variable-parametric dynamical system, F conjugates with G , the members of F are communicate with each other and the members of G are also communicate with each other, what's more, they are both homeomorphism, then F is strong mixing implies G has the same properties; futhermore, we prove that F is strong mixing implies F Devaney chaos in the sense of modification in variable-parametric dynamical system and that F Devaney chaos in the sense of modification if and only if G Devaney chaos in the sense of modification when semi-conjugate with and they both are communicate and homeomorphism; at last, we illustrate that F has generator if and only if it has weak generator, and we also prove that if F is expansion, then F has generator.


The contributions of this paper are followed:1 IntroductionIntroduce the concept "Blind" and present MEMO blind source separation model.2 Research on the instantaneous mixture systemReview the techniques developed for the demixing of the instantaneous mixture case.3 Research on the linear convolutive systemModel the linear convolutive system and review the deconvolution approaches in time domain.4 Introduce a new method to MIMO BSSA new approach to MIMO blind source separation in frequency domain is introduced, experimental tests are conducted,and results are satisfied.

论文包括了以下几个部分: 1。简介介绍&盲&的概念,并对瞬时混合盲源分离系统进行建模。 2。对瞬时混合多输入多输出系统的研究对瞬时混合系统的盲源分离原理和技术进行了简单的回顾。 3。对线性卷积混合系统时域算法的研究对线性卷积混合系统建模,并对时域的盲解卷方法进行研究和比较。 4。提出了一种对线性卷积混合系统进行分离的新方法提出一种多输入多输出线性混合系统的频域盲源分离方法,进行仿真实验,以验证该算法的效果,初步结果令人满意的

The invention relates to a way to prepare nickel, manganum and cobalt hydroxide. The method includes making the mixed solution a coprecipitate with mixed solution B in base solution C. The mixed solution A contains nickel salt, manganese salt and cobalt salt, the mixed solution B is a strong base solution, the base solution C is aqueous ammonia solution. The solution A also contains ammonium salt while solution B also contains aqueous ammonia; besides, after being mixed, the molarity of ammonia in solution A and solution B is the same with that in solution C.


A composite friction material consists ofthe mixture of many powdered granular and fibered materials.


The project was based on the influence to the asphalt mixture volumectric property by the different compaction method (Marshall Compaction, Roller Compaction, Gyratory Compaction, Vibratory Compaction), a great deal of the experiments has been done with the consideration of the pratical construction. A lot of studies were carried out, such as the study of asphalt mixture image inquiring technique--"Colour Method", the feasibility study of the application of the 2D digital image processing technique on the asphalt mixture and the utiliztion of this technique on the compacting properties analysis of asphalt mixtures. A good beginning and foundation was made for the application of the digital image processing method on the study of the 3D asphalt mixture voluemetric components constitute.


The change of the flash point of the mixed trivalent alcohol and the mixed trivalent ether and the mixed alcohol -ether has been studied in this paper by the open crucible flash point mensural apparatus,the experiential formula in fixed condition are projected,and the change regularity of the flash point of the mixed liquid are figured in this paper.


Therelationship between the turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation rate,whichis widely used to parameterize the dissipation rate in turbulence closure models,is found to hold well for both reversing and rotating flows,but with differentcoefficients.Microstructure profiling measurements at two comparative stations (a deepercentral basin and a local shelf break) in the stratified Yellow Sea are analyzed,with emphasis on tidal and internal-wave induced turbulence near the bottomand in the pyenocline.The water column has a distinct three-layer thermohaline structure,consisting of weakly stratified surface and bottom boundary layers anda narrow sharp pycnocline.Turbulence in the surface layer is controlled by thediurnal cycle of buoyancy flux and wind forcing at the sea surface.while thebottom stress induced by barotropic tidal eurrents dominates turbulence in thebottom boundary layer.The maximum level at which the tidally enhanced mixingcan affect generally depends on the magnitude of the tidal current,and it canbe up to 10-15 m in the Yellow Sea.This suggests that,in the deeper regionsof the shelf seas,turbulent dissipation and mixing are very weak at the levelsbetween the near-bottom tidally enhanced layer and the pycnocline.Therefore,these levels provide a significant bottle neck for the vertical exchanges.In theshallow regions,however,the tidally-induced turbulence can occupy the wholewater colum below the pycnocline.A quarter-diurnal periodicities of the turbulentdissipation rate and eddy diffusivity are found at different heights with evidenttime lag.In the relatively flat central basin,the pycnocline is essentially non-turbulent and internal-wave activity is very weak.Therefore,vertical fluxes acrossthe pycnocline decreased to molecular levels.In contrast,internal waves of variousperiods can be always found near the local shelf break.

对强层化季节黄海两对比性站位(分别位于中央海盆区与局地陆坡区)处层化、内波以及湍流混合特征的研究结果表明:1、强层化季节的陆架海水体一般呈现显著的三层热盐结构,在水体近乎混合均匀的上混合层与潮流底边界层之间为强跃层;2、近表层水体的湍流混合强度主要由海表浮力通量的日变化与海表风强迫控制,而在潮流底边界层内,潮混合是水体热量、物质、动量与能量垂直交换的主要机制;3、潮混合影响的深度由潮流大小决定,在黄海,一般可达10-15 m,因此,在水深较深的区域,在跃层与潮混合所至深度范围的上界之间存在湍流混合非常弱的区域,这显著抑制水体内物质的垂直通量,为物质垂直交换的瓶颈,而在水深较浅的区域,潮混合影响范围可至跃层底部,因此物质在跃层以下整个水体中混合非常均匀,当跃层内间歇性强混合发生时,可以产生显著的跨跃层物质输运;4、近底潮致强湍流耗散缓慢地向上传播,底上不同深度处垂直湍扩散系数也具有显著的位相差异,且二者均随时间呈现四分之一周日周期的变化;5、在地形较为平坦的中央海盆区,内波活动非常微弱,因此跃层内湍流混合非常弱,垂直扩散系数为分子扩散水平,跨跃层物质通量受到显著抑制,而在地形变化较为显著的局地陆坡区,内波活动非常活跃,除内潮的影响外,高频内波与内孤立波的影响也很显著,因此跃层内存在很强的间歇性强混合,内孤立波存在的区域,水体湍流混合显著增强。

Characterization of Reservoir Fluids Based on previous publications on this topic, a theoretically correct algorithm capable of predicting the phase behavior of reservoir fluids with much less number of pseudo-components had been developed, the new algorithm had been tested by experimental data, and the computation efficiency show reasonable improvement over previous publications 3 Mixing Rule for Non-Ideal Systems Previous publications on this topic had been reviewed, a new density independent mixing rule which can give a smooth transition from van der Waals rule to G〓 model had been developed, with this rule G〓 model could be directly incorporated into cubic equation of states, ad hoc treatment adopted and problems met by previous publications were avoided.


Mineral substance mixed between the different particle size pellet to inlay pushes the degree mixed to the asphalt the high temperature stable performance influence to be very big, but could front reflect this pushed the degree was mixed the grading curve trend, through 5 different grading curve trend bituminous mixture high temperature performance conducted the research to the standard scope in, was for the purpose of appraising the different grading curve to move towards to mixed the high temperature performance influence, instructed the highway asphalt mixed the second wife design.


A V-mixer is most used in a premix mill and a pharmaceutical factory,in order to study the effects of different load factors and mixing times on the mixing homogeneity of premixes,to find out the rational load factor and the optimum mixing time of a V-mixer in production of additive premixes.


更多网络解释与混合相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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Dorm Daze:混合宿舍

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Mixed Feeding:混合进料; 混合喂养

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Mixed integer programming:混合整数规划=>混合整数線形計画問題

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mixer settler:混合沉降器 混合澄清槽

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upmix:上行混合 上行混合 上升混合

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mixed highs:混合高频分量,混合高频信号

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static mixers:静态混合器

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