英语人>词典>汉英 : 混 的英文翻译,例句
混 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
goof  ·  thoughtlessly  ·  goofed  ·  goofing  ·  goofs

pass off as
更多网络例句与混相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through a systematic review about the development of late years on municipal sludge's disposal by mix-combustion with coal, the environmental allowableness, the thermal performance and the process feasibility of the technology was deeply discussed, the technical characteristics and the present problems was analyzed also. It is proved that, there is evidently technical rationality and good prospect about the technology, and there is also need to perfect and develop the technology in combination with municipal sludge's pre-treating and mix-combustion.


There were no significant correlations between food concentration and the rate of population increase of Clone B as well as the mixis rate and fertilization rate of Clone A, B and C. However, the relationships between food concentration and the rate of population increase of Clone A and C were significantly curvilinear, with the regression equation Y=0.019X2-0.209X+0.638 and Y=0.042X2-0.402X+0.852, respectively. The relationships between the food concentration and the instant rate of population increase, the mixis rate and the fertilization rate of clone D were all significantly curvilinear, with the following regression equations Y=-0.052X2+0.609X-0.667,Y=0.994X2-15.763X+73.424 and Y=-0.251X2+15.940X-15.446, respectively.


Now if you play through the line of fire burst mode, such as TD ship, gray desert for a class of maps, there is no爆头highrate of混不下去how are we going to raise its own爆头rate?


The numerical results indicated that the mixing time decreases about linearly with increasing current intensity. The mixing time decreases first then increases with increasing current frequency and comes up to its minimum value at 30Hz. Applying the traveling magnetic field to the uptake or downtake when the exciting current intensity is 200 A at 10 Hz, the mixing time can be shortened by 9%~17%. With the operating conditions kept unchanged, shorter mixing time is available if applying the traveling magnetic field to the uptake instead of downtake, and the time can be shortened by 18%~26% if applying the magnetic field to both the uptake and downtake. Moreover, the mixing time decreases with increasing argon blowing flowrate, and the time comes down to its minimum value if the argon blowing flowrate is 1 600 NL/min. After the moment, the mixing time increases with argon blowing flowrate.

计算结果表明:匀时间随电流强度的增大而减小,并且近似成线性关系;匀时间随电流频率的增加先减小后增大,并且在30Hz 时达到极小值;在励磁电流强度为200A ,频率为10Hz 的条件下,在上升管或下降管施加行波磁场匀时间可缩短9%~17%;在相同操作条件下,在上升管处施加行波磁场匀时间小于在下降管施加行波磁场的匀时间;同时在上升管和下降管施加行波磁场,匀时间可缩短18%~26%;匀时间随吹氩量的增大而减小,在吹氩量为1600NL/min 时匀时间达到极小值,吹氩量继续增大时,匀时间反而增大。

Competition among four-wave mixing with two dressing fields, the six-wave mixing with one dressing field as well as the eight-wave mixing propagating along the same direction can be evoked by adjusting laser beams because these multi-wave mixing signals are induced by atomic coherence between common levels.


On the respect of partially-premixed combustion research, we systematically studied the structure of partially-premixed flames in counter-flow and coaxial jet flow by using direct calculation and flamelet modeling.


The company has the advanced equipment includes: The hot pipe extruding machine , the shaper, are high speed 混料 machine, the ink writer, the computer pipe cutter and matches colors the meter, the high temperature check-out facility and so on ten wraps, the month produces can amount to more than 800 myriameter.


For the pitch misgrouping problem caused by no voicing decision in Meddis'pitch extracting method for concurrent speech signals, referring to voicing decision for single speech signal, basing on the analysis of the voicing charater of concurrent speech signals, we present a voicing decision method in pitch extracting for concurrent speech signals. Double periodic degree and frequencies group's distribution degree are introduced for voicing decision of concurrent speech signals.


UHMWPE has regular molecule chain and lower shear strength, so it improved the tribological property of PA66. When the amount of the transferring layer reached a certain value, severe plastic distortion and adhesion wear occurred, and wear resistance of the blends was related to the mechanical property of the blends. Worn microstructure changes with addition of compatibilizer. Soft UHMWPE produced from friction heating has low shear strength, and it improves the tribological property of PA66 during the friction course.


Then detailedly introduces the principle of pole-changing modulating speed and design feature in times pole proportion and non times pole proportion in the Mixed pole-changing simplex winding multispeed asynchronous motor , carry on discuss to the main parts of electrical machinery electromagnetism computation; by using VISUAL BASIC under WINDOWS platform for computer-aided design method for the mixed pole-changing simplex winding multispeed asynchronous machine, carries on profound analysis for the computer-aided design in the following aspect such as rotor and setting flush piece size, groove shape size, the rotor and setting winding connection, and start performance.

本文在介绍了单绕组多速电动机的概况,阐述了目前多速电机的发展现状与前景;利用槽号相位图以及相原理对变极绕组进行了研究,确定了绕组的相方案;并详细地介绍了相变极单绕组多速电机在倍极比与非倍极比时的变极调速原理以及设计特点;对电机电磁计算的主要几个部分进行了讨论;介绍了使用WINDOWS平台下的VISUAL BASIC对相变极单绕组多速异步电机的计算机辅助设计方法,对相变极单绕组多速异步电机的定转子冲片尺寸、槽形尺寸、定转子绕组接法、定转子相带、起动性能的几个方面的计算机辅助计算进行了深刻分析;最后,对相变极单绕组多速异步电机的样机检测试验结果进行了分析。

更多网络解释与混相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assorted size:混码

assorted color 色 | assorted size码 | assorted color assorted size

immiscible solvent:不混合溶媒剂,不混溶溶剂,不溶混溶剂

immiscible solution 不溶溶液,不溶溶液 | immiscible solvent 不合溶媒剂,不溶溶剂,不溶溶剂 | immiserizing growth 贫困化增长

partial miscibility:部分可混性,部分混溶性

partial mirror 部分反射镜 | partial miscibility 部分可性,部分溶性 | partial miscible 部分


第二节 炼(mixing)工艺名称:制订炼(mixing)计划(子项目中2、3项)内容: 炼(mixing)方法确定炼(mixing)方案确定教师总结: 炼(mixing)工艺流程炼(mixing)方法:2.开炼机炼(mixing)的工艺方法连续炼(mixing)是指采


响 效果器(Reverb)与快速响 效果器和工作室响效果器最大的不同在于它是基于卷积技术来模拟真实的响 效果,响效果会更加逼真,但这会加重系统的负担,所以不能进行实时处理.

Tunnel reverb:隧道混响 Reverb 混响时间

7 Live Room 房间响 Reverb 响时间 | 8 Tunnel Reverb 隧道响 Reverb 响时间 | 9 Sap Reverb 拍击响 Reverb 响时间

Deep reverb:深度混响 Reverb 混响时间

3 Cathedral 教堂响 Reverb 响时间 | 4 Deep Reverb 深度响 Reverb 响时间 | 5 Solo Room 独奏响 Reverb 响时间


六、效果及参数 (1) 响时间(Reverb Time) 响时间是声源停止发音后,室内声压级衰减60dB所需要的时间. 它代表了房间体积的大小,响时间太短,声音会发干;响时间太长,声音会浊. 只有合适的响时间,才能达到对声音进行美化和修饰的作用.

Inversive Rev:逆式混响(与普通混响相反,混响声由小到大)

Intermodulation 内部调制,互调(信号间相互调变) | Inversive Rev 逆式响(与普通响相反,响声由小到大) | Jack 插座(连接电源或信号的插孔)

You partied with Hootie and the Blowfish:你们跟"混混与自大狂"混

...and the band.|...乐团 | You partied with Hootie and the Blowfish?|你们跟"与自大狂"? | Yes. Apparently, Stevie and Hootie are like this.|对,很显然史提跟是死党