英语人>词典>汉英 : 深泉水 的英文翻译,例句
深泉水 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In places this crystal-clear spring is 185 feet [56 meters] deep.


The book is a huge power- row rather The knowledge seem freestone under of spring, dig more deep, the spring is more pure.


The results show that when the depth gradually reduces, pH values gradually increase, but conductivities and (superscript – subscript 3) content gradually reduce. There are also obvious differences between the groundwater in loess, alluvial deposit and acidity rock in the south of Chang'an, which relates to the depth, the characters of loess, the lixiviation and the evaporation. The element content of groundwater is high in the loess tableland, so it's fitter for drinking than the groundwater in the Cuihua mountains, which is of acidity and low element content.

结果表明,长安南部黄土塬随着层位的降低,pH值有逐渐增大趋势,电导率和HCO(上标–下标 3)含量有逐渐减少的趋势;黄土地下水、冲积层地下水和酸性岩石地下水的化学成分存在明显差异,这与其理深、地层性质、溶滤与蒸发作用不同有关;长安南部少陵源黄土地下水元素含量较高,比呈酸性、元素含量低的翠华山泉水更适于饮用。

When we analy these five main cultures to affect Jinan garden macroscopicplan(urban space planning and urban green space planning), the intermediateperspective and microscopic project(five essential factorsof gardening, including plants, topography, warterbody, building and parergon,road and decoration).


Reading a friend'sarticleentitled with Unchain my Heart, I feel like touching the crystal blue sky upon me, smelling the fresh air of deep forest, setting my feet into the cool green spring and enjoying the swaying leaves of the braches in the golden sunchine.........even if I, at present, am being jailed in the cold, noisy and earthly office full of the unhappy faces.


Huadu wenquan agreggate of wenquan metres deep, well produced water temperature 63 ° c, water quality is low sodium salt and calcium carbonate, magnesium - quanshui radiopathological deversified orignate of the beneficial and trace elements of the human body, are more than thenaturaldrinking water quality of international standards, as far as experts, long-term drinking and bathing, softening, lower blood pressure vessel, regulating the nerve function, and the prevention of ccvd, osteoarthropathy and dysfuntion spirit caused by a variety of diseases.


Into the lake by the fire surrounded conglomerate, oval-shaped like the bottom of the pan-shaped lake no significant intake, but Lake Circuit, outside the mountain, from the east, north, south are the three potential spring water spilled out, respectively, the flow of Linxia, Xunhua, water areas, waterhua hua sound could be heard far away, the lake to the high, dark, dangerous, known by God, inaccessible.


There are many people on the way between Chuzhou and the mountain. The stream is deep and fish are large in the water, so you can fish nearby. The fountain can be used to make wine. The fountain is sweet, while the wine is clear.


更多网络解释与深泉水相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bahr:[阿拉伯]水体(湖河或海) 深泉水

limited express train 限制座席和停车站的特别快车 | bahr [阿拉伯]水体(湖河或海) 深泉水 | return for 报答

Bahr:水体(湖河或海) 深泉水

bahnaluminium | 巴恩铝铜合金 | bahr | 水体(湖河或海) 深泉水 | bahrein islands | 巴林群岛

limited express train:限制座席和停车站的特别快车

Maghrib 马格里布[北非一地区] | limited express train 限制座席和停车站的特别快车 | bahr [阿拉伯]水体(湖河或海) 深泉水


有的时候,哲学家需要记住兰道(landor)的告诫:"像泉水一样清晰的作家看起来不像他们实际那样深刻,而混浊的池水却显得最深. "直觉也像观察和思维能力那样需要有较深的修养. 我们能够通过道德提高的过程实现精神的各种潜在可能性,

Tallahassee:佛罗里达州 塔拉哈西

在佛罗里达州塔拉哈西(Tallahassee)附近著名的大沼泽公园(Wakulla Springs),两位漂亮的游泳者正坐在水中的一块圆木上化妆. 在某些地方,清澈的泉水有185英尺(56米)深. 许多水下电影在这里拍摄.

jet ski:水上摩托车

英特拉战神打败并杀掉国王,村民过着安定快乐的日子. 而这些不断从地底下冒出的泉水,也就是今日所见的圣泉. 浮潜(SNORKING)约45分钟水上摩托车(JET SKI)约10分钟香蕉船(BANANA BOAT)约10分钟飞鱼(FLYING FISH)约10分钟深潜(DIVING)约45分钟