英语人>词典>汉英 : 润丝 的英文翻译,例句
润丝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rinse  ·  rinsed  ·  rinses

更多网络例句与润丝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is expatiated. Study and discussion on the capability requirement and type selection of main cable dehumidification equipments is carried out.


With the preternatural team- spirit, we can provide functional, credible and new technical systems.


His sound is a combination of parisian cabaret, brazilian bossa nova, and french antillean influences. this particular album shows his range of influences very well. his unguent vocals infuse an ambience of sensuous silk and soft tropical breezes.


We became the constant affairs director of RadTech China in 2004. The same year, we bought field and built a modern and gardenesque industrial park ourselves, It is not only for enlarge production but also exhibit RUN WING man's value.Today's RUN WING owns cumulative UV field experience.


Hair'.'' care products:shampoos, conditioners, cream rinses, spray-on detanglers, permanent colourants, temporary colourants, setting gels, styling mousses, gloss en-hancers, curl relaxers, curl activators, and holding ''.


Specializing in the production of screen printing machines, printing machines, netting machines, plate, Grinding, UV light solid machine, oven, ink mixer, scraping gum and other products.


It contains rich botanic essence ingredient which can provide extra nourishment to the skin, make the skin as smooth as silk. The oil full of water feeling makes you feel as if you have smeared the cream and have powder touch all day. It is also easy to smear as if it sinks into the skin and makes the skin free of burden.


Silk protein and amino acid repair and strengthen the hair; multiple pure plant extracts deep nourish hair to gain the extremely moisturizing and shining. Leaving your hair the most luxury light shine.


After researching the proplems above, the standard and systematic theory on erection of hauling system of suspension bridge is formed ,and by application in erection of RengYang bridge "which is domestic first, the third in the world", main cable wire strand was kept well in the erection, record which is,the most quik ever in china or in the world and which can erect eight main cable wire strands in a day was even finished, it guaranteed the high—quality and high—efficient hauling erection in wire strand of RenYang bridge.


Twin-wire submerged arc welding was widely applied due to its high efficiency,saving energy and high quality.


更多网络解释与润丝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


conditioned reflex 条件反射 | conditioned 有条件的 | conditioner 润丝

silica gel:硅胶

这些都是属於巴尔比士酸(Barbituric)系的安眠药,大量服用即可使心先举出一些看上去可能致死,实际上毒性很差不宜自杀的,有乾燥剂矽胶(Silica gel)、合成洗涤剂、洗发乳、头发润丝精、发油(Pomade)、墨水、保鲜膜、蚊香、捕蟑垫、防臭剂、脱



Mullein flowers:毛蕊花

F、浅色发色使用的润丝精 2 杯过滤过的水 1/2 杯干燥的洋甘菊花 2 汤匙干燥的毛蕊花(mullein flowers) 1 汤匙橙花水 1/2 颗柠檬汁 将水煮滚并关火拌入洋甘菊和毛蕊花,小火熬煮30分钟,浸泡数个小时后过滤液体,再拌入橙花水和柠檬汁.


Pompon:尾球 | Puppy:仔犬 | Rinsing:润丝


E) 医疗级的除锈产品除了具有除锈功能外,同时要具备有易于清洗,不会造成化学残留的"润丝"(RINSE)功能,才能保护病人的安全. 除锈实际是治标,应该正本清源地把造成生锈的原因找出来并解决,这才是除锈最正确的态度. 根据前述有关"锈"的造成,

cream rinse:润丝膏

cream puff 奶油松饼 | cream rinse 润丝膏 | cream roll 奶油蛋卷


Rinsing:润丝 | Ruff:顶毛 | Saddle:鞍、英国马鞍型的鞍部


这个软件的开发者显然倾向于把RAW 理解为感过光的胶片而不是显好影的底片. 所以他把这个软件叫做 Developer Studio,意思是显影工作室. 当然,内容还充实一点,既有冲片,又有精放. 精在哪里?他说,把象素(PIX )处理得丝一样的 (SILKY)细腻、油润.

Yves Rocher:伊芙黎雪丝润卸妆乳

Benefit that gal亮润妆前乳(已转) | Yves Rocher伊芙黎雪丝润卸妆乳 | Miss Dior Cherie Eau De Parfum 50ml迪奥甜心小姐女士香水