英语人>词典>汉英 : 涡虫 的英文翻译,例句
涡虫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
planaria  ·  turbellarian

turbellarian worm
更多网络例句与涡虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oxygen consumption rate and asphyxiant point of Dugesia japonica under the temperature of 10 ℃,14℃,18℃,22℃,26℃,and 32℃ were assayed respectinely and!the relationship between oxygen consumption rate at 10℃and 14℃ was much low and was high at 18℃,26℃and 32℃.


Planaria is the most simple in three blastoderm animal, its nerve system is ladder-like.This is the bio- evolution of the nerve system.


A planarian is a flatworm, one of the lowest life-forms that can be considered an animal.


Impacts of different phosphorus content in detergent on the growth of Dugesia Japonica are studied.


These results suggested that using Dugesia japonica to monitor used-battery pollution of water would be suitable.


Besides, there are some relationships among the ploidy of the planarian, the generative mode and the temperature around during this research.


Based on the damage of the planarian from UV-C radiation and the effect of the radiation on the activities of six enzymes, Dugesia japonica should be very sensitive to UV-C radiation and has application prospects and great potential value in UV radiation detection and screening of the anti-ultraviolet radiation protectants.


The morphological change of planarian was observed, in addition, the effect of the radiation on activities of lactic dehydrogenase, Na(superscript +)-K(superscript +)-ATPase, Ca(superscript 2+)-Mg(superscript 2+)-ATPase, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase were studied.

用短波紫外线照射处理日本三角涡虫,观察了涡虫的损伤状况,探讨了紫外线辐射对涡虫乳酸脱氢酶、Na-K-ATP酶、Ca(上标 2+)-Mg(上标 2+)-ATP酶、超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶和谷胱甘肽过氧比物酶活力的影响。

Traditionally, the taxonomic basis of planarians is based on the anatimic characteristic of their reproductive system.


The results showed that lower concentration of the NaCl had scarcely any influence on the regenerative velocity. Higher concentration of the NaCl caused death of regenerating planarians, KCl has stronger poisonosness towards regenerating planarians, CaCl2 (0.1% and 0.3%) could increase the regenerative velocity.


更多网络解释与涡虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


你所看到的水螅是什麼颜色 其体部有无芽体 (Bud),精巢 (Testes) 和卵巢 (Ovaries) 水螅属於哪一种对称显微镜,放大镜,表面皿,镊子,新的刀片,池水及水藻,涡虫 (Planaria) 横(1) 前端(Anterior end),后端(Posterior),


有一件使我很感到兴趣的事情,就是这里生存着一批真涡虫属(Planaria)的动物,它们生活在干燥的陆地上. 这些动物的构造如此简单,以致居维叶(Cuvier)把它们归入肠寄生虫(蛔虫)一类;不过在其他动物身体里,从来还没有发现过它们.

planaria:真涡虫 涡虫

planargrowthstructure 晶面长大组织 | planaria 真涡虫 涡虫 | planarian 真涡虫


planaria 涡虫 | planaria 真涡虫 | planarian 花虫类动物


plague 鼠疫 | planarian 涡虫,真涡虫 | plankton 浮游生物


Turbellaria涡虫纲 | turbellarian涡虫类 | turgor硬胀 紧涨现象


扁形动物门(Platyhelminthes)涡虫纲(Turbellaria)动物. 多数肉食性,夜出取食原生动物、小螺和蠕虫. 雌雄同体. 涡虫的再生能力很强,涡虫对水质要求也比较高,所以有事会作为鉴别水质是否优良的标准之一. 刺胞动物门(Cnidaria)水螅纲(Hydrozoa)螅形目(Hydroida)动物

Class Turbellaria:(涡虫纲)如涡虫

Phylum Platyhelinthes(扁形动物门) | Class Turbellaria(涡虫纲)如涡虫Dugesia | Class Trematoda(吸虫纲)如吸虫Flukes

Characteristics of class Turbellaria:涡虫纲的主要特征 再生 regeneration | 2.2 涡虫纲的主要特征 Characteristics of class Turbellaria | 2.3 涡虫纲的分类 Classification of class Turbellaria

Classification of class Turbellaria:涡虫纲的分类

2.2 涡虫纲的主要特征 Characteristics of class Turbellaria | 2.3 涡虫纲的分类 Classification of class Turbellaria | 2.3.1 无肠目 Acoela