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消化器官 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

digestive apparatus
更多网络例句与消化器官相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By noon, the lunch, and eat whatever we eat, the digestive organs are in active state.


By observing and describing the anatomical trait of bald coot's digestive apparatus,and comparing with water- fowl,grouse pheasant and so on,this paper discover that bald coot has no thv element bursa as waterfowl.


His scroll has, of course, been heavily charged withpunishments: he has known the muzzle, the leash, and the tether; he has suffered theindignities of the show bench, the tin can on the tail, the ribbon in the hair, hisauthority, his digestion ruined by the macaroons and marshmallows of doting women. The list of his woes could be continued indefinitely. But he has also had his fun, for he has been privileged to live with and study at close range the only creature with reason, the most unreasonable of creatures.


After intravenous injection of 7.77 MBq/kg of ^18F-FDG, the PET/CT imaging was performed for 3 min/bed position on a Siemens Biograph Sensation 16 HR PET/CT scanner.


A hollow digestive organ, especially the stomach of certain insects or the gizzard of a bird.


It may also be combined with proptosis as a result of impaired digestive organs the body of waste discharge problems causing bowel is full then the fish will become even more swollen.


The introduction to classification of cattle diseases includes ten parts concerning virus, bacteria and spirochete, diseases of digestive system, metabolic disorders, reproductive disorders, diseases of the foot, udder diseases, protozoa, specific pathogenesis infectious diseases and poisonings, and collected 50 common cattle diseases. User could search and understand pathogenesis and classification, onset season and main attack age, clinical signs and remedial recommendation and prevention.


Therefore, weanling pig diets have been manipulated predominately to overcome the limitations or immaturity in digestive function so as to maximize the growth of the whole animal.


The absolute growth rate of digestive organs increased gradually, while the relative growth rate peaked at different time, the allometric growth rate of digestive organs were different and more rapidly than the whole body.


The Km value of stomach protease and gut protease Ⅰ are determined to be 2. 55g/L and 2. 92g/L respectively.(6) The vitro dry matter digestive ability of each digestive organ is in the sequence of foregut>stomach>pylorus cecum>midgut>hindgut.


更多网络解释与消化器官相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chyle stomach:乳糜胃

节肢动物消化器官的构造,各纲差异很大,有的称为中肠或乳糜胃(chyle stomach),有的分贲门部(cardiac por-tion)和幽门部(pyloric portion)的(甲壳类),有的为具有胃齿的胃咀嚼器,称为咀嚼胃或滤过胃(甲壳类),而吸血性昆虫等则具有吸胃,


黄 晶(Citrine) 产地:巴西 亦称财富水晶. 主偏财运,带来意外之财;强化肝肠胃及消化器官,有益健康

digestive apparatus:消化器官

oligarchic 寡头政治的, 主张寡头政治的 | digestive apparatus 消化器官 | sample function 样本函数

Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav endocrine gland unspecified:内分泌腺动态性质未定的肿瘤,未特指

消化器官动态未定的肿瘤,未特指 Neoplasm uncert / unk... | 内分泌腺动态性质未定的肿瘤,未特指 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav endocrine gland unspecified | 女性生殖器官动态未定肿瘤,未特指 Neoplasm uncert / u...

idiopathic edema:特发性水肿

me)、特发性水肿(idiopathic edema)等心源性和肾源性水肿的鉴别诊断鉴别点 肾源性水肿 心源性水肿开始部位 脸部开始 足部开始 下行性 上行性发展快慢 常迅速 较缓慢水肿性质 软而移动性大 比较坚实 移动性较小伴随症状 其他肾脏病体征 心功能不全体征 如蛋白尿、血尿 如心脏增大第七节 呕血消化器官出血,


intestine: 肠 | peptic: 消化器官 | regimen: 养生法


实验包括了在外科手术上取出动物消化系统的部份,切断神经束来判定影响,还有在消化器官和外部囊袋(pouch)之间植入瘘管(en:fistula)以测试器官的内容. 这些研究成为许多消化系统研究的基础.


胃为消化器官中最膨大部份,位於上腹部及左季肋部,其上端开口於食道处叫贲门(cardia),下端开口於十二指肠处叫幽门(pylorus). 胃腔之於贲门以上部叫胃底(fundus ),自切迹(incisura angularis)以下部之胃腔叫胃窦(antrum).

sample function:样本函数

digestive apparatus 消化器官 | sample function 样本函数 | hull ventilator 车盘通风器

Chlorogenic acid:绿原酸

请盖紧,保持储放处乾、冷和黑暗E5 % 绿原酸(Chlorogenic Acid)朝鲜蓟萃取用途上被草药师做为帮助消化系统的补充剂己经有悠久的历史. 现代科学研究证实,朝鲜蓟萃取物可以支持正常胆汁流动(bile flow)顺畅并且消化脂肪;进而促进健康的消化器官功能.