英语人>词典>汉英 : 消元式 的英文翻译,例句
消元式 的英文翻译、例句


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In the light of the complex, high-level and non-linear feature of the mathematical model which describe the transport of the coalbed methane, this paper study the fully-implicit solving method of the mathematical model in detail. Based on the complexity of the algebraic equations which are formed eventually, according to the alternating direction implicit difference pattern, this paper use the iterative method and the fully main element Gauss-Jordan eliminating method to solve equations, which is to use the iterative method to determine coefficient matrix and use the fully main element Gauss-Jordan method to solve th linear algebraic equation group, at the same time of studying the solving method of the mathematical model, according to the devising requirement of FORTRAN77 program structure, this paper draw up computer program and form the corresponding computer model, and verify the validity and reliability of the model in theory by operating the model.


The variable geometry truss mechanisms have been studied extensively and systematically by this project. The research plan has been completed all sidedly, and expected results have been obtained. Three new kinds of combination decahedrons and a new class of variable geometry truss mechanism, which is composed of an octahedron and three tetrahedrons connected in parallel form, are proposed. The position analyses for decahedrons, dodecahedrons, triple-octahedrons, combinations decahedron and a new type of structure of variable geometry truss mechanisms are presented by introducing additional extra linear displacement sensors and using resultant elimination and homotopy continuation algorithms. The method of kinematical analysis of variable geometry truss mechanisms is established.


The paper emphatically summarizes the classification, thinking mode, present status, problems and devolopment of methods for solving nonlinear system of equations, and specially recommends some practical and new methods, such as the elimination by eliminant with aid of basic sets, homotopy method and decomposition method, etc.


Extraneous roots are found during the process to obtain the other 3 variables by using Euclidean algorithm.


Firstly, four geometric loop equations are set up by using vector method in complex number fields. Secondly, three constraint equations are used to construct the Dixon resultants, which is a 6×6 matrix and contain two variables to be eliminated. Extract the greatest common divisor of two rows and two columns of Dixon matrix and compute its determinant to obtain a new equation. This equation together with the forth constraint equation can be used to construct a Sylvester resultant.

首先使用矢量法和复数法建立4个几何约束方程式;再使用Dixon结式法对3个方程式构造一个含有2个变元的6×6 Dixon矩阵,提取其中2行列元素的公因式,将新矩阵的行列式展开后得到二元高次多项式方程,该方程与剩下一个方程使用Sylvester结式消去一变元,得到一元高次方程。

更多网络解释与消元式相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

divided difference:均差

第二节 拉格朗日(Lagrange)插值一、均差(Divided Difference)及其性质第二节 高斯(Gauss)消元法一、雅可比(Jacobi)迭代法第五节 高斯(Gauss)型求积公式一、欧拉(Euler)方法第三节 龙格一库塔(Runge-Kutta)法二、阿达姆斯(Adams)显式与隐式方法

eliminant:消元式 排便剂 排除的 排除剂 排除药

eliminablecost 可节省成本 | eliminant 消元式 排便剂 排除的 排除剂 排除药 | eliminate 排除

Gaussian elimination:消去法

例如正弦函数法国数学家勒格兰芝(Lagrange)已解答了这问题,我们先写用高斯消去法(Gaussian elimination)解N元一次方程式非常方便,需要的乘法数目只要N3/3左右,用同一超速机,解32元方程式,不需2×1020年,可能只费千分之一秒!