英语人>词典>汉英 : 海胆 的英文翻译,例句
海胆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
echinus  ·  echinoids  ·  urchins

sand dollar · sea hedgehog · sea urchin
更多网络例句与海胆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Echinoid:an echinoderm of the class Echinoidea, which includes the sand dollars and sea urchins."


He allowed these "enucleated" eggs to be fertilized by sperm from sea urchins of the genus Echinus.


Echinus:a sea urchin of the genus Echinus.


The larva-specific expression level of the function correlated to celluar components was the highest.The highest specific expression level of molecular function was appeared at neurula stage.A lot of functional specific expression about biological process was also appeared at neurula stage.7.The result showed that the pearson correlation coefficient was 0.896 compared between the sea urchin and Ciona savignyi.


So, sea urchin have a little repellence to oil pollution in the sea water. At the same time, acute toxicity of the light crude oil more than the heavy diesel on sea urchin.


The fresh fish is added with water by the proportion of 1:0-3.0, the salt by the proportion of 1%-5% and monosodium glutamate by the proportion of 1%-5%; the mixed plant protein infused to the external shell mode of the sea hedgehog by the proportion of 1:0.5-2.0; the sea hedgehog is placed at the centre of the mode, for boiling at 80-100 centigrade for 10-20 min, cooling the product to obtain the food with high nutrition and sea hedgehog flavor and appearance.


"Echinoid:an echinoderm of the class Echinoidea, which includes the sand dollars and sea urchins."


The expression of MYP gene in gonad showed little difference between female and male. MYP gene expression was decreased rapidly in the gonad of S. intermedius at different stages, and slowly in hybrids. The comparative quantities of MYP expression in the gonads of S.


AFLP analysis of genetic diversity in the three populations of sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius, S. nudus and F1 progeny was carried out in this paper.


The gonad characteristics of F1 progeny crossed by sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius and S. nudus were described and compared with S. intermedius.


更多网络解释与海胆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sea urchin:海胆(马蒌海胆)

4. 苏眉 Hump-headed maori wrasse | 5. 海胆(马蒌海胆) Sea urchin | 6. 龙虾苗(含旭蟹) Spiny lobster

sea urchin:海胆,海胆酱

sea turn 海雾风 | sea urchin 海胆,海胆酱 | sea valley 海谷

seaurchin:海胆 海胆酱

seatworm 蠕形住肠蛲虫 | seaurchin 海胆 海胆酱 | seavalley 海谷




海胆总目 Diadematacea | 冠海胆目 Diadematoida | 柔海胆目 Echinothurioida


棘皮动物门(Echinodermata)海胆纲(Echinoidea)海产无脊椎动物. 有中空的石灰质壳. 管足从壳上穿孔到达体表;其功能各有不同. 所有的种都有棘刺和棘钳. 规则(辐射对称)的海胆呈球形,肛门位于反口面. 不规则(两侧对称)的海胆体扁,

Class Echinoidea:(海胆纲)如海胆

Class Ophiuroidea(阳隧足纲)如阳隧足Brittle stars | Class Echinoidea(海胆纲)如海胆Sea urchins | Class Holothuroidea(海 纲)如海 Sea cucumbers

Braised Scallop with Sea Urchin:海胆烩元贝

海胆焗澳龙Baked Lobster with Sea Urchin Sauce | 海胆烩元贝 Braised Scallop with Sea Urchin | 活海胆寿司 Fresh Sea Urchin Sushi

Deep Fried Sea Urchin with Scallop Roll:炸海胆干贝卷

海胆鱼籽山药Sea Urchin with Roe & Yam | 炸海胆干贝卷Deep Fried Sea Urchin with Scallop Roll | 煎海胆鹅肝Pan-Fried Sea Urchin with Goose Liver

Pan-Fried Sea Urchin with Goose Liver:煎海胆鹅肝

海胆干贝卷Deep Fried Sea Urchin with Scallop Roll | 煎海胆鹅肝Pan-Fried Sea Urchin with Goose Liver | 海胆鱼籽冷面Chilled Noodles with Sea Urchin & Roe