英语人>词典>汉英 : 浪漫精神 的英文翻译,例句
浪漫精神 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
romanticism  ·  romantism

更多网络例句与浪漫精神相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her brisk and elegant fiction with implicative and romantic plots subconsciously assumes responsibility of belles-lettres while profoundly analyses the emotion and spirit of characters in modern city life, inflexibly probes into the emotional end-result and spiritual tendency of white-collar ladies.


In this exhibition, the design style of Chambertin lifestyle accurately grasp the spirit of the modern needs and attitude to life, with "new nostalgia" theme throughout the entire design .


And gentility is defined as a sort of spirit, romantic and chivalrous.


What is it about romance that makes men more helpful, chivalrous even?


The Polar intense relation of rational subject and aesthetic subject, potentially indwell the fundamental of modern subject, which is being constantly persued by the project of the Enlighten.


Strictly speaking, it is more of romanticism than realism.


In his well-discussed Vom Musikalisch-Schonen, which notably claims that music is not to be understood in terms of emotions, Hanslick detects a unique seriousness throughout Brahms's music, which combines the composer's sophisticated technique with the composer's sublime spirit of Romanticism.


On one hand, it comes from "romantic"own ambiguity, signifies the constant transmutation of the meaning and ideaistic point in the process of modernity; on the other hand even more, it comes from our constant changes of disquisitive view and researchful criterion.


Mendelssohn is one of the most important composers in Romantic times. The skills of his works combine counterpoints of Baroque and harmony in Classic times, and add the romantic spirit in his music. This thesis is going to deeply explore Mendel's work—Psalm 95. This work was adopted cantata as the structure due to the influence of Johann Sebastian Bach's religious works.

摘要 孟德尔颂是浪漫时期重要的作曲家,作品结合巴洛克时期对位及古典时期和声的手法,在内容上则是注入了浪漫乐派的精神,本论文将针对其作品诗篇95做深入探讨,此作品的创作形式受到了巴赫宗教作品的影响,采用cantata的形式做为架构。

Unlike the kidult spirit represented by other "trendy" Japanese artists such as Takagi Masakatsu or Nobukazu Takemura, WEG's music expresses a strong sense of tragic romanticism, combining in an almost schizophrenic manner elegant quietude with crazy explosiveness, not unlike film scores in its vivid visual qualities. One is taken aback by the depth and richness of emotions in someone so young, though perhaps not in one so talented.


更多网络解释与浪漫精神相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


终于令其声名大噪,成为80年代好莱坞银幕极具魅力的叛逆英雄. 1987年浪漫喜剧>(Barfly)中洛基扮演的酒鬼诗人一角为他获得了独立精神奖最佳男主演提名;次年他为>(Homeboy)撰写了>

Courtly Love:典雅爱情

优雅的言谈举止、绅士风度成为骑士行为的标志,从而使得他们迥异于的古代史诗中的"武士",成为中世纪浪漫传奇中"典雅爱情"(courtly love)的男主人公. 在这三种占统治地位的权利团体因为出于自身利益而不断倡导和灌输下所形成的"骑士精神"作为中世纪的主流意识形态塑造了骑士的社会身份.



ferruginous sandstone:含铁砂石

romantism 浪漫精神, 浪漫主义 | ferruginous sandstone 含铁砂石 | gob feeder 滴料机

Alexander McQueen:亚历山大.麦昆

结合宗教的插画和之前的系列,亚历山大 麦昆 (Alexander McQueen) 当时准备的这一季时庄有种诗意和中世纪的美感. 总而言之,这些时庄概括了观于亚历山大 麦昆 (Alexander McQueen) 的一切:优质的剪裁工艺和浪漫精神. 高贵宫廷与歌手猫王的经典发型相结合,

Bouquet Provencal:百里香和迷迭香:浪漫、催情

Feuille de Menthe 薄荷:舒缓神经衰弱和偏头痛. | Bouquet Provencal 百里香和迷迭香:浪漫、催情 | Chevrefeuille 忍冬:振奋精神


"浪漫"(Romance)二字是译音,它源于中古时期描写神话、英雄与美人的文艺作品. 十八世纪德国文学常以此为题材. 到十八世纪未法国资产阶级革命失败,封建君主复辟,音乐家对现实不满,又找不到明确的出路,精神苦闷,于是在文学的影响下,


romanticise 传奇化浪漫化 | romanticism 浪漫精神 | romanticism 浪漫主义

romantism:浪漫精神, 浪漫主义

presell Vt.(通过广告和推销)预售,向...预售 | romantism 浪漫精神, 浪漫主义 | ferruginous sandstone 含铁砂石


romantically 浪漫地 | romanticise 传奇化浪漫化 | romanticism 浪漫精神