英语人>词典>汉英 : 浆硬的 的英文翻译,例句
浆硬的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Beach life at the Royal Palm is epitomised by a waiter, in starched white bermudas, proffer ing a silver tray with cold towels and fresh pineapple


Father's heavily starched shirts too, were a problem.


Your job is to stiffen linen with starch.


She repressed a smile at sight of the red line that marked the chafe of the collar against the bronzed neck.


Also, his love of freedom chafed against the restriction in much the same way his neck chafed against the starched fetter of a collar


Also, his love of freedom chafed against the restriction in dddtt.com the same way his neck chafed against the starched fetter of a collar.


Ltd. The main problem at the beginning is to solve the difficulties due to the more longer lengths of tencel and the linen fibres, the hardness, thick and poor length uniformity of linen fibers, to seek the optimal pulp formula, reasonably adjusts starching parameters to guarantee the warp thread smoothly for weaving. During woveing the main problem was to solve the breakages of weft yarn due to its crisp and hard properties.


The Sleeve Drill Method drilling and cement injection alternated and the Grouting Method grouting from the bottom of the hole using soft pipe bound around the inclinopipe used in the building of inclinohole were suggested for the first time.


Loosening his bow tie, Rémy unbuttoned his high, starched, wing-tipped collar and felt as if he could breathe for the first time in years.


Beach life at the Royal Palm is epitomised by a waiter, in starched white bermudas, proffer ing a silver tray with cold towels and fresh pineapple


更多网络解释与浆硬的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ROC Curve:曲线

同时,水或乙肝病毒(HBV)/丙肝病毒(HCV)诱发的慢性目的: 探讨血浆脑钠肽原(proBNP)水平和肝硬浆脑钠肽原(proBNP)水平和肝硬化病情的相互性进行ROC曲线(ROC curve)分析.后, 分别作出受试者工作特征(ROC)诊断曲线.环乙胺-1-丙磺酸(


starch 淀粉 | starched 浆硬的 | starchiness 淀粉质

white waistcoat:白背心

低领口的背心,注意,不要穿日装那种高领口的背心!虽然不记得有人说只能穿白色背心,但是个人看过的基本上都是浆硬的白背心(white waistcoat)白色的,及其少看到很浅的提花缎.

Stanched Cotton:(浆硬的棉布)

Spandex (弹性纤维) | Stanched Cotton(浆硬的棉布) | Taffeta(平纹皱丝织品)

tail coat:燕尾服

大礼服,也称燕尾服(Tail Coat)或晚礼服. 通常专用于正式宴会或招待会等晚间活动,有时也用于白天室内的典礼活动,如向英国女王递交国书. 所谓燕尾服,上装为黑色,前摆齐腰剪平,后摆较长,成燕尾状. 燕尾服配白色马甲,浆硬白衬衫、白领结,