英语人>词典>汉英 : 流连 的英文翻译,例句
流连 的英文翻译、例句


be reluctant to part · be unwilling to leave · delay going
更多网络例句与流连相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But it could be that the biggest difference between perceptions of the two players', the biggest reason why MJ will be remembered so adoringly, while Kobe could be remembered by some as much with vitriol as love, is because Kobe played in a time when everybody in the world had access to every aspect of his career, positive and negative, while Jordan played in a time when the general NBA fan only heard about his greatness.

但是外界对于这两人的看法也许就是他们最大的不同之处了,乔丹会被受崇拜地记得,而科比则会流连于爱与恨之间,这是因为科比处于一个所有人都可以关注到他生涯每一个细节的世界,无论是正面的还是负面的,而乔丹所处的时代大体上的 NBA 球迷只能听到乔丹的伟大。

Blackcurrant style and above all, elegance and structure draw customers back to Bordeaux againand again.


Catkin tenderness accompanied by intoxicating fragrance in March where people wander in which warm and romantic, like entering a fairyland.


GONGOOZLER: not an obscure variety of coelacanth, nor a visitor to one too many pubs, but a person who enjoys observing British canals—a trainspotter of still waters.


Would God I were the tender apple blossom That floats and falls from off the twisted bough, To lie and faint within you silken bosom, Within your silken bosom as that does now! Or would I were a little burnish'd apple For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold, While sun and shade your robe of lawn will dapple, Your robe of lawn, and you hair's spun gold. Yea, would to God I were among the roses That lean to kiss you as you float between, While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses, A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen. Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing, A happy daisy, in the garden path; That so your silver foot might press me going, Might press me going even unto death.


And after he mastered the art of the diminuendo and fil di voce, one could argue that he gradually turned it into sheer vocal exhibitionism, spinning out 'disciogliea dai veli' in 'E lucevan le stelle' beyond the point of disintegration.

和fil di voce(意大利语意为"声若游丝",极弱)的技巧之后,Corelli更是将其演变成为了彻头彻尾的声音的炫耀与展示,无限的流连于'E lucevan le stelle'中'disciogliea dai veli'这一句,不忍其消失在空气中。

Then the floweriness of sky and the stretch of weeds were around.


As contemporary artist, the author is the frequenter of these art district.


The "Ba bao Gloriette", ancient Chinese-tomb group, water lily pool, Beijing-Hangzhou Canal tour zone, Garden of heyuan, and ecological Garden etc. attracts people to stay and forget to return. The former prime minister Mr. Zhou en lai had been here in his childhood.


I have to Wang Qing Han-ting of Gough, I was surprised by Li Bai and Du Fu's poetry before, I have to hang around Music and lyrics of the Song and Yuan Dynasties; but now I know how shallow I am!


更多网络解释与流连相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But my knees were all aflutter:可膝盖晃晃悠悠

I was strolling down the street in drunken pride 醺然醉步流连在街头, | But my knees were all aflutter, 可膝盖晃晃悠悠, | As I landed in the gutter 我便扎进了水沟,

Durham fermentation tube:杜兰发酵管

杜拉铝,耐久铝 Duralumin, Duralium | 杜兰发酵管 Durham fermentation tube | 流连,榴莲 durian, durion

from the garish light of day:白昼的矫揉俗媚

Turn your face away 再不想面对 | from the garish light of day, 白昼的矫揉俗媚 | turn your thoughts away 也不愿流连

All hang around:所有流连

Many faces at the doorway许多面临门口 | All hang around所有流连 | Watch me fight in the hallway看我打走廊

looking back:回首

死亡的鸟 (Dead Bird) 死尸上流连不去的是腐食的苍蝇不可能的见面 (The Impossible Meeting) 独腿锡兵与他爱着的姑娘回首 (Looking back) 这个真的很棒,回首人世

never fail to enchant visitors:使游客流连忘还

31. singing and dancing jamboree 歌舞会 | 32. never fail to enchant visitors 使游客流连忘还 | nestle : to sit or lie down in a warm or soft place 依偎,舒服地坐或躺

Chaco Spirits:流连之情

Ancinent Voices 古老的声音 | Chaco Spirits 流连之情 | Going Home 回家

I wanted to watch him mosey:[我想看他流连往返]

yes.Marc will come and escort him in.Thank you. [嗯 Marc会过去接他 谢谢] | I wanted to watch him mosey. [我想看他流连往返] | All right.I'm gonna giddyap. [好吧 我马上去]

snoozing away in a public street. Would you care to make a statement:却在市街上流连. 可不可以解释一下呢

send for: v.召唤, | 7 ...snoozing away in a public street. Would you care to make a statement? 却在市街上流连. 可不可以解释一下呢? | snooze away: v.消磨

durian, durion:流连,榴莲

流连,榴莲 durian, durion | 杜洛赛猪 Duroc-Jersey | 硬度计 durometer