英语人>词典>汉英 : 流行开来 的英文翻译,例句
流行开来 的英文翻译、例句


come into fashion
更多网络例句与流行开来相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The change that turn over cloth with soft nap is vamp material, and replace bootlace to also begin to leave in popularity of Euramerican each country character with retractility material come, and the application of all sorts of new material such as polyurethane flexibility fiber is trend of a kind of trend.


Since the late Tang by the Tibetan culture, and so on, and "Song of the" pay to sing along with the drum skin gradually in the beach areas song popularity, Wushan encouraged by the rotation of the drum skin, Jing Fan, and other props are mostly followed the Tang, Song and Yuan period of possession Mongolia hunting, animal husbandry and religious customs.


The bottled ship is free from dust and metamorphoses, and easy for storage, it had been popular in the world.


For, first, by statute 5 Hen. IV. c. 5. to remedy a mischief that then prevailed, of beating, wounding, or robbing a man, and them cutting out his tongue or putting out his eyes, to prevent him from being an evidence against them, this offense is declared to be felony, if done of malice prepense; that is, as Sir Edward Coke9 explains it, voluntarily and of set purpose, though done upon a sudden occasion. Next, in order of time, is the statute 37 Hen. VIII. c.


But in London, New York, United States, SOHO as a way of life began to really catch on.


To avoid the misleading connotations of utility. Vilfredo Pareto invented the word ophelimity as a substitute. Unfortunately, it never caught on.


The net picks a system preliminary shape in September 2004, 2005 the popularity after the Spring Festival leaves come, the net picks a system is an open dynamic webpage favorite actually, compare at present have sina VIVI welcomely, every day the net is picked,.


The subtleties or obscurities to be found in the authors most responsible for propagating them are washed off.


But in the 1990s the shawls came into fashion among rich people.


"Crystal Flower" first originated in the United States, but it quickly spread to Japan in Asia as a whole to pop open.


更多网络解释与流行开来相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

angel cake:蛋糕

19世纪,一种只用蛋白,不用蛋黄做成的内心洁白如雪的天使蛋糕(angel cake)在美国流行开来. 天使蛋糕与一般的戚风蛋糕、重油蛋糕或是海绵蛋糕很不相同. 其色泽如雪花般洁白,其质地如棉花般轻软,只靠硬性发泡的鸡白、白糖和面粉制成的,

angel cake:天使蛋糕

19世纪,一种只用蛋白,不用蛋黄做成的内心洁白如雪的天使蛋糕(angel cake)在美国流行开来. 天使蛋糕与一般的戚风蛋糕、重油蛋糕或是海绵蛋糕很不相同. 其色泽如雪花般洁白,其质地如棉花般轻软,只靠硬性发泡的鸡白、白糖和面粉制成的,

water closet:盥洗室

至于怎么称呼它人们各执一词,1930年以前,人们把安有抽水马桶的房间称为盥洗室(water closet). "厕所"(toilet)这个词在20世纪才出现,于1914年首次在(居室与花园)被使用,但在20年代才开始流行开来.

cosmic ray:宇宙线

耆那教(Jainism)有数百信众及其寺庙. 各种形式的新纪元运动如母神教 (Modern Goddess), 宇宙线 (Cosmic Ray),臼井灵气 (Reiki) 和印弟安萨满教进, 在年轻人和知识分子中间逐渐流行开来.


后来这种食物的做法传到了德国,并在汉堡(Hamburg)一带流行开来,所以人们称之为"汉堡牛排"(hamburger). 到19世纪,这种食物传到英国,由食品家索尔兹伯里(Salusbury)进一步改进,于是成了"索尔兹伯里牛排". 19世纪末、20世纪初,

hostile takeover:恶意并购

恶意并购(Hostile Takeover)是指收购人的收购行动虽遭到目标公司经营者的抵抗,但仍强行实施,或者没有先与目标公司经营者商议而提出公开出价收购要约. 这种方式最早起源于20世纪60年代的英美,并在80年代初之后在全世界逐渐发展流行开来.


据说"民族主义者"(nationalist) 一词大约出现于18 世纪早期, 而"民族主义" (nationalism) 一词的出现则稍晚一些,大约是在19 世纪初. 但是, 这两个词真正流行开来, 则是19世纪中期的事情. ...


"青少年"(teenager)一词形成于50年代,当美国新闻媒介越来越关注年轻一代的时候,这个词就流行开来了. 各种报纸杂志争相刊登青少年犯罪的案件,青少年心理学著作充斥图书市场,好莱坞炮制大量色情暴力片,银幕青年似乎成了罪恶的象征.

give currency to:散步

gain currency with 流行开,得到...信任 | give currency to 散步... | find currency among 在...中间得以流行开来

find currency among:在...中间得以流行开来

give currency to 散步... | find currency among 在...中间得以流行开来 | in common currency 一般通用的