英语人>词典>汉英 : 流行于 的英文翻译,例句
流行于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pervade  ·  pervading  ·  pervaded  ·  pervades

更多网络例句与流行于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This last ballyhoo (first recorded in 1836) was thought to be related to, or the same as, the word ballahou, from Spanish balahú,"a type of schooner common in the Antilles."

这最后一个ballyhoo (最早记载于1836年)被认为与 ballahou 有关或相同,该词来自西班牙语balahu,意为"流行于安地列斯群岛的一种纵帆船。"

Management Buy-out was resulted from the sixties of the 20th century, prevailed for several years in western countries.


Major epidemic areas : Lassa fever spreads mainly in West Africa .


But nevertheless feeling and opinion in this country have been profoundly affected by the practice of free Testamentary disposition; and it appears to me that the state of sentiment in a great part of French society, on the subject of the conservation of property in families, is much liker that which prevailed through Europe two or three centuries ago than are the current opinions of Englishmen.


Bovine ephemeral ferver caused by bovine ephemeral fever virus, is an acute epidemic infection of cattle and water buffalo. The disease was first found in East Africa and spreaded rapidly in many countries of Africa, Asia and Oceania.

牛流行热(bovine ephemeral fever,BEF)是由牛流行热病毒(bovine ephemeral fever virus,BEFV)引起的一种急性传染病,首先发现于19世纪中期的东非,随后流行于非洲、亚洲和大洋洲许多国家和地区。

Hulusi has another name of Huluxiao, the dialect of Dai minority intituled Bilangdao.


Pop music, in popular and contemporary parlance, is a subgenre of popular music.


Ragtime is not a "time" in the same sense that march time is 2/4 meter and waltz time is 3/4 meter; it is rather a musical genre that uses an effect that can be applied to any meter.


Though Dixieland jazz is today a preserved form of music like classical music, it later spawned Big Band music popular until the end of World War II, and urban jazz, still popular in the US as well as in other countries.


Though Dixieland jazz is today a preserved form of music like classical music, it later spawned Big Band music popular until the end of World War II, and urban jazz, still popular in the United States as well as in other countries.


更多网络解释与流行于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bulletproof | 防弹的 | bullfight | 斗牛(流行于西班牙和南美) | bullfinch | 红腹灰雀(欧洲鸣鸟)

Celtic Pop:凯尔特流行 )

凯尔特流行(Celtic Pop)相对于传统的凯尔特音乐有很多的相似之处,美国和英国的乡村流行就利用这点来模仿---虽然悦耳的音调或是乐器在跟随流行习俗并且很少误解传统形式的音乐核心上明显的被可信的文章影响.

go completely out of fashion:变得一点也不流行

30. make the adjustment to 适应于 | 31. go completely out of fashion 变得一点也不流行 | 32. be part of... 的一部分


感冒,是一种自愈性疾病,总体上分为普通感冒(cold)和流行感冒(influenza). 普通感冒,中医称"伤风",是由多种病毒引起的一种呼吸道常见病,其中30%-50%是由某种血清型的鼻病毒引起. 普通感冒虽多发于初冬,但任何季节,如春天、夏天也可发生,


病原为动基体目、锥体科、利什曼属(Leishmania)的杜氏利什曼原虫(Leishmania donovani),寄生于人和犬. 新中国成立以前是一种严重的人畜共患病,广泛流行于我国西北和北方的大部分地区. 新中国成立后,政府大力开展防治工作,于20世纪50年代末,


盘尾丝虫病(onchocerciasis)为盘尾丝虫寄生于人体皮下组织所致的寄生虫病,临床上以皮炎、皮下结节、角膜炎及失明为特征. 本病借吸血蚋传播,流行于非洲和中美地区. 盘尾丝虫病广泛分布于非洲、拉丁美洲和西亚的34个国家,尤以非洲中西部流行比较严重,



pervasion:扩散; 弥漫; 普及; 渗透 (名)

pervade 弥漫于; 遍及于, 流行于 (动) | pervasion 扩散; 弥漫; 普及; 渗透 (名) | pervasive 普遍的; 渗透的; 弥漫的 (形)

Talma mantle:(近代流行于欧美的)陶尔玛服

aged metal look 旧金属感 | Talma mantle (近代流行于欧美的)陶尔玛服 | side view 侧视图,侧面图;侧面形状

Opisthorchis felineus:猫后睾吸虫

麝猫后睾吸虫(opisthorchis viverrini)及猫后睾吸虫(Opisthorchis felineus)均能引起后睾吸虫病并发胆管癌,而以前者更为多见. 前者主要流行于泰国东北部与北部、老挝及马来西亚,后者主要流行于欧洲波兰、德国、俄国. 1991年泰国的麝猫后辜吸虫感染率为15.2%,以...