英语人>词典>汉英 : 流行一时 的英文翻译,例句
流行一时 的英文翻译、例句


be in vogue
更多网络例句与流行一时相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Verbs often need special treatment, as for example bivouac (from french, and before that probably from swiss german) which needs a k in the past tense (bivouacked,not bivouaced which might be mispronounced), and ski where the past form skied is not really satisfactory, and ski'd was once popular as an alternative.in this dictionary extensive help is given with these and other difficulties of inflection.

动词往往需要特殊对待,如bivouac(源自法语,更早时可能源自瑞士德语)的过去时需要增加一个k (bivouacked 而不是bivouaced,后者可能导致错误发音), ski的过去时skied 差强人意, ski'd 作为其替代形式曾流行一时。对于诸如此类以及其他屈折变化方面的困难,本词典中提供了广泛的帮助。

Verbs often need special treatment, as for example bivouac (from french, and before that probably from swiss german) which needs a k in the past tense (bivouacked, not bivouaced which might be mispronounced), and ski where the past form skied is not really satisfactory, and ski'd was once popular as an alternative.

动词往往需要特殊对待,如bivouac(源自法语,更早时可能源自瑞士德语)的过去时需要增加一个k (bivouacked 而不是bivouaced,后者可能导致错误发音), ski的过去时skied 差强人意, ski'd 作为其替代形式曾流行一时

Big hair refers to a bouffant hairstyle, especially one in which long hair has been sprayed, permed, or teased to make it stand away from the head and give it volume.

Big hair最初指的是一种向外蓬松胀起的发型,尤指长发烫过并喷了发胶以后将其梳理定型为从发根直立并带卷的形状,(也就是流行一时的"爆炸头")。

We do not know whether this is part of an explicit government policy or merely a fad.


The other point about intensives illustrated by prodigiously is that they go in and out of fashion.

Prodigiously 说明的关于强调词的另一个要点是这些词流行一时然后就过时了。

It was in vogue at an earlier time.


After this, they parallel and develop, and finally consolidate. The popular theory of Aggressing Korea in about 1873 is affected from the ideology of Aggressing the Asia. In 1880 a group of Prosper the Asia comes into existence, which propagandize the theory of Prosper the Asia. In the evening of 80s, Yukichi Fukuzawa(1834-1901) composed Theory of Deviating the Asia, then this theory prevailed in Japanese society, and it start to affect the external policy of the state.


It was one of the many fads that sweep through mathematics regularly.


And Balanced Score Card is thought as one of the greatest management tools.


The following year, his first solo album "quiet night sea" to receive San Remo Music Festival Award Italy moved into one of the top 10 charts, he Shalabulaiman irrigation singing "Farewell to the moment" a, Shengxing is 1:00, the European champion song charts, he laid the international pop star status.


更多网络解释与流行一时相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be in gaol:坐牢, 在押

be in full retreat | 总退却 | be in gaol | 坐牢, 在押 | be in general wear | 服装流行一时

big-time game:十分流行的体育项目

群[大]众体育 sport for all;mass sport | 十分流行的体育项目 big-time game | 流行一时的体育项目 fad sport

Margot:A shop in Carnaby Street. They're in fashion- all the rage:玛戈:在卡那比街的 一家商店. 他们很流行--风糜一时

[18:56.65]Mother:That looks nice... | [18:59.54]Margot:A shop in Carnaby Street. They're in fashion- all the rage! ;玛戈:在卡那比街的 一家商店. 他们很流行--风糜一时. | [19:05.54]Margot:You must see thi...


7.in anticipation of 期待,预期 | 8.faddish 一时流行的 | 9.spree 无节制的疯狂行为


exuberant (人)充满活力的;茂盛的 | faddish 流行一时的,时尚的 | far-reaching 影响深远的

faddish: a.1:喜欢赶时髦的 2.一时流行的

ephemeral: a.极短暂的,(生物体)短命的 | faddish: a.1.喜欢赶时髦的 2.一时流行的 | underutilized: a.未充分加以利用的,使用不当的,浪费使用的

that is a rather faddish notion right now:只是一时流行的概念

2. the global free-trade system 全球自由贸易体系 | 3. that is a rather faddish notion right now 只是一时流行的概念 | 4. get out of hand 失控


faddish 流行一时的,时尚的 | far-reaching 影响深远的 | favorable 有利的;赞成的

hula hoop:呼啦圈

几年前,呼啦圈(Hula Hoop)在许多国家特别是各国的儿童之间流行一时. 但事实上,在美国大多数学校的操场上,男孩女孩们都在一起摇呼啦圈,其乐无穷. 呼啦圈有一段较长的历史:已经有证据证实,呼啦圈(Hula Hoop)曾经是古埃及、希腊、罗马的一种娱乐方

be in general wear:服装流行一时

be in gaol | 坐牢, 在押 | be in general wear | 服装流行一时 | be in good condition | 完好无误